So I ended up taking a look at Curvy Girl myself and I think I fixed it. Or at least, so far it's working for me and I thought I'd share, since permissions seem to be open
Unfortunately I haven't been brave enoughI know I am a little late to the party but I do seriously hope you update breeding overhaul I miss it so much lol. My game feels so wrong without it.
Permissions are not open for this modreally hope for Better Garbage Cans
Sad, only the code is open source on the gitPermissions are not open for this mod
Ah, I missed that. Maybe someday!unfortunately the permissions won't allow for anyone to do so, and i don't see anything in the comments where the author's said it's okay, either. looks like it'll be up to the author to do it or for people to do it for their own personal use.
"Discoveries in the Depths" looks like an awesome mod, but unfortunately does not have open permissions. Unless they update it themselves or someone is able to contact them and get permission, there's not much anyone else can do.Hello, I was wondering if there was any interest in creating updates for the mods "More Gem" and/or "Discoveries in the Depths"? I find mining is so bland without all the cool treasures these mods add. They need "custom resource clumps" and "custom ore nodes", but I saw some people saying that it should be possible to port these mods to "Item Extentions" framework. However, after attempting it myself, I don't think I have any idea what I'm doing, haha.
I saw some mention of it in this thread, but wasn't sure if anything came of it. If anyone heard anything and can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.
CRC and CON mods can be used in 1.6 if you use the converter The instructions are easy to follow and it does all the work for you.Hello, I was wondering if there was any interest in creating updates for the mods "More Gem" and/or "Discoveries in the Depths"? I find mining is so bland without all the cool treasures these mods add. They need "custom resource clumps" and "custom ore nodes", but I saw some people saying that it should be possible to port these mods to "Item Extentions" framework. However, after attempting it myself, I don't think I have any idea what I'm doing, haha.
I saw some mention of it in this thread, but wasn't sure if anything came of it. If anyone heard anything and can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.
which one?
For Floral Keg, the original mod author is still active. You could probably just post on their mod that you'd like them to update it. Point them to the Content Patcher Wiki so that they can learn how things are done in 1.6. Giving the FloralKeg.json a look, it should be possible to make this using CP only. Though you may need another mod, like Producer Framework, to actually make the machine work.Hello! I'm rather new to modding (or attempting to fix mods), and while I've fixed some of the mods that I've liked for 1.6, there are a few that I just really don't understand how to wrap my head around how to convert these to content patcher (if they're even able to, but I'm pretty sure they can) since most mods can now function through that instead of a bunch of different mods to make everything work together. I'm more than willing to help or try and contribute with what I can understand (which is admittedly not a lot). Thank you in advance!
Floral Keg
Flower Meads (I know that Better Honey Meads exists, but I don't really like how it operates vs. Flower Meads)
sorry fo the delaydo you mind sending me the cp version? ive been esperately looking everywhere, in return i can send you some cute custom mods that i made
for me it works fine!Have you noticed if some of the furniture is missing? I use CJB's Item Spawner, and maybe I just have too many mods to notice if all the furniture is there, but I always look for specific items yet I can't seem to find them. Do you find all of them when using the catalogs?
Admittedly, I didn't think about using the Content Patcher Wiki as I've been using the modding guide on the Stardew Valley Wiki, so thank you for the reminder! I understand that both of these can be pretty easily converted to Content Patcher, I'm just really unsure on how to write the language. The Floral Keg mod author said that they will work on it if they have the time and if it's not a hard thing to write, and as a fellow adult, I understand all too well how little time you have to work on personal things. That's the only reason I'm trying to figure it out myself. ^^; Perhaps the CP Wiki will give me more of an idea of what to do. Thank you!For Floral Keg, the original mod author is still active. You could probably just post on their mod that you'd like them to update it. Point them to the Content Patcher Wiki so that they can learn how things are done in 1.6. Giving the FloralKeg.json a look, it should be possible to make this using CP only. Though you may need another mod, like Producer Framework, to actually make the machine work.
Flower Meads I'm 99.9% sure you can make into a CP mod since 1.6 opened up the machine's data (specifically, OutputRules) so you can add your own rules and output to machines via a JSON file (aka CP).
Haha no worries. I just miss that mod so much.Unfortunately I haven't been brave enoughHoping StarAmy gets to it eventually. My other projects have been calling to me louder haha
As another adult, who plays video games in my free time and apparently helps with SDV mods, I never understand the "how little time [people] have to work on personal things". Work is 8 hours a day (on average). And then you're playing video games. Some of these people have literally over a hundred mods downloaded! You don't get to that point overnight. And you'd need more than "a little time" to update them.Admittedly, I didn't think about using the Content Patcher Wiki as I've been using the modding guide on the Stardew Valley Wiki, so thank you for the reminder! I understand that both of these can be pretty easily converted to Content Patcher, I'm just really unsure on how to write the language. The Floral Keg mod author said that they will work on it if they have the time and if it's not a hard thing to write, and as a fellow adult, I understand all too well how little time you have to work on personal things. That's the only reason I'm trying to figure it out myself. ^^; Perhaps the CP Wiki will give me more of an idea of what to do. Thank you!
I figured out what it was! Was an issue on my end! All the furniture is there! LOLfor me it works fine!