To clarify, I'm specifically working on a mod for my daughter, not really for funsies. >_>;; Modding is, for me, a very casual thing; it took me an afternoon or two to learn how to make those BFAV and CFR mods back in the day. Unfortunately, I'm much, much sicker now than I was back then, so I can't do what I used to be able to do. I'm not working on anything apart from stuff for my friends and my daughter unless it's something I can manage in a few days at most, sorry to say.As another adult, who plays video games in my free time and apparently helps with SDV mods, I never understand the "how little time [people] have to work on personal things". Work is 8 hours a day (on average). And then you're playing video games. Some of these people have literally over a hundred mods downloaded! You don't get to that point overnight. And you'd need more than "a little time" to update them.
I get that some people have children, or maybe they have other hobbies/jobs that they see to, but we're talking about modding. Modding is not a casual thing. You don't casually know exactly how to make mods for a game. Especially if you plan to publish them for others to use/criticize. The only reason the author for Floral Keg said they don't have time is because they're literally working on another mod. So it's not like they have some other massive life event going on... it's the same line of "work", just a different priority.
Also, let's be honest with each other - the SDV modding wiki is just a touch out-of-date and is missing fields and ability to do things that Content Patcher's Wiki more clearly covers.
Also, it feels really, really uncomfortable to me to hear someone speculating on whether or not I have a massive life event going on just because I'm still working on mods (which people in this thread graciously updated for me, actually, and I am terribly grateful for that). If you could, um, not do that? I would appreciate that.
(Sorry to butt in. It was just an uncomfortable conversation to come across, and I thought maybe it would be okay to ask to speculate on my personal life and circumstances if possible? My tone here is intended to come across as awkward, since I'm not sure what the social mores are around this. /autistic)
Side Note: Shout out to @charmed_selkie for trying to help me with updating Floral Keg, since I saw your posts about it, too. That means a lot to me, since I really loved that particular mod. ;_; You're being so thoughtful and considerate, and I really appreciate that.