1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Triggered three cut scenes by walking into Haley and Emily's house to fulfill a Help Wanted quest. I'm torn between "That was ridiculous" and "You know, I could probably do better next run"
I walked into Pierre's the other day to deliver a green bean to Abigail and had the same thing happen. By the time it was all done I needed a second to remember why I even went in there. 😄


I walked into Pierre's the other day to deliver a green bean to Abigail and had the same thing happen. By the time it was all done I needed a second to remember why I even went in there. 😄
🤣 The cutscenes are mostly touching or fun, but after dozens of times watching them they can get tiresome. There is a skip button for most of them. That’s a lifesaver. The ones I hate are the ones where I have to get stuck in the middle of arguing spouses or parents and adult children or siblings fighting. 😏


Managed to finish the Community Center on my "No Watering Can" run in year one! The remixed bundles were pretty kind to me but still proud, and plotting my next run (I'm thinking "can only use non-combat skills if you have a buff for those skills currently up")


🤣 The ones I hate are the ones where I have to get stuck in the middle of arguing spouses or parents and adult children or siblings fighting. 😏
Recipe for peace in the carpenter's shop:
Send Demetrius out for berries.
Put whatever he comes back with over goat cheese and dress with vinegar and oil.
This will be fine even if he comes back with tomatoes.
Went back to my original file for a bit, gave Abby something along the lines of what she always wanted: Outdoor Slime Ranching

Next Step: Replace all my diamond duplicating with amethyst and load them in a chest I'll put in the house as a joke for those times she says she has to "think about whether her spouse is worth more than a chest full of amethyst". And I'll definitely load a "Big Chest" full of them once 1.6 comes out too.

I think I'll also forget about trying to get an immunity band unless I get lucky. There's too many undedicated factors involved with getting one.
Outdoor Slime Ranching.jpg
The ones I hate are the ones where I have to get stuck in the middle of arguing spouses or parents and adult children or siblings fighting.
And the one where I rummage through Pierre's private things! IRL I would never do such a thing. 🤨 And here I'm forced to act against my principles? No way. The skip button is an honour-saver in this case.


And the one where I rummage through Pierre's private things! IRL I would never do such a thing. 🤨 And here I'm forced to act against my principles? No way. The skip button is an honour-saver in this case.
Or have to look for a pair of dirty boxers for a sick mayor and actually bring the horrid things back to him?


Does Lewis have a cold or something?
lol no. Hes sick in that he keeps taking advantage of vulnerable Marnie’s heart. She is so desperate for companionship she stays with him even though he won’t marry her because he’s basically ashamed of her and how them being an item might effect his beloved “reputation” as an award winning mayor that’s even so worthy of making a golden statue of himself. 😏


Went back to my original file for a bit, gave Abby something along the lines of what she always wanted: Outdoor Slime Ranching

Next Step: Replace all my diamond duplicating with amethyst and load them in a chest I'll put in the house as a joke for those times she says she has to "think about whether her spouse is worth more than a chest full of amethyst". And I'll definitely load a "Big Chest" full of them once 1.6 comes out too.

I think I'll also forget about trying to get an immunity band unless I get lucky. There's too many undedicated factors involved with getting one.View attachment 18618
I love the immunity band and definitely recommend searching for it. I don't remember where to get it, but it never takes me that long to grind for it.


Local Legend
lol no. Hes sick in that he keeps taking advantage of vulnerable Marnie’s heart. She is so desperate for companionship she stays with him even though he won’t marry her because he’s basically ashamed of her and how them being an item might effect his beloved “reputation” as an award winning mayor that’s even so worthy of making a golden statue of himself. 😏
I think you're looking a little too deep into it, but no, I don't think Lewis is the best mayor
I think you're looking a little too deep into it, but no, I don't think Lewis is the best mayor
@ArtifactSpot was referring to the cut scenes in the game where Lewis tells Marnie he has to keep their relationship a secret because he is the Mayor and is concerned about his reputation, despite her wanting to make the relationship public. So he sneaks around with her, but never takes the relationship to the level that she wants. He's not very considerate of her feelings..
I love the immunity band and definitely recommend searching for it. I don't remember where to get it, but it never takes me that long to grind for it.
It is dropped as a "special item" on floors 101-119 of the mines, the quarry mine, and skull cavern. Problem is not only is it totally random whether a special item will drop at all, but whether the desired item will be the one that gets dropped.

On another note, is it a bug that this slime remained on my farm overnight. Don't all monsters spawned on farm maps normally despawn in the mirning?



Local Legend
@ArtifactSpot was referring to the cut scenes in the game where Lewis tells Marnie he has to keep their relationship a secret because he is the Mayor and is concerned about his reputation, despite her wanting to make the relationship public. So he sneaks around with her, but never takes the relationship to the level that she wants. He's not very considerate of her feelings..
I am aware, but I don't like the cut scenes after 1.4, the feels changed dramatically and I will never like them. Pierre used to be nice. I hate it.
I am aware, but I don't like the cut scenes after 1.4, the feels changed dramatically and I will never like them. Pierre used to be nice. I hate it.
I noticed that about Pierre too - he's got this side to him now that's a bit mean and arrogant. It would be nice if we got more cut scenes with the new 1.6 update. Do you know if Concerned Ape has mentioned that there would be any?
So in my game, my next longer-term goal is to get my hands on the Slime Charmer Ring so I could reliably have a Slime Hutch on my farm. And funny story; I married Sebastian in my game, and he talks about about slime ranching sometimes. Given what that Rock Crab did to his hand, I'm kind of surprised that he'd be okay with having literal monsters on the ranch. But then again; My farmer is supposed to just be me, I'm a goth irl, and I'm not sure whether he's goth, emo or a bit of both. So why am I even surprised that he's cool with it? :laugh:
So I finallly completed the Community Center today! :awe: It took me 4 in-game years, and things eventually came down to me only needing an Amethyst for the Dye Bundle; after grinding for 3 in-game days straight, the RNG gods blessed me, and the node for one showed up. Of course, I took some screenshots of the whole completion, but I'll just put it in spoilers here for everyone who is still on that journey. And if you're skipping this that section; I can safely say that the completion cutscene is worth it!

Well, there it is; After a journey spanning 4 years, a fully restored Community Center. I know that the Junimos said farewell, but I know for a fact that this goodbye isn't forever... We'll meet again, little friends.

Junimo's saying goodbye.png

I did see what happened to Morris, and it was so satisfying to finally see him get his comeuppance... That's what you get for mistreating Sam and Shane! :laugh: I mean, the latter's rude and I'm not fond of him (he's honestly my least favorite character; I never understood the appeal of tsundere-type characters like him), but he still doesn't deserve to basically be treated like a robot at work. But really, the fact that both villagers with a job at the Joja Mart hate their job with a passion tells me everything; Morris definitely must be a pain to have as a manager... And I've honestly been waiting to get back at him for pulling that stunt at Pierre's. I mean, handing out coupons at a competitor's store? Jerk move, man! I've honestly seen videogame antagonists do WAY worse stuff than him (he's not exacty on the same threat level as Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda, for example), but he definitely needed to be stopped. I had a choice to either egg Pierre on, or say 'let's be reasonable'... I'm not proud of it, but I didn't exactly try to calm the situation; I said 'Let's settle this the old-fashioned way.' I mean, which videogame villain's defeat DOESN'T include a good buttwhoopin', right? :wink: And I wasn't about to stop karma from happening.

Get him.png

I didn't know Pierre had such a mean right hook on him, though :flushed: No joke, the jerk went flying... Remind me to never anger that particular shopkeep, I'm just glad that I'm on his good side. But that one is for every employee that Joja mistreats! Lewis did call me a hero before this too, and I did get some kind of trophy; I think hero is going a tad too far here, though. All I did was kill some monsters, grow some crops, and hang out with a couple of tiny forest spirits for a while. I feel like 'local legend' would be a little more appropriate in this case.

The next morning, my character's mailbox was pretty flooded; half the town had sent some mail with recipes and gifts. I guess they're retty happy with a restored Community Center. Overnight, there was a pretty bad thunderstorm, though; it ended up opening what used to be the Jojamart...


Well, me and Kent are the only ones in town with a few levels in the Combat skill, so I guess that I should sure that monsters didn't make it this place their home... A couple of Slimes are no big deal to yours truly, but they sure could potentially do some serious damage to the town.
Something was indeed moving between the boxes, but it wasn't exactly hostile.

Hello Junimo.png

Wait- is that a Junimo? I knew we'd meet again! However, this new secret Bundle is going to prove a challenge; it involved a Prismatic Shard. The rest can be arranged for, but getting my hands that one sure is going to be a problem... I've only gotten one before, and I had to use an item exploit to get it since my game's seed seems to absolutely be cursed on that matter (according to the predictor tools I use, there's legit a 0% chance of me ever finding one; as in they weren't in the results at all whenever I upload my save). Wish me luck, I guess... :sweat:

But what I really look forward to is unlocking a ton of new content now; I guess that I'm officially in the late game now. There's even a new dungeon involved, so here's hoping that I can survive the monsters... Because lord knows that a Haunted Skull caused my first zero health moment ever in the Quarry Mines. It took 3 in-game years, and since I'm usually into more hardcore games; that monster should frankly feel honored that it managed. It should fear the day that I take vengeance on it, but at least it can brag to its monster friends for a bit before it meets me again. So I might take some time in between trips to explore the rest of the new horizons in the game to level-grind my Combat a little; I'll enter that new dungeon the moment I can one-shot a Hauted Skull (I know I can do that now on the Bats in level 40+ on the Mines). But first; I'm going to work to unlock a new island region, because think my farmer deserves a little tropical island vacation after all of this... :laugh: