I found another issue. The shipping bin deposits disappear after an emergency load. I know this was supposed to be fixed after the most recent patch (January 8th), but mine still persists. I did update the game to its most recent patch too.Type of phone: Android / Samsung Galaxy S8
Details of your issue:
1. The horse is still missing after an emergency load. I updated my game to the latest/the most recent patch.
2. Both at-home/mini sewing machine and Emily's sewing machine do not work. It glitches whenever I try to input any cloth or an item to tailor it. The machine just "throws out" an item and does not accept it.
3. The toolbar size does not stay consistent after an emergency load. I set it to 60, but whenever I do emergency load, the size enlarges all of a sudden. This did not happen in a previous update (pre-1.5 update) so I think this is a bug that came with the 1.5 update.
Thank you all for the hard work!