Unofficial mod updates

Hey! I used the BFAV converter for the Pheonix mod but had some troubles. I had to change some stuff in the manifest json for it to run, but now since it has several phoenix variations that all load the same shop icon it crashes. Anyone know a fix? I know CP has the AlternatePurchaseTypes field, but would you be able to give the alternate types different item spawns?


Can anyone update these mods please? I really loved these mods

✩ Custom Gift Dialogue Utillity
✩ Fruit Tree Tweaks
✩ Raised Garden Beds
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Hi, I was wondering if anyone has updated these mods yet? Or has news on if the creators are still active?
Also if anyone could update them (as long as it fits with the creator's guidelines of course)

More Clocks:
Quality Artisan Products:
PFM Automate:
Boogie's Configurable Farm Cave Extension: (this one is mostly working as is, except for casks in the downstairs bit)

Many thanks in advance! :)
The author of PFM Automate said: "I plan to update the mod but I'm prioritizing other mods. "


So for DGA, BFAV, & BAGI - can I just remove them and be fine, or is there an alternative?
Hmm, Gradient Hair Colors said it couldn't be added because it was no longer compatible, so I guess I'll just wait to see what happens there.
I'll give the profit calc alternative a try!

Thank you ♥
I'd say they can be moved away, since they are broken for now...maybe keep then an eye out on the nexus, who knows, maybe someone will port them?
for all BFAV mods, some of them are actually being converted to the new CP 1.6 livestock function, so you can download them :)
Here are some: giant rabbits, eastern box turtle, kelple, fairy chickens, strolly poly, moolin, rats, otters, bambuck, boars, guinea pigs, everia's dragons, cats, dogs, coop animals, barn animals, frogs


aaaaarg no one updated my mods :P
The types of mods you requested would take most people more than a day to update. Your last post requesting 6 mod updates and the creation of 2 new mods for integration was not that long ago. I would urge you to have a bit more patience and remember that it's other humans updating these mods for those making requests, for free of charge simply because they want to help where the original author is currently unavailable or radio silent. Hopefully an update will come for the mods you requested, but in the future I would keep in mind that it comes across as strange to complain when requesting free work from the modding community.


The types of mods you requested would take most people more than a day to update. Your last post requesting 6 mod updates and the creation of 2 new mods for integration was not that long ago. I would urge you to have a bit more patience and remember that it's other humans updating these mods for those making requests, for free of charge simply because they want to help where the original author is currently unavailable or radio silent. Hopefully an update will come for the mods you requested, but in the future I would keep in mind that it comes across as strange to complain when requesting free work from the modding community.

and you pls see that there is an emoji. that wasnt a complain, it was an joke. i know that mods can take a long time :) and yes the modders do a great job. i wish i would can do this too :)


I'd say they can be moved away, since they are broken for now...maybe keep then an eye out on the nexus, who knows, maybe someone will port them?
for all BFAV mods, some of them are actually being converted to the new CP 1.6 livestock function, so you can download them :)
Here are some: giant rabbits, eastern box turtle, kelple, fairy chickens, strolly poly, moolin, rats, otters, bambuck, boars, guinea pigs, everia's dragons, cats, dogs, coop animals, barn animals, frogs
I see someone did the coop and barn animals I have so yay! :D


and you pls see that there is an emoji. that wasnt a complain, it was an joke. i know that mods can take a long time :) and yes the modders do a great job. i wish i would can do this too :)
I saw the emoji. An emoji doesn't really change the text IMO. It reads like a complaint. It just puts unnecessary pressure on the community members you are asking for free updates from. At that point I don't really see the purpose of a "joke" like that, when people are working hard to help their community just over a week after the release of 1.6.

You could make updates too, if you wanted! You don't have to start with C# mods, if you lack C# experience and that seems daunting. Learning how Content Patcher and JSON work to update even something simple can feel rewarding. :) It can be a good stepping stone into the wider modding world, too.
Pillow has posted the converters on Nexus for those looking to update mods:
OMG. I tried to CP2AT using the guide for Miniconda that elizabeth posted and failed utterly and completely. If this is as simple as the posted pictures make it look I am going to have a little dance. <3


Hi Everyone!
It's been wonderful using mods that I've missed for so long and I really appreciate the work people are doing here.
I very much lack experience in modding at all and I have two mods that I have been using for years and now I can't, so I was wondering if it was possible for anyone to update them for 1.6:
A Toned Down Stardew Valley - minervamaga & LavenderLight
Eemie's Just A New Recolour - minervamaga & Eemiestardew

If so, I wouldn't be able to thank you enough.

Edit: Just to add a note, both the creator and person who took over have been radio silent for a couple of years now. Otherwise I wouldn't ask.
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