Web Apps: Stardew Checkup, Predictor, and Fair Helper


Hi, the enchantment predictor is showing the wrong enchantment for my hoe, it doesn't have an enchantment on it and the predictor says it should be archaeologist, but instead it's getting efficient. Thanks!



Hi, the enchantment predictor is showing the wrong enchantment for my hoe, it doesn't have an enchantment on it and the predictor says it should be archaeologist, but instead it's getting efficient. Thanks!
I see the correct prediction of Efficient. If you tend to leave predictor open, make sure you refresh the tab and have the newest version (changelog should say 5.0.8)


Hello. Use search under Bookseller section and it give out answers different from the calendar browser. And after search, "Clear Search Results & Reset Browsing" will lead to "Next Month >" button unclickable. Also, the name of this book on wiki is Treasure Appraisal Guide. Thank you for the useful tool.

Search results for "Ancient Treasures: Appraisal Guide" over the next 2 year(s)
Thursday Winter 11, Year 8Ancient Treasures: Appraisal Guide20,000g
Thursday Fall 4, Year 9Ancient Treasures: Appraisal Guide20,000g
Friday Winter 5, Year 9Ancient Treasures: Appraisal Guide20,000g
Thursday Spring 25, Year 10Ancient Treasures: Appraisal Guide20,000g
Found 4 matching item(s)

Thursday Winter 11, Year 8Monday Winter 22, Year 8
Purple BookBook of the Stars15,000g----
Skill Book 1----Woodcutter's Weekly10,000g
Skill Book 2Combat Quarterly8,000g----
Skill Book 3Mining Monthly5,000gMining Monthly5,000g
Random Y3 BookMapping Cave Systems20,000gDwarvish Safety Manual20,000g
Extra Book--------
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Getting this error:

Save Parse Error
The app was unable to process the save file. This is most likely a bug with the app, so please let the dev know about it. Details below.

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: BigInt
populateData@https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:1029:14 parseSummary@https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:296:20 https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:5460:27

Mac OS 10.13.6
Safari 13.1.2
Mods used are Smapi and NPC map locations


Getting this error:

Save Parse Error
The app was unable to process the save file. This is most likely a bug with the app, so please let the dev know about it. Details below.

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: BigInt
populateData@https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:1029:14 parseSummary@https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:296:20 https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/stardew-checkup.js?v=5.0.5:5460:27

Mac OS 10.13.6
Safari 13.1.2
Mods used are Smapi and NPC map locations
Thanks. It looks like Safari doesn't support the BigInt library unless it is version 14 or higher so I will see if I can workaround that
EDIT: save should parse now.
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Hi, I've been using your wonderful tools for years, but now I've run into a problem. The geode predictor does not work on one of my saves, at all. Even after I've closed and saved the file and played for a while and tried again, it still doesn't work. I can't find any pattern anywhere in the prediction list that matches up with what I'm getting out of the geodes. (The anxiety of not having this tool is ridiculous!) Oddly enough it seemed to work on my previous 1.6.3 save, but not the next one I made which I'm playing currently. I haven't downloaded the last Stardew patch but am still 1.6.3 - could that be the problem? I think though that it was already a problem before that patch came out. Other things in the predictor that I've checked, like the travelling cart, work just fine, though I haven't checked everything. I'm not using any mods. Can you figure it out, or am I being exceptionally stupid?

Update: I did eventually figure out what was going on :)


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Hello. I have a few suggestions for the predictor.

Can you let us choose which tabs are visible. I find that I only use a few of them at a time. Some of them I might use early on like the garbage can and train tabs but they're not that useful later on. Some tabs you don't look at for a long time like crane game, gem birds and raccoon bundles. Then there's seasonal stuff you don't need to look at for most of the year like desert festival and winter star.

Also, small suggestion: some tabs have a small amount of info while some have more info and when switching from small to more you have to scroll back down. So if the info zone had a static size shared across tabs it would eliminate the need to scroll down everytime.

Last one: can you add a refresh button that reloads the last save loaded? It doesn't take much effort to load it manually, but I just thought I'd ask. :)


Hey, I just wanted to ask if its possible to add a tab where I can see which villager is going to the beach resort on Ginger Island.
Because I have this problem that Gus is never there and I need the Recipe and I need to visit the Island every day.
It would be nice if I can just look in your Predictor :)


so i noticed that the geode predictor was off when i was trying to find my last few artifacts, and then i realized that the predictor hadn't counted any mystery boxes i'd opened, and my actual pattern was about 100 ahead. any idea when this will be updated? <3


Hi, I've been using your wonderful tools for years, but now I've run into a problem. The geode predictor does not work on one of my saves, at all. Even after I've closed and saved the file and played for a while and tried again, it still doesn't work. I can't find any pattern anywhere in the prediction list that matches up with what I'm getting out of the geodes. (The anxiety of not having this tool is ridiculous!) Oddly enough it seemed to work on my previous 1.6.3 save, but not the next one I made which I'm playing currently. I haven't downloaded the last Stardew patch but am still 1.6.3 - could that be the problem? I think though that it was already a problem before that patch came out. Other things in the predictor that I've checked, like the travelling cart, work just fine, though I haven't checked everything. I'm not using any mods. Can you figure it out, or am I being exceptionally stupid?
Okay! I finally managed to track down how the geodes work with the mystery boxes. Your tools do explain, but it was hard to find the pattern. I did find the pattern on my current file. Whew. Thanks again for your tools! Completing the museum is a nightmare without them.


Hello MouseyPounds! I really love and appreciate your apps and all the work you've put into them! They have really helped me out in the past. Unfortunately, I have started having issues with the Checkup app :hmm: I have included a screenshot of the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I use Windows:


Long ago I wrote some web apps that some people have found useful. They have recently been (mostly) updated for Stardew 1.6 and this topic is a place where you can provide feedback, bug reports, and suggestions if you try them out. All of them work in a similar way -- open up your save in the browser (javascript required) and they will process it and give results.

Stardew Checkup -- Achievement and Collection progress. Fully updated for 1.6

Stardew Predictor -- Simulates some game random rolls to "predict the future" on your save. Fully updated for 1.6

Stardew Fair Helper -- Helps you pick a winning Grange display. Manually entry is not yet updated for 1.6 but the "read your save and pick best display" functionality should still work with 1.6 saves.
im running into some problems, im on Mac and im trynna upload my save, I cant seem to find it. any ideas?


I'd like to give a suggestion, but also to others to check if this works:

I was using the predictor to catch the Prehistoric Floors for farming Pepper Rex for the monster slaying hero check. Now, i was reading that it was not 100% guaranteed, which i confirmed, but i did notice something i tried. When you start the game, it seems the levels it states in the predictor are correct, but as you go the days continuosly, it gets more inaccurate. But, out of curiosity, i tried something at the end of the day, after you go to sleep and save the game, instead i exit to the desktop, and restarted the game. The level it stated was the correct one, and i could get to the Prehistoric Floor. Even more, it can be repeatable, meaning, you can leave the mines, and go back to the same level at that day, and the prehistoric floor is still there.

I didnt had time for a proper test to see if this can be repetable, but if others can try it, and if it is confirmed, suggest this workaround for those looking for Pepper Rexes.


I play Stardew on my iPad. The Stardew Checkup has tips on finding walnuts, but they require hover which is impossible on a touchscreen device without a mouse. Can you make them work by click/tap instead?


I play Stardew on my iPad. The Stardew Checkup has tips on finding walnuts, but they require hover which is impossible on a touchscreen device without a mouse. Can you make them work by click/tap instead?
just tried it on my phone, they work with tap. The hint will stay open until I touch the screen again.


I have a suggestion: given that one has to acquire all Rarecrows in order to get the recipe for the deluxe scarecrow, a list of unacquired Rarecrows would be useful.