1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Fall 7 Year 2, got the angler, and thus the last legendary 1-2 days ago, my 2 mystic trees are up and ready for tapping, today is the day I will propose to Abigail, I have the hardwood I need to go to Ginger Island, though I'll probably delay while I raise Abby's hearts higher, and I'll catch a movie with Krobus.

I also got an extra anchor, so now both my legendary fish collection and decorations in the comm center tank are complete.
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I had a
magic quiver trinket drop from a lava lurk in the volcano... literally, right into the lava. Bit of a bummer but I did have a couple already. Next day I'm doing a quick sweep around the secret woods and a slime drops one: 'Perfect', I didn't know that was a thing. I know some of them can have different stats/levels so I guess it's a maxed out one. Neato! :cool:


I was finally able to take some care of my farm (fall year 2) - phew! So much to do - is it just me, or does 1.6 keep you extremely busy? More quests (almost daily), more festivals ... I needed 2 weeks each for the ectoplasm and the prismatic jelly - tough luck.

I've sown everything I didn't have yet and, above all, finally stocked the greenhouse with Ancient Fruit, Starfruit, coffee, tea, rhubarb and beet. Next I need to reorganise my boxes. Yet tomorrow the Fair is waiting ...


Yes! It definitely looks like a ton of extra work, just watching it. I havent even played it but a few irl mins.

Lew Zealand

I was finally able to take some care of my farm (fall year 2) - phew! So much to do - is it just me, or does 1.6 keep you extremely busy? More quests (almost daily), more festivals ... I needed 2 weeks each for the ectoplasm and the prismatic jelly - tough luck.

I've sown everything I didn't have yet and, above all, finally stocked the greenhouse with Ancient Fruit, Starfruit, coffee, tea, rhubarb and beet. Next I need to reorganise my boxes. Yet tomorrow the Fair is waiting ...
If you're trying to experience everything ASAP then it can feel that way, especially if you are playing an existing save. But having started a new game for v1.6 and being in Year 3, I didn't really find my time/attention to be spread too thin or differently from previous saves as I just let some things go until next time/year if I wanted.

•The Summer Rain event happens once per year so one day gone to that and as it's all about the experience, this a 100% positive.
•The new Spring Event is 2 days long (is it 3? I forget) and happens during Salmonberry Season but almost nobody reaches it until year 2 anyway so giving up part of the second Salmonberry season is no biggie. **Also if you're min/max planting Rhubarb or Cauliflower (either with Deluxe Speed-Gro for 3 crops or without for 2 crops), the event is carefully placed not to interfere with either Crop harvesting day.
•The new Cindersap events are not day-long and you can opt-in and out for a few hours which is the right flexibility instead of the businesses being closed for the other major Festivals.
•The new location above JojaMart IMO is pretty inconsequential until you have a lot of g later in the game.
•Ectoplasm and PrizzyJelly are v1.5 things so they are additional end of game content meant to keep you busy by choice. Sometimes I look at them and go meh, next week. Or take the Return of the Legends (3 days) and do nothing about it because: it doesn't matter. I caught 3 Ms. Anglers because I was in the area on the final day and let the rest of quest slide. No consequences other than making me happy by taking it easy.

So I didn't feel hurried along or having too little time but then I'm not a min/maxer. I like to try some min/max-type strategies like Bombing Skull Cavern at Level 100+ but even then I'm not really optimizing my strategy, instead I'm there for the fun part of random mayhem.

OK the only things I really grinded for in this save (in order of most to least):

v1.0: last Artifact to complete Museum
v1.5: 10 Dragon Teefs for Island Obby
v1.5: more Cinder Shards for Forging
v1.6: Combat Level 10 to open new perks

So only for one v1.6 thing that in itself is a v1.0 feature (Level 10 Combat) that v1.6 adds an incentive to reach (I usually end up at Lvl 8 or 9 Combat). And I did the least grinding of those 4 things for it.
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Winter is over. I forgave Sam for cheating on me - it's not his fault how CA scripted the cutscenes.

I think I have made my farm too big. I don't get all my chores done until the afternoon. I'm strongly considering selling all my animals. I do love my chickens so I might keep those... but the goats, pigs, and cows kinda feel like a chore! They do not spark joy. I might test out a fruit and veg only farm.

And I am back to regularly giving my hubby Sam a lil kiss :heart:
Fall 23, got my last mastery completed.

Grandpa's theme plays anytime the cave is entered now, and there's a one-time notification after getting them all which may have to be triggered after clicking on the ghostly night cap.
Winter is over. I forgave Sam for cheating on me - it's not his fault how CA scripted the cutscenes.

I think I have made my farm too big. I don't get all my chores done until the afternoon. I'm strongly considering selling all my animals. I do love my chickens so I might keep those... but the goats, pigs, and cows kinda feel like a chore! They do not spark joy. I might test out a fruit and veg only farm.

And I am back to regularly giving my hubby Sam a lil kiss :heart:
Are you using Auto-Grabbers?
Over the weekend we...
- repaired the tree stump
and I am obsessed with the ever-growing racoon family living there and their goods!!
- stumbled upon some more prismatic shards (another one came from a bat on the farm at night; what are the odds?!)
*which allowed us to craft a wedding ring and get married
*we donated another to Gunther
*we're sitting on two more
- had our first child, a son, named Rufus
- we both completed the Mysterious Mr. Qi quest so we can pick up gambling habits now
- completed the missing bundle in the abandoned Joja Mart; my husband has taken several villagers to the movies and it's so cute
- discovered the wonders of the
dehydrator (if this nifty little machine never gets nerfed I'll be shocked; 12 bags of dried ancient fruit is like $70K AND they only take one day to dry?! INSANE)
- learned the hard way that in order to make your own vinegar you need to put MILLED rice into a keg, not unmilled rice; unmilled rice juice is NOT profitable or useful in any way, it's just a waste of rice
- made it to year 3; grandpa is proud as heck and the statue of perfection makes such a huge difference in the quest for obtaining a growing supply of iridium
- donated a sardine, a small-mouth bass, hashbrowns, and ginger ale to Trash Bear so he could have his Mary Poppins moment and bless Dusty with a swanky new pen
-upgraded almost all of our chests to large chests because the stockpiles are absolutely out of control
- commissioned a new home for Pam and Penny
- we've been reading all the books from the bookseller now that we have a VERY lucrative farm that makes $25K seem like chump change; the running speed we possess is intimidating--how can a supposed mortal be so mighty?
- finally got a stable, complete with a horse (default name was Rona and we stuck with it because it's hilarious that "we got that Rona")
- upgraded all of our tools to iridium
- visited Ginger Island at long last (we wanted to wait until our tools were fully upgraded, plus Trash Bear wanted Ginger Ale so...)
- our singular pig experienced immaculate conception, which meant there was only one name befitting the miracle piglet: Jesus
- made it to the top of the volcano by the grace of Yoba; I died from fire sprites right near the exit of level 10, Willy charged me $15K and I lost all my Spicy Eel in the bungle, but we had enough walnuts gathered to unlock the west side of the island so I ran to do that because it was past midnight, meanwhile, my husband reached the forge at the top to unlock the shortcut. Now we only have to go through the dungeon to farm crafting materials, Golden Walnuts, and finish monster slayer goals--yay!
- we can almost get into the mysterious door near where the spring onions sprout; I only need to max out combat, my husband needs combat, mining, and foraging, but we're SO CLOSE to discovering what's inside!
So yesss ... there was the idea to put the house next to Grandpa's shrine which I liked very much. Moved it there and moved the stable adjacent to the left side of the house, since I love this exactly combination of the two because of the smooth transition of the roofs. Everything fitted together perfectly, and I was perfectly happy until ...

... until I returned home on horseback, tried to cross the plank to our house and stable ... and got stuck. The plank is to narrow for the horse to cross! Of course! I should have thought about that. But it was too late for the day, the stable remained empty, poor horsey had to camp out overnight, whistfully gazing at my house whinnying sadly. 😢
Next morning horsey woke up in its stable, as is right and proper, save that it had to stay there all day and I had to walk my routes, because it - you guessed it - didn't get back across the plank! 😭

With a heavy heart, I immediately moved the stable back to the mainland. Now horsey and I are together again, but my aesthetic sensibilities are strongly disturbed, because the stable looks nowhere as good as it does to the left of my house! 😫

Pleeeaaazzz, Concerned Ape, turn this plank into a double plank like the one from the beach to the tide pools! Or maybe you could implement the option to build bridges ourselves? 🙏
I don't know what those are, so no lol
They're machines you can buy from Marnie for $25,000. If you stick them in a barn or coop, they automatically collect the animals' output -- eggs, milk, wool, duck feathers, etc. Very much a timesaver, but if you care about quality milk or large eggs it's best to remember to pet the animals every day.


Blew a fair number of iridium bars trying to get a prismatic frog egg. The wiki says prismatic is "exceptionally rare" and I can't help but wonder if we're talking 1 in 20, 1 in 100, 1 in 1000, or what. I should probably finish upgrading all my tools and finish master craftsman before I go too crazy for this, huh?


I have spent the last 2-ish weeks getting back into Stardew. I got it abt a year ago, and just recently remembered what a phenomenal game it is. (Thanks youtube.) I have played maybe 25-30 hrs so far on my new save, I've got 8 hearts with Sam, 6 hearts with Alex, and married Haley (she's the best bachelorette hands down :heart::heart::heart:). I am SO CLOSE to finishing the fish tank, but I just can't get the secret forest or the desert yet. I have 2 preserves jars, a beehive, a keg, a silo, a coop, and 2 chickens (ILYSM chickens you give me big eggs like every day). I'm near the end of fall, with abt 15k. Overall I'd say I have had a pretty successful year 1!