Who's the NPC you certanly will NEVER marry ?


i think Shane. shane kinda goes back to what he really is once you marry him lol. He doesnt need a wife, he needs a therapist :hmm:


I'm on my first save file and I already know I would never marry Haley, Emily, and Alex.

Haley reminds me of my old bully from high school. Very pretty but judgmental. Emily is too quirky for my taste (romantically), so she's just a friend in my game. Don't get me started with Alex. I feel like he's obsessed with his hair. He can be quite shallow in certain dialogues too. Yeah... jocks don't do much for me.

I recently married Elliot! I love his sprite/portrait, along with his blooming career as a writer. For my next save files, I want to marry Sebastian, Leah, and Harvey. They are more of my type for IRL dating. I find them easy on the eyes and their backgrounds interesting. ;)


Sebastian, Alex, Sam, and Abigail because they're too immature.
Shane, at least not until he gets his life in order first. Also, he reminds me too much of someone I know in real life.


To be honest, only Abigail is the only one who really holds my heart. As for the others, I don't know, their presence or absence doesn't really matter to me. ( ˘︹˘ )


Harvey. He seems too stuck on Maru and a bit creepy. She appears way younger in comparison plus is his subordinate.

Haley because she’s too stuck up, never been fan of the mean/ditzy narrative.

Leah because she seems to have quite a good life in her little cabin, I wouldn’t want to ruin that.

Alex, way too shallow and immature.
Maru, Sam, Abigail, Penny, and Alex all give me teenager vibes and that's gonna be a no from me, dog. Though Sebastian still lives at home, he does seem more mature--has a career, can fix up a motorcycle, smokes cigarettes, philosophizes alone in the rain, etc.--than the other candidates who don't live on their own yet so I would keep him in the running to be a spouse (he also reminds me a lot of my real life husband :laugh:).
Before someone says, "But Penny has a career," I'm aware of this and I think it's an incredible quality that she has to be able to nurture and educate the children so passionately, but based off her sprite and her social faux pas as you get to know her, she appears quite young and I would never go for someone so impressionable.

Give me all the grown people with baggage, I can fix them; or at least help them shoulder the burden!


Maru. I think she's probably the lowest option for me. I love all the characters in their own ways! Don't get me wrong... But like... I forget about her so easily, she's so forgettable for me. The only things that I find interesting about her are, one, how her father is quite clingy and hostile towards the player as you get closer to her, and two that you get hurt in a cutscene with her. Like, love women in STEM, but she just doesn't do it for me.


Ok I could be most of these singles real life mother…so that really narrows it to Harvey, Elliot and Shane. Elliot and Shane seem too young even, late 20s (nearing mother territory again) or very early 30s. I can at least picture Harvey nearing 40, or being 40, which is about where I am add a few years. He’s also the sweetest, most mature, selfless and devoted husband you could ask for. He loves children too and talks about them all the time. He reminds me so much of my irl husband. 😍