Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab S8
Details of your issue: Tablet/phone vibration doesn't stop while reeling in fish. It should only happen when the fish initially bites, not during the entire reeling process. The effect of the constant vibration is absolutely hellish and makes the vibration option unusable.
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Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab S8
Details of your issue: Fishing reel graphic while reeling in fish becomes ridiculously tiny if zoomed out in the game, and unusable. To have a decently sized reel graphic, it's necessary to be almost entirely zoomed in, which means I see a lot of massive pixels and no nice scenery while fishing. It's unpleasant, and worked much better when the graphic was the same size regardless of zoom level. If scaling is needed, it would be much more appropriate to have it as an option in the Settings menu.
Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3
Issue: magnetism / magnet does not work, even if i am wearing iridium band, or even iridium band + glowstone rings
I can't use the crane game in the cinema. I won in the machine and when I got out from the machine I was stuck couldn't move or interact with anything so I forced stopped the game loaded it back up from backup and was kicked out from the cinema and lost the money I spent. I tryd again, invited the person, used the machine and won and once again stuck and can't move. The game seems to be in a limbo, time is stuck and blinking gray I can't open inventory or go to settings. Joja mart route, IPhone iOS 16.6.1 game version 1.5.6


Samsung M52 5G (Android 13)
Dear Staff I've been looking for y'all to fix that issues from a really long time approximately since the release of the 1.5 on mobile
There a major issue with the Slingshot which consist in just no letting you aim with it (I'll attach one (or more) video(s) to let you see how it is. One more thing, Sam is chilling in the saloon sleeping in the Air
PS: the slingshot issue was here with my old phone (Galaxy A21S)

Please Devs consider my demand I've been waiting and couldn't go to SC from that Update and couldn't get that One Walnut next to the Volcano entrance
Thanks in advance


Android version 10
Game version
I just installed the latest update today and now there's a cursor in the menu. Uninstall and reinstall didn't help. Apparently I didn't have this issue in every other versions, only this latest version.


Pixel 6 on Android 14
Game version 1.5.6 build 52

1) I too will get the cursor on screen. Interestingly enough, it only registers your last click location. If I connect a mouse you will see a second mouse icon for when you're moving around, the in-game cursor will only follow while you're holding down the button.

2) Interactions with the word seem to be set with a specific orientation. Sometimes this is beneficial, but other times it is not. Easiest example is the speed (IRL) you harvest if you are moving left vs moving right. The former is like molasses compared to the latter, even if in-game time lapse is the same.

3) This is difficult to duplicate, but in the volcano I was about to die, so I was attempting to switch from food to sword very quickly. This caused me to select the sword during a frame of the eating animation. The game locked up for a minute before deleting the food item I attempted to eat, and failing to restore my heath in any capacity.

4) This is a bug, but I want it as a feature? Utilizing keyboard or controller I can run around the back of the bus without any interaction, but utilizing my finger it will actually skip the dialog and just jump into the bus. I actually like this, and use it to exit.

6) Also, I guess corners are buggy? I hear a lot of people say that you cannot interact with items placed in the corner on mobile, but I can do so just fine on everything so far except the Garden Pot. The majority of the issue appears to be where the interactions need to take place. Typically you need to click just nearby, instead of directly on the object.

8) Thus is a big one. If you put something into your shipping bin and do a save backup you can go to bed and see your money from selling the item. Since this isn't yet the save window you can exit the game and reload into your backup. If you then remove the item from the shipping bin and go to sleep it doesn't update correctly, instead it will still give you the money.

Finally, a feature request to counter a bug: Would it be possible to have the available "machines" an item is placable within to glow Green with it in hand? Like when you plant seeds? I've noticed that some of my kegs won't get filled because my guy interacts with something else on the tile when he passed by it (touch tree below instead of keg above) or just doesn't at all (I can hold up & use while walking and sometimes it just cannot fill a machine unless I stare at it directly)... but essentially the big gripe about it is that you can't really tell if 1 keg out of a room of 200 isn't moving very easily.

edit: oh, you can pinch to zoom while opening a text box or container or whatever and it will zoon in or out on the menu you opened. This can leave portions of the menu cropped off. The same does not happen when you use a controller to cycle through items. It seems to be linked to the fact the menu is forced to focus on the item while in use (can't scroll while eating with your finger, can easily with a controller).

Edit2: if you use a controller to change your held item after opening a chest you hold up the item. If you use your finger to select a new item while opening a chest it will also change the text for reward.

Edit3: when riding the horse if your enter a cutscene you will dismount your horse. There is an exception when you ride your horse onto the bus, leaving the desert. Getting off the bus still riding the horse can soft lock you, but I stumbled upon a work around by... Typing? This will soft lock anyone who isn't playing with a Controller or Keyboard, as there is no way to open the menu with touch controls (honestly, there are a surprisingly number of benefits to playing with a controller, without even considering the option to do animation cancelling. I wish there was a dedicated option to select your methodology of interaction, separate from the tool you may select. Being able to hold "use" and run around to plant seeds vs clicking every individual plot is night and day) ironically, using the glitchy entry into the back of the bus has you load-in outside of the bus, so you don't get stuck while riding your horse.

Part 2: When utilizing a controller to select seeds the game freaks out sometimes and will flash the plantable spaces on and off until you zoom in. It's like it hasn't recognized that you're holding a usable item in that manner?

Part 3: When using a controller to change your selected item it will usually fail to update the location on your hotbar, but after a bit it just works again and starts to ensure the selected item is still visible.

Part 4: when using a controller I appear to be getting double input, so I can't open a menu to create a new building. It also doesn't appear to have a means to interact with portions of the menu, like sorting chests or moving down to see your artifacts, achievements, etc. This also appears to leave the use of a slingshot impossible, as it fires at max speed while removing your ability to move the character entirely while selected. Finally, when using a bomb it automatically selects slot 1 next. I really wish this was not the case, as using a controller requires you to scroll all the way back to your bombs again and again.

edit4: I'm on Fall of year 4 and the notification when you sleep of the new day and season no longer appears? Update: it's been 20 days and I think after doing some backup saving and loading it fixed itself? Update2: It's been 6 days and I noticed the notification disappeared again, I haven't done anything with reloading the save, though I have created save backups.

edit5: Your support for keyboard & mouse play is abysmal. I CONSTANTLY need to click things because the use button decides to exit this plane of existence. There will be kegs that will not accept that I am interacting with them despite be running directly into it, only to remember I'm not ethereal if I figure out the correct place to click.

It makes the game actually unplayable, just due to the amount of frustration it brings by wasting your time.

Edit 6: When holding a chest & unable to place it down, your interactions become disjointed from your sprite.

edit 7: I completed the game, but the final area was quite buggy and the end credits errored out. I reloaded the previous save, then went back and the final area is still buggy, but the credits played

Also, not sure what is happening, but my crafting recipes seem to report 10x as many items have been crafted if I'm crafting more than one at a time. I recently got a workbench?


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Can not collect reward after completing the “Qi’s prismatic grange” quest. The items are longer than the screen and there is no way to scroll down to the bottom.
iOS 16.6.1
While I've completed this quest a couple of times (the reward is automatic) not being able to track progress on green, blue, and Purple is super annoying. I've also had similar issues on the Perfection Tracker. Mostly, I think a scroll bar in the modal dialogs would solve the problem. A worse but still viable solution would be the kind if paging we see in longer NPC utterances.

Latest SDW and iOS as of post date. IPhone 8


Type of phone: Kindle Fire Max 11 (13th Generation)
Details of your issue: I am unable to complete Community Board Quests that require items to be deposited in bins. You cannot select quest items in inventory (at all) to move them into the quest bin. Chosen Slot doesn't matter, I've tried every one. I have tried creating new files. I've tried deleting and reloading the game from scratch.
Screenshots/video: attatched
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? This issue occures regardless of the type of load.
Any other info that might be relevant: The issue is persistent and consistent. I have never once been able to transfer community quest items from inventory into a bin in order to complete a community board quest.



Type of Phone: Oppo a5s (very old ik)
Issue: the versions are .36 and .39
The first 2 pictures are .39. 5 mines through playing the screen just go black and its doesn't crash or anything cause if its crashed the game would've exited but it didn't and the tool bars and settings are still there. I don't know if its the buttons cause sometimes when i press the setting/menu thing its goes black and sometime when i try to equip a tool it goes black and the chest on the barns and coops don't open i tried opening a chest outside and it works.

The 3 pictures left is the .36 version and its the same i tried downloading the older versions and still the screen goes black and the tool bars and menu/settings bars its still visible and its not crashing. I hope you guys can fix this but i highly doubt its cause my phone is pretty old lmao...



I got a response on reddit. Turns out I thought weeds were the little green dots on the ground, and I thought weeds were called "fiber" despite it making more sense that cutting weeds would produce fiber, instead of straight up fiber growing out of the ground.

Golden clock don't work :/

I'm on an S22 Ultra. About a week ago in game I bought the golden clock and put it on my farm. Next two days, still weeds and rocks on my farm. I wasn't sure if they spawned or were already there from before I placed the clock, so I cleared them all (just to be clear, I cleared every weed, artifact spot, rock and wood) then went to sleep.

Next day, still weeds and rocks! Not the same ones, new ones spawned. I'm now a week into having the clock and still experiencing new debris spawning.

I tried saving, exiting and reloading the save and the same thing happens.

Anyone else experience this?
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Ipad 17.2

No stardrop recieved.
1)I delivered all items to the museum, but receive no stardrop. It's the only stardrop I'm missing and it's also reflected in my energy bar. Which shows 474.

2) Also, my inventory list covers for rearranging the delivered objects.

Both no matter if I open were I left or in the morning.
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I love this game, there is just one game breaking bug. I can’t access Marnie’s shop! I’m on year 2. When I go up to the cash register, it doesn’t pull up the shop. Nothing happens. My character just stands there like an idiot. I managed to get it to work once when I got a chicken, but I have no idea how I did it or how to do it again. Please fix this! (I use iPad 17.1.2)