
Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 (Android 12)
Details of your issue: I get the "Choose skill" popup for farming lvl10 every night and can't reset the skill through the statue in the sewer.
//Edit: it's now doing the same for Foraging lvl5 and none of my other skills seem to be progressing at all. They are stuck at 9 (Combat 8), no matter what I do.

Details of your issue: I can't place anything in a specific square in my shed and I have trouble using some of the equipment there. I have videos of these issues, but can't attach them here.

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? I haven't done an emergency load for a while, but regular loading hasn't helped. These are constant issues, have been happening for several days.
//Edit: I did an emergency load after a crash, the issues persist.
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Okay, I found another new one.
There was a hint of this in the mines but it really shows up in skull cavern.
The auto attack feature which worked so great before 1.5 on mobile is buggy on 1.5 mobile.

I am on a Motorola one 5G device.

Basically, you can't use your scythe for cutting weeds or opening chests it always defaults to your weapon.

Then in skull cavern, when knocking down mummies, you can't put down a bomb until you get away from the mummies.
No matter what you press it's going to try and use your weapon so you have to move away and then put down a bomb.

By comparison, previously, in the regular minds you could choose a scythe and open chests, but if somebody attacked you it would Auto attack with the weapon properly.
In skull cavern, as soon as you switch to the bomb from your weapon it would stop attacking the downed mummy and let you put down a bomb.

So comparing the previous to now, this is definitely a bug.


Type of phone : iPhone 14
Issue: I can’t listen to music while playing, I have already turned down every songs and sounds from the game but every time i open Spotify or YouTube the game freezes


tipo de telefone: moto g(8) play
android 10
relatório: o aplicativo fica em tela preta por alguns segundos e fecha sozinho durante a tela de entrada ou durante o jogo


iPhone 8…

There something fishy going on here…
In this picture I only have 12 slots and the computer puts the fish in slot 13. Making my total bag space 13/12…


Phone: Pixel 4a 5g (Android 13)

Stardew Valley Version

I sometimes get stuck at the bulletin board after I dropped of an item. I can scroll through the inventory but can't use anything. I can't open menu or journal. Time is not moving forward on the clock. The spot on the bulletin board where you click to interact with is still blinking, so the game is not completely frozen. When I close the app and restart it, the game is loading at the bulletin board and everything is back to normal.



Device: Nokia G11, android 11
I have the same issue with combat. Tried loading previous save, changed language (haven't tried resetting skill points in the sewers because I don't have a key yet). Decided to stop playing for some time, because I am over 300hp at this point :D
Here's video:
Same issue, but with farming and foraging. I also have not tried resetting skill points because I'm not fancy enough to get into the sewers.
Device: iPhone 13, iOS 16.1


Version on iOS 16.2, iPhone 11.

I usually play a podcast/book on Apple Podcasts, BBC Sounds, Audible, Amazon Music, or Spotify whilst playing. Since the first 1.5 update, if I try to play anything with SV running, the game immediately freezes and can only be continued if the audio app is paused. This persists despite having installed all subsequent updates.


Phone: iPhone 13 Pro Max. IOS 16.
Bugs: the golden clock that is supposed to stop the debris from appearing in the farm is not working. I had a meteor land on my farm and trees that I didn’t plant grow even thought I have the golden clock. Also I can’t seem to ‘move’ the screen to see around the map. My character has to move.



iPad 2017-ish

As you can see in the picture, I have the tapper “highlighted”, but I cannot make any, even tho I have plenty of the materials to so.
I cannot make ANYTHING on any of my saves. This started after the most recent update.



I’ve been waiting for the mobile update to 1.5 for iOS for so long but now it is here I can’t get past 10am Day 1 as it keeps crashing.
(iPad air)


Ever since I got level 5 in fishing every new day it pops up asking if I want to get 25% more for fish or crab pot supplies I have to rechoose every day and now it's also doing it for mining level 10 asking if I want geodes doubled I keep having to re choose


Phone: Pixel 6

At the end of the past few in-game days, I keep getting asked to choose the options available when reaching level 5 mining. I've chosen the same one several times (the name escapes me, whatever the other option besides "geologist" is). I've probably picked one four or five times at this point.


Type of phone: IPADOS15.6.1
Details of your issue: I have leveled up to 10 fishing and chosen angler. I went about the next day. Slept. And I had to choose my level 10 fishing profession again. This has happened multiple times in a row.

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Loading Game menue


The free drag functionality available in version 1.4 should be returned. In the 1.4 version, I could zoom by dragging the screen freely to the desired location (I could easily see where my character was not), but in the 1.5 version, it is inconvenient because there is no such function.