1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Shomer got a strawberry! I kinda figured that with the egg festival falling on Saturday morning, and Shomer not buying stuff from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, he would never get a strawberry. But the traveling cart lady smuggled one out of the Gotoro Empire. It went into a seed maker and got planted in the greenhouse.


I’ve been trying to catch a carp for like all of spring. All I can catch are small mouth bass no matter where I go. It’s so infuriating I just want the community center done lol.


I’ve been trying to catch a carp for like all of spring. All I can catch are small mouth bass no matter where I go. It’s so infuriating I just want the community center done lol.
If you're catching smallmouth bass, you aren't fishing in a place where you can find carp. Try the mountain lake?
We played on another work night yesterday after rescuing my car from the grocery store parking lot, only had time for just short of two in-game weeks, but it was productive because...
- we've found 57 walnuts, almost 70 cinder shards, and have over 60 taro tubers planted (we're gunning for more and waiting to pick them until Caroline's special request appears on the board)
- the island farm, island farmhouse, island resort, and dig site have all been unlocked and the recipe for tropical curry has been acquired
- each time we find golden coconuts, it seems like they spawn in groups of three and that is muy handy
- we have two banana saplings thanks to golden coconuts; one in the greenhouse and one on the island
- we made several more iridium sprinklers for the island and have bountiful fields of starfruit, melons (for a special croaky boi), and various other crops
- we crafted 10 seed makers to aid us in our quest for eternal starfruit production, which will (hopefully) fund return scepters for both of us in due time
- we still need a LOT more kegs to fill our big shed, but the current 50 bottles of ancient fruit wine a week ain't nothing to shake a stick at
- we completed Willy's request for tropical fish and received two deluxe fish tanks that take up entirely too much space in the farm house
- in the process of fishing up stingrays for the aforementioned request from Willy, I fished up a whopping three gourmand statues and I'm not sad about it because those statues are cute as heck
- I swapped out my octopus pond for midnight carp because they're cuter and because aged octopus roe is meh and I'm considering swapping my squid for stingrays (my husband doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to add another fish pond for blue discus because they're the cutest fish in the game and I believe they can give you bananas and golden coconuts, after that I'm going to find a slimejack for a seventh and final fish pond so we possess all the colorful ponds one can have--my husband doesn't know this because he thinks already having five fish ponds is wacky hehe)
- we're still trying to find basalt for my lava eel pond, and now the
cute racoon family
wants a rusty spoon; we've found at least five spares after donating the original to the museum, but can we find one now? Time will tell!
- we finally wowed the governor at the luau by contributing two iridium quality truffles to the soup
- I freaking died on the quest for dragon's teeth (still haven't found a single one) and was once again charged $15K after Leo rescued me, but only lost a pitiful amount of iridium ore, some rocks, and a piece of coal, so it could have been much worse
- we have yet to successfully complete the Simon Says crystals; why is it so difficult?!
- we completed the Pirate's Wife questline in one in-game day
- we've built the water obelisk to get to Ginger Island quicker; our first of four!
- 3/4 rainforest pillars have their corresponding gemstones thanks to a lot of rainy days on the island
- we've been so busy with daily farm chores and trips to Ginger Island that I now consider Stardew Valley to be a child neglect simulator as poor Rufus must only have a vague idea of who his parents are; sorry bud, I try to pat your little head as much as I can! If this was the Sims, CPS would have definitely visited by now.
- we realized it's been many seasons since we've sold a single raw crop because we've been saving everything in chests so we can cook anything at any time and we're making absolute bank off of artisan goods alone. This is by far the most successful farm either of us have ever operated and it's only year three!


I have a chest that keeps teleporting between two spots near Sam's house.

Since the update they're supposed to kick them out of the way rather than destroy them? So I wondered if it was getting kicked back and forth by different NPCs but that chest has been there since well before the update, and I was sure it was out of anyone's path. Now I'm just confused.


- we have yet to successfully complete the Simon Says crystals; why is it so difficult?!
I've taken to filming the longer sequences on my phone and watching each one back until I know the pattern before clicking on any of the crystals. I'm in single player mode so can pause the game time whilst I learn the pattern but it should work for multiplayer too as I don't think there's a time limit on entering the pattern.

It's a grey area strategy but has saved me plenty of frustration so I'm going to keep doing it each time I play the puzzle. If you don't want to do that, have you been having lots of attempts in a row? I noticed previously that the sequences slowed down a bit once you'd failed lots of times in a row and made it slightly more achievable to complete.


Local Legend
I've taken to filming the longer sequences on my phone and watching each one back until I know the pattern before clicking on any of the crystals. I'm in single player mode so can pause the game time whilst I learn the pattern but it should work for multiplayer too as I don't think there's a time limit on entering the pattern.

It's a grey area strategy but has saved me plenty of frustration so I'm going to keep doing it each time I play the puzzle. If you don't want to do that, have you been having lots of attempts in a row? I noticed previously that the sequences slowed down a bit once you'd failed lots of times in a row and made it slightly more achievable to complete.
The puzzle actually slows down the more you fail it so you can make it really easy by just failing the first level a dozen times or something and it’ll be super slow.
I've taken to filming the longer sequences on my phone and watching each one back until I know the pattern before clicking on any of the crystals.

If you don't want to do that, have you been having lots of attempts in a row? I noticed previously that the sequences slowed down a bit once you'd failed lots of times in a row and made it slightly more achievable to complete.
Filming is such a good idea, especially since we're doing co-op. I can't believe I never thought of that! We did notice that after many attempts it slowed down significantly but we still couldn't successfully do it, in part due to my controller having a wonky joy stick and perhaps due to the influence of some devil's lettuce. 😅 Perhaps when we play again this weekend we'll have better luck by implementing your suggestion. Thanks so much for your input!!


Yesterday me and my friend decided to start a new farm together, with all the different settings. We turned on a 25% profit margin, remixed bundles, shared money, remixed mine rewards, and monsters on the farm. We chose the beach farm just to try it out. It took us 3 DAYS to find Elliot because he didn't want to come out of his house in the rainy weather. In an hour and a half, we got to level 15 in the mines, grew 30 parsnips, got 2000g, and almost died at 12 am on our farm because we were being mobbed by bats. We were going to continue today, but my friend forgot their Nintendo switch. We are going to start ANOTHER new farm, so hopefully that goes well!


Filming is such a good idea, especially since we're doing co-op. I can't believe I never thought of that! We did notice that after many attempts it slowed down significantly but we still couldn't successfully do it, in part due to my controller having a wonky joy stick and perhaps due to the influence of some devil's lettuce. 😅 Perhaps when we play again this weekend we'll have better luck by implementing your suggestion. Thanks so much for your input!!
I'm sorry, what puzzle are you talking about??
I'm sorry, what puzzle are you talking about??
On Ginger Island there's a small cove you can find near where the tiger slimes spawn that has 5 crystals and a statue. When you interact with the statue, the crystals begin lighting up and you have to match the sequence it shows you. I can't remember how many phases it has, but it starts with three, then four, and so on, all the while, the sequences is shown to you faster and it makes it difficult to memorize and correctly mimic. But once you complete it, you get five walnuts, I believe! :)


On Ginger Island there's a small cove you can find near where the tiger slimes spawn that has 5 crystals and a statue. When you interact with the statue, the crystals begin lighting up and you have to match the sequence it shows you. I can't remember how many phases it has, but it starts with three, then four, and so on, all the while, the sequences is shown to you faster and it makes it difficult to memorize and correctly mimic. But once you complete it, you get five walnuts, I believe! :)
Ohh that sounds cool! Unfortunately, I haven't unlocked Ginger Island before :( I'm pretty good at memory games though so hopefully when I finally get Ginger Island I can do it.
Ohh that sounds cool! Unfortunately, I haven't unlocked Ginger Island before :( I'm pretty good at memory games though so hopefully when I finally get Ginger Island I can do it.
I'm so sorry if I've spoiled anything for you! Once you get there, I'm sure you'll excel at figuring out all the puzzles and whatnots, especially if you're a memory game whiz, I would just suggest delaying visits until all your tools are fully upgraded and you wield a mighty sword as the enemies can be quite unforgiving. I wish I could relive my first Ginger Island experience--happy gaming, friend! :)


I'm so sorry if I've spoiled anything for you! Once you get there, I'm sure you'll excel at figuring out all the puzzles and whatnots, especially if you're a memory game whiz, I would just suggest delaying visits until all your tools are fully upgraded and you wield a mighty sword as the enemies can be quite unforgiving. I wish I could relive my first Ginger Island experience--happy gaming, friend! :)
Thank you!! I probably won't make it there for a while because I'm saving money to buy a nursery and finish the vault bundle, but I can hopefully get there sooner rather than later.