German Typo/Display Text Errors

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:

  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)


This post summarizes obvious issues in German text based on the previous thread, reviewing the game code, and changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6. Feel free to mention any other issues in new posts below.

(Issues in purple affect most or all languages.)

Pre-existing issues
  • In Strings/Buildings, missing translations for Paint_Region_Building and Paint_Region_Trim (building paint menu region names).
  • In Strings/Locations, the FieldOfficeDonated_Reward translation is incorrect. It's a copy of the FieldOfficeDonated_3 entry instead of the expected text.
  • In Data/Events/IslandSouth, event #6497428 has untranslated text: "O... other kids?".
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, the description for item #165 (Auto-Grabber) is outdated. The English text was changed in 1.4 to say "must be placed inside a coop or barn" instead of "works for cows, sheep and goats" (e.g. it also works for rabbits now).
  • In Data/furniture, possibly missing translations for:
    • item #1563 ("Highway 89");
    • item #1609 ("J. Cola Light"; note that 'light' here means a wall-mounted lighted sign).
  • In Data/hats, missing translations for item #36 (Panda Hat).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation, possibly missing translations for:
    • item #604 (name "Plum Pudding" translated as "Plumpudding", same in Data/CookingRecipes);
    • item #733 (name "Shrimp Cocktail" kept as-is, same in Data/CookingRecipes);
    • item #811 (name "Napalm Ring" kept as-is);
    • item #866 (name "Stardew Valley Rose" kept as-is);
    • items #922-924 (name "Supply Crate" kept as-is).
  • In Strings/Pants, missing translation for PrismaticPants_Name.
  • In Strings/Shirts, missing translations for:
    • HotPinkShirt_Name;
    • IslandBikini_*.
  • In Data/mail, the willyBackRoomInvitation letter is missing the mail name (after "[#]" in the original text).
  • In Characters/Dialogue/*, missing MovieInvitation translation for Evelyn, George, Kent, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Willy, and Wizard.
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Abigail, missing translations for:
    • 4 ("Oh, hi");
    • Event_Cave_1 ("... Okay.");
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Caroline, missing translation for Resort ("Hi @. Are you here to relax, or to do work?").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Emily:
    • Missing translation for summer_Sun ("Hi @!").
    • The translation for winter_Tue4 ("Ich wette, du bist inzwischen ein ausgezeichneter Bauer!") doesn't match the original text ("I think my hair is frozen solid...$s").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Jas, missing translations for:
    • Introduction ("Hi...");
    • Wed2 ("... Hi.");
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Lewis, missing translation for Saloon_Entry.
  • In Strings/Characters, missing translations for MovieInvite_Spouse_*.
  • In Strings/SpeechBubbles, missing translations for:
    • ScienceHouse_Robin_NotRaining2 ("Hey!");
    • ScienceHouse_Robin_CloseFriends ("Hi {0}!");
    • AnimalShop_Marnie_Greeting2 ("Howdy!");
    • AnimalShop_Marnie_CloseFriends ("Hi, {0}");
    • LeahHouse_Leah_Greeting1 ("Oh, hi!");
    • LeahHouse_Leah_Greeting3 ("Hi, {0}").
Secret notes:
  • In Data/SecretNotes, the translation for entry #1009 is missing the newer enchantments.
  • In Strings/credits, missing translations for:
    • "Stardew Valley Team (update 1.5)";
    • "Multiplayer Code";
    • language names after "LocalizeDirect";
    • "Mac, Linux, Xbox One, "PlayStation 4", "PS Vita" and Nintendo Switch ports";
    • "Mobile Ports";
    • "Links", and link text under that section.
  • In Strings/EnchantmentNames, possibly missing translation for Starburst.
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translations for:
    • IslandFieldOffice_Welcome_2 ("Hey!");
    • ManorHouse_LAF_DonationItems ("Collect lost items and incomplete deliveries").
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • Event.cs.1241 (normally "Will you adopt this", but set to an empty value);
    • NPC.cs.4058, NPC.cs.4059, NPC.cs.4061, NPC.cs.4068, NPC.cs.4071, NPC.cs.4072, and NPC.cs.4465 (variations of "hi");
    • Utility.cs.5600, Utility.cs.5605, Utility.cs.5623, Utility.cs.5625, Utility.cs.5628, and Utility.cs.5637 (farmer "garbage titles");
    • Utility.cs.5794, Utility.cs.5831, and Utility.cs.5839 (song titles).
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for:
    • CoopMenu_Host ("Host");
    • OptionsPage_ScreenshotHeader ("Screenshot");
    • Emote_Hi ("Hi!");
    • AGO_CCB_Remixed ("Remixed");
    • Darts_Bull and Darts_Bullseye ("Bull!" and "Bullseye!");
    • DisplayAdjustmentText ("Press up/down to adjust the screen size to fit your display").
New in Stardew Valley 1.6
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translation for PurchaseAnimalsMenu.ChooseLocation (used when buying animals if you have animal buildings in multiple locations).
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translation for BuildingSkinMenu_ChooseAppearance (used when choosing a building skin).
    • Missing translation for Construction_ChooseLocation (used in the carpenter menu when multiple locations allow buildings).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, missing translations for item #221 (Item Pedestal).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation:
    • Missing translations for all items with category Litter -999.
    • Missing translations for item #742 (Haley's Lost Bracelet).
  • In Strings/Objects, missing translation for:
    • CactusSeedsOutside.
  • In Strings/Shirts, shirts with male/female variants have been split into separate items, with an (M) or (F) suffix in the name. These should be translated if needed.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • FarmComputer_Intro_* (the title shown in the Farm Computer summary);
    • Attack_Miss (short text shown near monster when an attack misses).
  • In Strings/Characters:
    • Review the Relative_* translations (which were based on the old Data/NPCDispositions).
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translation for Backwoods_MonsterGrave.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for...
    • AGO_LegacyRandomization and AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip (shown in advanced game options UI).
    • NextPage and PreviousPage (used when paginating the location choices when multiple locations allow buildings).
    • Carpenter_ChangeAppearance (button text to change the player skin, shown in the carpenter menu & building paint menu).
    • Item_CantBeUsedHere (shown when rain totem is used in a disallowed location context (like the desert), and may be reused in the future).
  • Strings/WorldMap (new asset)
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Here are previous user reports that still apply in Stardew Valley 1.5.6 and 1.6-alpha (and aren't covered above). Note that it's up the translators to decide whether reports are correct.

General issues
The new quest Robins project where she wants 80 hardwood for a new bed it says "einen neue Bett" correctly it should be "ein neues Bett".
The new quest...harvest order? from major Lewis where he wants 100 blueberries says "Bestellnug" but should be "Bestellung", then it says "Blaubeere" which is singular even though it should be plural "Blaubeeren".
In der deutschen Info für die Kaffebohne fehlt der Frühling.

Plant in spring or summer to grow a coffee plant. Place five beans in a keg to make coffee.

Pflanze sie im Sommer, um eine Kaffeeplanze wachsen zu lassen. Lege fünf Bohnen in ein Fass, um Kaffee zu machen.
Also, you write "Werbeaktion" instead of "Werbe-Aktion". German does not use the "-" very often.
So it would be "Ressourcenrausch" as well.

View attachment 3338
View attachment 3339
In "Wolkenaukleber" there is missing an "F" --> Wolkenaufkleber
View attachment 3340
In Robins Mission, where she asks for stones, she asks for "1000 Stücke Stein". This is not a proper German translation as "1000 Steine" are enough to say.

one stone = ein Stein
thousand stones = tausend Steine

German is a bit tricky, as when it comes to paper for example, you can use "Stück" --> xxx Stücke Papier (even it is not a too proper use, it is possible). ^^
"tage" should be with a capital letter, also you can use instead of "produziert" "trägt" (but that is just kinda a beauty thing, I guess).

View attachment 3513
Also, "Anweisung" is more like a command from someone above, use "Anleitung" instead or just "Drehe den Brief für ein Rezept für eine supergesunde Mahlzeit um!" again.

Thanks :)

View attachment 3514
In this letter, there are several errors.


Second: There is a missing word "ich" --> "Normalerweise trinke ich Tee allein...." A better translation would be: Normalerweise trinke ich meinen Tee alleine, es hat mir jedoch Spaß gemacht, mit dir diese Erfahrung zu teilen!"

Third: "Ich habe eine Anleitung beigefühgt..." --> without h ---> "beigefügt"

Also there might be a thought for "züchten", maybe use "ziehen" better.

"Kein Stress / Kein Druck, aber falls du am Ende selber eine Teepflanze ziehen solltest, bring mir davon etwas mit!" --> You do not usually bring a cup of something from a plant with you.

View attachment 3515
A small, grammatical error:

It should be "Wissen des Bären" and not "Wissen des Bärs" :)

View attachment 3555
Here are several errors I found:


"Ich vertraue dir genug, um mich in meinen Keller zu lassen." --> As it is his own cellar, it wouldn't be a surprise if he himself can enter it. So the right one would be "dich" instead of "mich".

View attachment 3729

At the evening, where Harvey prepares a dinner, there are typos as well:

"Ich ma es...." --> Should be "Ich mag es"

"Ich decke mal kutz den Tisch" ---> Should be "Ich decke mal kurz den Tisch" (no T but a Z)

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View attachment 3731


At this one it sounds like it was translated by Google Translate... as there is no word as "briny" in German as well.
A good translation might be: "Dieser salzige Pudding wird dich wirklich in eine maritime Stimmung versetzen!"

View attachment 3733
As the whole game is with the informal speech, the correct translation might be "Du hörst eine seltsame Stimme hinter der Tür..."

View attachment 3788
Character naming inconsistency: Mr. Qi is called Mr. Qi everywhere in the German localization, which is totally fine as a mysterious Character would keep the "Mr." title even when localized.
However I noticed some slipups where the translators then used "Herr Qi" instead (literal: translation of Mr. Qi). This is not only confusing to have two names for the same character but also inconsistent. My suggestion: Call him "Mr. Qi" everywhere.

Inconsistent naming scheme found in: - "82": "Mr. Qi's Hat/Eine Nachbildung von Herrn Qis ikonischem Hut./false/true/Herr Qis Hut", - "889": "Qi Fruit/1/1/Basic -79/Qi Frucht/Herr Qi hat Dich aufgefordert, 500 dieser seltsamen Melonen zu verschiffen.", - "NameChange_EasterEgg2": "Herr Qi: Leicht {0}, was? Ich bin enttäuscht. Ich dachte, du wolltest dieses Spiel fair und ehrlich gewinnen?",
Crafted Paths and Floors descriptions are all over the place. They are very inconsistently written, using different spelling and different words or even structures differing between multiple paths.

Rustikaler Dielenboden - "Platz auf dem Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder Böden zu dekorieren."
Steingehweg Boden - "Platziere auf dem Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder Böden zu dekorieren."
Holzboden - "Lege ihn auf den Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder den Boden zu dekorieren."
Strohboden - "Lege ihn auf den Boden, um Wege zu schaffen oder den Boden zu verschönern."

+some of the other paths change between "dekorieren" und "verschönern".

Suggestion: Fix typo and for consistency use same description for every such item.

edit: Legendary Fish II named inconsistently in game -vs- QiChallenge8 Quest text:
Ingame-name: Frau Angler - Quest text: Fräulein Angler
Ingame-name: Sohn vom Purpurfisch - Quest text: Sohn des Crimsonfisch

edit2 wrong description for Taro Tuber/Taro-Knollen. It states: "Pflanze diese bei warmem Wetter. Dauert 10 Tage bis zur Reife. Wächst schneller, wenn sie in der Nähe eines Gewässers gepflanzt wird. Mit der Sense ernten." - Taro tuber/root aren't harvested with a scythe. It's correct in the English version but wrong in the German one. (ref.:831
Typo in the item Wolkenaukleber (Cloud Decal). It's missing an f, = Wolkenaufkleber is the correct spelling. Both versions (1687 and 1692).
The word "remixed" has not been localized. The options still list "Normal" and "Remixed" when using the dropdown menu for Community center bundles and Mine rewards. Needs something like "Gemischt" or "Neu gemischt", because using English in these cases makes no sense. Also the hover-text is using inconsistent descriptions, e.g. it is calling bundles, which are usually called "Bündel" in the game, as "Pakete" (literally: packets). This happens twice in the options (Community center option and hover description).

Iron Lamp-post / Laternenpfahl, Eisen item description states: "Bietet eine mäßige Menge Licht" which should be "Bietet eine gute Menge Licht". In the German description it states that the Iron Lamp-post gives as much light as a Brazier and less light than the Wood Lamp-post, so it needs to be adjusted to be in tune with the English description where all lamp posts are described to give "a good amount of light."
Stone Chest/Steintruhe description states: "Ein Ort zur Aufbewahrung deiner Gegenstände" which differs from the Chest/Kiste which is "Um deine Gegenstände aufzubewahren." Both descriptions should be the same, as they are identical items with only slightly changed sprite. (In English both chest items have the same description).
Typo in quest text for Goblin Problem (PC/German): "Ein Goblin blockert den Weg zur Hexenhütte." missing an i, needs to be: blockiert
It should be "Vincent steht total auf Weintrauben! Hat er mir verraten / Das hat er mir verraten.

View attachment 5444


It should be "Deine Kupferaxt ist bereit."
View attachment 5445
see inventory, farm name and so on
the last should be "Ertrag" not "Etrag", missing an "r" here
Firstly, there is missing an "t" at the end of the word of "Gleichgewicht", it sounds a bit weird nevertheless and maybe "Ökologisches Gleichgewicht" would be better here. Also, it should be "Bevölkerung von Meeresfischen" instead of "Meeresfische.
View attachment 5812

Here is just one word missing: "Er ist von Käferschleim umhüllt..."

View attachment 5813

When you buy a pig and should choose a home for it, this appears. The correct one would be: "Wähle einen Stall für das neue Schwein". Same goes for the rabbit. Instead of "die neue Hase" it should be "den neuen Hasen"
View attachment 5814
View attachment 5820

The last sentence of the first part sounds incomplete. Maybe it could be written like this: "[...] atmenden Körper aus der Vergangenheit gehörte, ist das schon faszinierend." The single word could be left out then.

In the second part: "Bitte nehmen Sie..." as in the game, there is always du, it should be "Bitte nimm dieses.... als Dankeschöngeschenk an."
View attachment 5815

There is a sequence when you leave your farm to the north and take this smal route direct into the mountains. In this sequence, Abigail kills a monster to protect the player and is sad about it. You can choose between answers, the last one should be "Kleine" instead of "Kleiner" (as Abigail is a girl, but even then it sounds a bit confusing to call Abigail like this. It is a bit like the player is a "cool cowboy".

View attachment 5816

This part is when Gus visits the farm. So that he is kinda friendly guy and to the usual way he speaks, "sorry" does not fit so well, better would be "Entschuldige". Also "Er" is a sound which is not used in written German, I guess. We usually use "Ähm..."

View attachment 5817

View attachment 5818


When you have this quest from the Witcher, where you should bring "Ectoplasma (?), the description is a bit tricky as it is a mix out of English and German. "A dicker, schleimiger...." It should be "Ein dicker, schleimiger...."

View attachment 5821
[...] when you have the Linus event in the mountains, where you could invite him to live on your farm or just let him be, [...] Linus tells you that he was afraid, you would invite him to live with you. It ends with an "wink". "wink" could be "wave with the hand". Might be "zwinker". The translation of Linus seems a bit double meaningful. It sounds like the player wanted to move to the farm as well instead of having Linus moving there. "Ich dachte schon, du würdest mich dazu einladen, zu dir auf deinen Hof zu ziehen. *zwinker*"

View attachment 5823

Instead of "der Omni-Geode" it should be "die Omnigeode". Also the second "Geode" should be "Geoden" as well, I think. It is in one of the TV-Shows:

View attachment 5825

When you call somebody, the button for ending the call is "Aufleg", better would be "Auflegen".

View attachment 5826

After the tea-event with Caroline, you get a letter from her. There is a word missing. "Normalerweise trinke Tee allein..." should be "Normalerweise trinke ich Tee alleine...."

Also, there is written "beigefühgt". The h is not needed. Also the player is addressed as a male person "Lieber" even it is a female person "Liebe".

View attachment 5827

Linus tells you about, that someone put paint onto his house. Usually he talks about his tent, so it might be that he talks that about "Zelt" and not "Haus".

View attachment 5828


When the event zum großen Brett wegen der Aufträge beginnt, Lewis says some mixed stuff.

First here could be instead of "hat sich die lokale Wirtschaft..." better be "wurde die lokale Wirtschaft..."

View attachment 5830

Secondly here:

instead of "Ortsansässigen" it would be nicer to use "Dorfbewohner". "Ortsansässige" is more like a different touch then "Dorfbewohner". You could even say "Nachbarschaft" maybe because it is a village.

View attachment 5831

Idea of how to write the sentence different: "So kamen Robin und ich auf die Idee für ein Brett, an dem so eine Art besonderer Bestellungen angebracht werden können, wo es für die Leute auch mehr Sinn macht, anstatt bei der alten...."

View attachment 5832

I am sorry for the spam or if I sound rude. I wanted to make simple sentences so I get better understanded.
in Leo's heart event where he looks out at the beach where he says "I don't belong" it's translated "Ich gehöre nicht dauz, ich gehöre nirgendwo dazu" -> the first "dauz" should also be a "dazu" (I sadly did not realize to take a screenshot of this moment so I do not have the full dialogue as a reference)
[edit by Pathoschild: "Aber... Ich gehört nicht dauz.$s#$b#...Ich gehöre nirgends dazu..." in Data/Events/IslandWest]

in the Heart event where he looks at the Horizon from the Vulcano Vista it should say "Manchmal frage ich mich, wie anders mein Leben wäre, wenn ich nie auf diese Insel angespült worden wäre..." should be "dieser Insel" (also there's a space too much between "Manchmal frage" (although in Leo's case I'm willing to apply supsension of disbelief because parrot speek)


After this, when you speak with Leo on the beach he says "Es ist schön, zurückkommen und dich besuchen zu können." It should be: "Es ist schön, zurück zu kommen und dich besuchen zu können."


During the Halloween Event Leo's added Text reads as follows: "Leos Augen kleben gerade zu, ohne zu blinzeln, am Bildschirm geklebt. Du bist nicht in der Lage seine Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen." -> The second 'geklebt' needs to go and grammatically speaking also ALL commas. Correction: "Leos Augen kleben gerade zu ohne zu blinzeln am Bildschirm fest. Du bist nicht in der Lage seine Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen."
The third line of the poem translates to "A rainbow, forged not on land, but the sea"
which is straight up the opposite of what it is supposed to mean.

View attachment 8032
I noticed that in Koop: When someone let's Robin build a building, there will apear a text on the bottom left corner saying "Paulo hat a Scheune errichtet." Or something like that. But it should be eine Scheune. So far it happened with all the buildings that the english indefinite article was used instead of the german one. I tried to screenshot it but it somehow did not work. I will add a screenshot another time.
It's the note about the Forge-Enchantments. Shaving got translated to Rasur. If you want to use shaving as a woodworking term and not hairstyle term, a word like "Hobel/Zerspaner" would work better!

View attachment 8591
Typo: ..... zur Ingwerinsel

edit: somehow the image got warped..

View attachment 8597
Leo's 2nd Heart Event after asking about the other children there are 2 Typos. "Aber... Ich gehöre nicht dazu."
View attachment 8600
When Caroline sends the recipe for Tea Saplings there is a Typo. "Ich habe eine Anleitung beigefügt, ..."

View attachment 8602
The translations for the desert & island warp totems are inconsistent.

Warp Totem: Farm = Teleport-Totem: Hof
Warp Totem: Mountains = Teleport-Totem: Berge
Warp Totem: Beach = Teleport-Totem: Strand
Warp Totem: Desert = Teleport Totem: Wüste (no hyphen)
Warp Totem: Island = Warp-Totem: Insel (seems like it should be Teleport-Totem: Insel)
At the "Special Orders" board there's a typo in the "Robin's Project" order.
In the first line it says "Ich habe eine Idee für einen neue Bett", that's wrong. The following would be grammatically correct: "Ich habe eine Idee für ein neues Bett"
View attachment 9114
Issues in

-M. Rasmodius, Wizard
should be translated to -M. Rasmodius, Zauberer (WizardReward and WizardReward2 mails)
Ich habe eine Anleitung beigefühgt > Ich habe eine Anleitung beigefügt (CarolineTea)
Or `Essbare Materie' > Oder „Essbare Materie (elliottLetter3)
berfiedigende Landarbeit > befriedigende Landarbeit (elliottLetter6)
geschätzer Kunde > geschätzter Kunde (Pierre)
The special order quest 'Crop Order' is translated as 'Ernte Bestellnug'. There are two things wrong with this:

1. It should be 'Bestellung', not 'Bestellnug' (the n and u got mixed up).
2. It should be a compound word: 'Erntebestellung' instead of two seperate words in German.

View attachment 11276
The special order quest 'Community Cleanup ' is translated as 'Gemeinde Säuberung'.
It should be a compound word: 'Gemeindesäuberung' instead of two seperate words in German.

View attachment 11322
I've omitted issues related to gender/plural agreement with item names or combined item names, since I don't think translators have a way to fix that within the game's current translation feature.

Usage of du/Du/Sie
Here's a discussion from the earlier thread for translators to decide:
In the game, sometimes "Du" is used, sometimes "du". "Du" with a capital "D" should only be used when directly addressing someone in writing (so not for transcribed speech) and even this use is becoming outdated rather quickly. Using "du" everywhere would be the consistent change.
"Pass auf, dass du nicht versehentlich ein Rabenei NIMMST" would be correct. Also "Du" with no capital letter, we do not write it anymore with a capital letter.
View attachment 3727
Both "du" and "Du" are still correct. As long as it's used consistently, it doesn't have to be fixed.
"Du" and "du" are not used consistently through the game. One time, it is with a capital letter, one time it is not. That brought me to the thought that it might be a typo.
Furthermore, this is a general thing and not tied to one particular dialogue sadly: all the stuff that came with the new update is using the formal "Sie" when addressing the player, when formerly it was the informal "Du" everywhere. That feels a bit jarring.
[edit by Pathoschild: referring to Stardew Valley 1.5, which added Ginger Island.]

Name of beets
Here's a discussion from the earlier thread for translators to decide:
In this translation "beet" is being translated as "Rote Beete", but it being able to be made into sugar with the mill suggests its meant to be sugar beet specifically, which is called "Zuckerrübe" (even tho the red coloured sprite suggests it being a red beet, for which Rote Beete would be correct... but you can't make sugar from that. maybe just calling it "Rübe" would be a good middle way, players may try putting that in the mill).
View attachment 3315
The most important thing is that it is called the same way (seed and actual product). You can't guess that a "vegetable X seed" give you "vegetable Y". I didn't know where to take the beet from my Junimos needed until I looked it up in the wiki.

Ginger Island name in boat repair message
Here's a discussion from the earlier thread for translators to decide:
At the scene, where Willy tells you about the broken ship and if you help him repair it, it would be possible to go to the Far away islands (?).

"... nun dann könnte ich Sie auf die Fern Inseln bringen." ---> Should be ... nun, dann könnte ich dich auf die Ferninseln bringen." (if it is meant to be "the far away islands". If it is Ginger Islands, it should be "Ingwerinseln".

View attachment 3732
It's fern islands in English. Ginger Island is one of the fern islands. I think some characters mention them in conversation (Willy has a line about his dad being a fishermen from the fern islands), how do they call them in German? I think "Farninseln" might be a good translation.
"Farninseln" sounds like a good translation, yes! Then it is not only in this dialough but also in the weather report as "Ferninseln" and not "Farninseln". Thank you!
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Wrong: Kühle
Right: Kühe

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
PS4 Version on PS5

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
Latest, Up-to-date (1.5.4)


Wrong: hinab
Right: hinauf

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
PS4 Version on PS5

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
Latest, Up-to-date (1.5.4)


In Data/Events/IslandSouth, event #6497428 has untranslated text: "O... other kids?".
O... andere Kinder?

In Data/hats, missing translations for item #36 (Panda Hat).
Panda Hut

In Characters/Dialogue/Caroline, missing translation for Resort ("Hi @. Are you here to relax, or to do work?").
Hi @. Bist du hier, um dich zu entspannen, oder um zu arbeiten?

The translation for winter_Tue4 ("Ich wette, du bist inzwischen ein ausgezeichneter Bauer!") doesn't match the original text ("I think my hair is frozen solid...$s").
Ich glaube, meine Haare sind eingefroren...
(I'm not sure what $s means.)


Wrong: das
Right: den

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
PS4 Version on PS5

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
Latest, Up-to-date (1.5.4)


Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:
  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:
  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
The item called Dreher is not correct, I am a fisherman and we call it "Spinner" (like the english). "Dreher" is very very wrong and it hurts to read that.. I'm playing on Switch Version 1.5



I have immediately noticed that the "Meadowlands Hof" is not translated. It would be ironic if it is called "Wiesenhof" which is a German supplier or rather cruel slaughterhouse of poultry - however wouldn't that maybe cause trademark/copyright problems? Just to make sure that information is not lost.

The Du shouldn't be capitalized it feels odd like that. Maybe all should be consistently in smaller caps everywhere (= "du")?

The Hofbuch screenshot is for the -5 so that it doesn't get lost and is documented somewhere - I am aware that you have a bug report thread but most likely someone has already reported something this obvious and I don't want to split the picture up.



"Cancel Quest" is incorrectly translated as "Auftrag Akzept." which has a completely different meaning (to accept a quest).
A correct translation would be "Auftrag abbrechen".

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081
Last edited:


"Meadowlands Farm" is incorrectly translated as"Meadowlands Hof".
A correct translation would be "Weideland-Hof".
Every single farm name is translated into german and contains a hyphen (e.g. "Flussbett-Hof" for "Riverland Farm", "Bergspitzen-Hof" for "Hill-top Farm", etc.).

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081


The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

The right translation would be "Besondere Gegenstände & Kräfte"

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The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.

The right translation would be "Kann zum Ernten von Feldfrüchten aller Art verwendet werden. Sie eignet sich auch hervorragend zum einsammeln von Heu."

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Which game version do you have?


"Frost Jellies" is incorrectly translated as "Frostgelees".
A correct translation would be "Frost-Schleime" since that is the actual ingame name of the monster

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
Screenshot 2024-03-23 180016.pngScreenshot 2024-03-23 180118.png

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081
Last edited:


The message after the Flower Dance simply isn't translated at all.

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
Screenshot 2024-03-23 225030.png

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081

Amalia Rajal

I catched only one fish since starting, so Willy bring the training root at Spring 28. But in each Textbox during the whole dialog, only the frist word is displayd.
Th english Dialog is full displayed.

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows 10, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081



The button should read "Teich leeren" (to empty the pond) instead of "Leerer Teich" ("empty" as an adjective to "pond").

The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
Screenshot 2024-03-24 132035.png

Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
Windows, Steam

Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
v1.6.2 build 24081


The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.




Missing translation when interacting with the gravestone from the Abigail 14 heart Event .
"Abigail hat ein Leben genommen um meines zu retten..."
"Das werde ich nie vergessen."

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