
There are some major glitches on this new update!!!Y game keeps shutting down "an unexpected error occured" everytime I try to crack open a artefact trove at Clint's.
I have also noticed that the monster Slayer board in the guild has errors codes and just displays game code instead of text. It's killing me... The game has shut down twice now.

Anyone else having this issue?



There are some major glitches on this new update!!!Y game keeps shutting down "an unexpected error occured" everytime I try to crack open a artefact trove at Clint's.
I have also noticed that the monster Slayer board in the guild has errors codes and just displays game code instead of text. It's killing me... The game has shut down twice now.

Anyone else having this issue?
Pierre's also had error code when he was away from the counter.
I’ve noticed two new bugs since the recent update. The first one being my game crashes when I try to have Clint open the artifact troves. It’s only those, no other “geodes” are causing problems. The second is, in the Adventurer's Guild, the sign/list showing the monsters that you’ve killed is not showing up correctly. It’s showing up as a localized text string. There is also another that I saw someone post about, where the localized text issue shows up during the wedding scene, but I haven’t seen that one for myself, because I haven’t had a wedding since the update.


I finally decided to get married in the game and most of the text is the localized text chain that I’ve seen in others screen shots. I’m so sad I can’t go back a day and redo it once there is a fix.


Ask many others have mentioned, there are a couple of bugs in the newest update on the Switch.

• Opening Artifact Troves crashes the game instantly: I have tried multiple different days, with various weather and luck and it always crashes. It is however only with Artifact Troves; the other geodes I've tried has had no issues. (Golden Coconut, Omni Geode)

• Some cut scene events get an error message and does not occur: see screenshot. This is what appeared after completed the Giant Omelette weekly quest for Gus for the first time and entering the Saloon the next day. The cut scene didn't trigger and this error message appeared.
This also happened with entering Robin's house after completing the hardwood weekly quest for her new bed design. (80 hardwood delivered to Robin) Similar error message though I did not get a screenshot.
Apart from the events not occurring, nothing else is out of ordinary in these instances.

Year 2, Meadowlands Farm map. Married, one child. Community building completed, Ginger Island unlocked.


gs in the newest update on the Switch.

• Opening Artifact Troves crashes the game instantly: I have tried multiple different days, with various weather and luck and it always crashes. It is however only with Artifact Troves; the other geodes I've tried has had no issues. (Golden Coconut
Ask many others have mentioned, there are a couple of bugs in the newest update on the Switch.

• Opening Artifact Troves crashes the game instantly: I have tried multiple different days, with various weather and luck and it always crashes. It is however only with Artifact Troves; the other geodes I've tried has had no issues. (Golden Coconut, Omni Geode)

• Some cut scene events get an error message and does not occur: see screenshot. This is what appeared after completed the Giant Omelette weekly quest for Gus for the first time and entering the Saloon the next day. The cut scene didn't trigger and this error message appeared.
This also happened with entering Robin's house after completing the hardwood weekly quest for her new bed design. (80 hardwood delivered to Robin) Similar error message though I did not get a screenshot.
Apart from the events not occurring, nothing else is out of ordinary in these instances.

Year 2, Meadowlands Farm map. Married, one child. Community building completed, Ginger Island unlocked.
All of these bugs (and more) are being fixed right now!
This happened because the porting team for SDV Switch Edition messed up some code while working on the patch for 1.6 edition.

They have identified the problem and are fixing it right now.
Thank you for waiting!

Warmest Regards,


Actually found another bug after the recent update. Year Two, I finished Robin's Hardwood Request from the Big Board. Went into her house for the cutscene and it gave me a black screen and a red error message in the bottom lefthand corner. I ended up closing the game so I can try and get the cutscene later, but trying to find Robin outside of her house for other Requests is going to be an interesting task . . . or getting farm buildings in general.


Hi there! I play Stardew Valley on the switch and I have the latest version. I've been experiencing some bugs recently - I saw some threads mention that their game crashes every time they go to open artifact troves at Clint's shop, which has also been happening to me (but I see that the problem is being fixed!). However, there's been a bug recently where every gift I have given every villager is listed under "Loved Gifts." I even gave them trash to test it and got a positive reaction. I've also noticed coding/script errors. During the trout derby, the sign for the event had a long line of code on the top that isn't normally there. I didn't screenshot it, so I don't remember what exactly it said. I forgot what else to include here but I hope this was helpful! I'm sorry if someone pointed this out and I didn't see it.

Dandelion Rose

Just updated to and have two bugs so far

1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete)

2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day).
Crash details "software encountered an error and was forced to close"
Single player
Y7 spring 25
2x speed 1x luck food and drink boosts
Luck ring
Bat luck day

Thanks for fixing what you do.
I too am experiencing the same exact bug with the Treasure Troves/Geodes with Clint's Shop and getting the same exact error message.


I am having an error too. When I enter the mountain after Linus community clean up quest, no cut scene shown and there is a console saying that the event crash. :sebastian: