
Staff member
Hi there! I play Stardew Valley on the switch and I have the latest version. I've been experiencing some bugs recently - I saw some threads mention that their game crashes every time they go to open artifact troves at Clint's shop, which has also been happening to me (but I see that the problem is being fixed!). However, there's been a bug recently where every gift I have given every villager is listed under "Loved Gifts." I even gave them trash to test it and got a positive reaction. I've also noticed coding/script errors. During the trout derby, the sign for the event had a long line of code on the top that isn't normally there. I didn't screenshot it, so I don't remember what exactly it said. I forgot what else to include here but I hope this was helpful! I'm sorry if someone pointed this out and I didn't see it.
Are you sure you're still experiencing the loved gifts bug? It should've been fixed in the latest patch.


Playing on Switch after latest update and in the last 24 hours I have experienced 3 bugs multiple times each.
1. Code appears on monster list in the guild
2. Opening the door to the back room of the guild crashes the game
3. Opening artifact troves at Clint's crashes game.

Hopefully these issues get fixed soon but i will wprk around them unti then. I'm a new player as of 2 weeks ago and I am really enjoying every bit of it. Thanks


Just updated to and have two bugs so far

1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete)

2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day).
Crash details "software encountered an error and was forced to close"
Single player
Y7 spring 25
2x speed 1x luck food and drink boosts
Luck ring
Bat luck day

Thanks for fixing what you do.
Same issue with the artifact troves 😭