1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Yes ( unless you are on version 1.6 and 1.6 changed something I don’t yet know about) crops need watered on grass ginger island too. Sprinklers or by hand. Also if you don’t have the golden clock yet weeds and fibers will spread and damage crops do fence them in tightly. Those fences decay with time just like in Stardew and will need replaced periodically. Hardwood lasts longest though
Yes you still need to water at Ginger but it rains there pretty regularly so your crops will eventually grow.
Good to know, thanks. :)

Lew Zealand

Today I got Master Angler using Qi's Magic Bait which allows you to catch Fish out of season, so I didn't need to wait for another half year to get the Legend. That is a great game item for forgetty people like me but LOL it still took a whole season for me to realize this was an option.

Farmer Bobbi peruses her Qi Gem options, selects Hossfloot because Hoss misses me when I'm swaying to Island rhythms. After going back and forth through the options, next up is the Aquatic Sanctuary because it's important for all the Legends to be in the same tank and dispute amongst themselves who is the grandest. Too bad I only have 4 Legendary Fish, I'm gonna have to wait like 3 more months for the definite article.


Yep, 3 months, what tooo doooooo...

More Qi Quests. I laugh, laugh! in the face of the Prismatic Grange, 14 days? I'll have it in 1.4 hours O Great Wizard of Qi hiding behind that Walnutty curtain. Hm more shopping, always a pleasure to select key items. Scan while carefully weighing options. Heavy Tapper recipe for those new Trees. Hm, I should stick to Recipes so I can craft my own special Qithings and not risk acquiring rickets visiting this glorified rat's den too often. Recipe quests: Hungry Level 100 in Skull Cavern, Dangerous Mines with no Elevator? All in a good week's hackin and slashin' for this pro Combatrix. Yeah yeah OK, mostly Bombing and Jadecasing and Cheezchomping.

Perusing Recipes... Hype Speed Gro- nah I need slower Crops, Delux Fertilizer- nah, I Keg/Jar everything, Hopper- that seems complicated, Magic Bait- I already got like 5 kinds of Bait, Blue Grass Starter - Oooo! that sounds like fun, more colors for the Farm! Still got more Gems...


Bleh, maybe save for a second Aquatic Sanctuary as I'll accept the Legends Tribute Band Farewell Concert Tour quest.




Magic Bait.



I could Fish up the Legend in Fall!

Farmer Bobbi runs to Ginger, gets Magic Bait Recipe, prays for leftover Radioactive Ore from Dangerous Mines and just amazingly there's some in the Special chest. Craft 40 Bait, Warp Totem to Mountain Lake, set up at S. end, pop a Dish O' The Sea, almost pass out from Fishbreth. Come to and Fish. Fill inventory (stupid Pirate profession and tasty looking Treasure Chests!), no Legend. Seb visits at the lake for like an hour, never seen him stay so short but he was downwind from my pack fulla Fish, so understandable. TeleportStikk home, drop off stankyfish (sorry, Seb) and booty. Second Warp Totem, second Dish o' the Sea (damn, maybe that's why Seb said nothing but kept glancing my way with an alarmed look on his face), and Mr. Legend is the first bite.

A long battle of wills ensues with extensive grunts, a few choice words, and lots of splashy water from a strong fish tail, but with Farmer Bobbi the eventual sodden victor.

It's like 4pm, with the odds being low for the Legend as all Lake fish are options this early catch was unexpected, so Farmer Bobbi wanders the map in a stupor. Not even a day earlier she was resigned to waiting another half year and maybe figuring out how Rain Totems work, now she was...


A weird thing for this farmer, to be done with things. The complete Museum Collection happened just a few days ago and she'd just finished Professor Snail's Island collection too, after many frustrating weeks of Panning for a freekin' WombatButt or whatever that was.

The following day, not knowing at all what to do with herself, Farmer Bobbi bumps into her Island Obelisk and whispers into her Horse Flute. Riding around, she stops into Qi's refuge from accursed Vitamin D and pokes at the KittyCat thing in the corner, greeted with:



Swaying on her feet, dazed by an intense wave of déjà vu, she's transported to a hazy fitful dream from long ago where a slightly altered version of herself peered into the same statue to see 38 or maybe 48%? Huh, am I doing OK? she wonders.

Meh, just a dream... right?
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4 Jades from a single node.

Looks like the Mining Mastery perk stacks with the geologist profession. Very nice, especially once in a blue moon when the diamond nodes eventually start spitting out 4 at a time...

Also took me 3 attempts on the same lucky day, and not until a chest on floor 135, but I finally got my second auto-petter. Now I'll be comfortable leaving my farm alone for a while once I get to Ginger Island.

Those skull chests are looking pretty fancy btw.
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Got to my second green rain, checked on NPC dialogue, and realized I whiffed big time when I made the most of the wild harvest instead of catching everyone's reactions to their first instance.

I might have to do a whole new file just to see it all someday.


Trying to get back into the game after a break. It was tail-end of Winter, so a bad time to shake off rust as the entire lot's in chaos come Spring 1.
Before break I never used fish-boosting food for legends (exaggeration...Icey Boy of Cindersap was too beefy). Now, a lingcod (pretty sure it was just one laughing at me) escaped me 3 times.
Just started year 2 in my new spring 1.6 save. Community Center is coming along: I'll have five rooms done once the spring harvest comes in, one of my ducks drops a feather, and I find a pufferfish, so I expect I'm stuck until summer. In good standing for profit-making: fields of potatoes and the like will be harvested right before the egg festival, so I'll be able to go all-in (or mostly in, I like growing flowers on the edges) on strawberries.
I just remembered another whiff I made during my runs for the second auto-petter:

In one of them, I got a lucky ring! I got so obsessed with not losing any friendship with my animals, I passed off a rare ring! Ah well, everything is coming together much faster than they ever did in my standard save.

I also have only 1 book to go: The Diamond Hunter book. Respectable how it takes 10 lucky rocks to pay for itself.
Bought a few things at the night market and enjoyed the free coffee. Was pleasantly surprised to see Sam's portrait for sale! I didn't know that was a thing. So now that's hanging in our bedroom. Before that I replaced all my smokers with kegs - didn't like the vibe of selling smoked fish so I've gone back to mainly being a winery (I know, I know... but I don't play to min/max everything, I play for the spirit of it). And I improved the layout of parts of the farm a little bit.

and I gave my hubby Sam a lil kiss :heart: (yes I will say this every time. It's important!)
It's the start of fall in Year 2 and I completed the ectoplasm quest! I used the shortcut from the witch's hut to the wizard's tower (thanks, @MogBeoulve!) to get it to him right away and finally got the mini obelisk blueprint. ^_^ I already had everything needed to make two, so getting across my meadow farm is a breeze now, even with the farmhouse tucked away between the waterfalls. :heart:

I also got my artisan cabin fully upgraded. Once the first batch of aged wines get to silver quality, I'll be able to complete the final bundle. My farmhouse is currently undergoing the second update as well. My orchard and my fish ponds are coming along pretty well. I've got the greenhouse set up with six irridium sprinklers and have most of my outdoor crop space covered with sprinklers, too.

I got the burglar ring, too!
Summer 22 year 2

4 diamonds from a mystic node

plus got my second golden animal cracker, enough cheese presses for the fact that my barn is full, working on mayo machines now, but also pushing for enough stone to get the statue of blessings.

And got 2 golden mystery boxes in the space of about 2 minutes
Gonna be a long time before I open them though. I plan to use the SV predictor to increase my odds of getting more golden animal crackers out of those boxes.

Went to the desert fair for the first time. Emily insisted that my 'inner being' wanted to wear a mouse shirt and mouse ears, so I let her have her way with me. On the third day I let her do it again, and I came away looking very normal -- white blue, blue shorts. The desert fair was GREAT for the community center bundles: the only reason I didn't complete the center in spring of year 2 is that truffles never came up, and my pigs didn't produce one until summer day 3. Still, that's done, and is DEFINITELY my earliest completion to date. I also got REALLY lucky and picked up a prismatic shard in the quarry, so now I am armed and can take on the skull caves in full. I also used the spring to begin really taming the farm: the trees had gotten out of hand and were making it extremely difficult to navigate from place to place, so I carved out stone paths, and then I cleared out the sides of them and began planting flowers, purely for ornamental reasons. I also made Hayley my girlfriend at the desert fair, knowing she likes coconuts, and I'm just waiting for a rainy day to buy the mermaid thing at the beach. I've already completed the deluxe barn and coop, and the first house upgrade. Planting sunflowers throughout the farm to welcome her aboard Kaczynski Farms.


Things are smoothing out for me since picking the game back up. Finally crafted everything! Telling you, quite the feeling finding out you need a morel for a potion when it's Summer...

I'm married to Sam, right? Well I had a little cutscene where Penny was teaching the kids outside at a picnic, and asked me to be a guest speaker. I of course said yes. Then Vincent asked if he ate my veggies would he be big and strong enough like Same because HE SAW SAM LIFTING UP PENNY LAST NIGHT

EXCUSE ME?????????????????

Sam did NOT get a lil kiss today and I'm icing him out until he decides whose more important: me or that little bookish hussy 😤

I'm married to Sam, right? Well I had a little cutscene where Penny was teaching the kids outside at a picnic, and asked me to be a guest speaker. I of course said yes. Then Vincent asked if he ate my veggies would he be big and strong enough like Same because HE SAW SAM LIFTING UP PENNY LAST NIGHT

EXCUSE ME?????????????????

Sam did NOT get a lil kiss today and I'm icing him out until he decides whose more important: me or that little bookish hussy 😤
Sam better leave Penny alone, she's MY wifey!

In my original save, anyway. I've also married Abigail, Haley, and am working on either Emily or Leah...
Fall 4 Year 2, 4th mastery complete, got all but combat done. Time for some advanced Iridium Rod fishing!

Also FINALLY got the statue of blessings, even though I had farming mastery for over a full season thus far. Stone has been hard to come by without deconstructing a bunch of staircases, and might be even harder now that the exploit for infinite statues of perfection has been patched.

Also nearly filled my first shed with kegs and preserves jars. My cellar is about halfway done with all 125 casks, my house has only a few rooms left before I'm done redecorating, and I'm a few hardwood away from finally going to Ginger Island. I spent a lot of it on Cheese Presses.

Turns out: The Barbed Hook and Treasure Hunter tackles are a HORRIBLE combination.

Animal Cracker 3 is in the books.