Proposal:Addition of Indonesian language support to Stardew Valley

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[Original message removed]
You've been mistaken for negative views at the indonesia stardew valley community, here we all do appreciate everyones hard work which some may have put their farm design as example on one of our channel called "desain farm" people here like everyone whom playing the game as the way it is are welcome but also theres rules, i've seen many many people sometimes talking about a piracy but yet its a one way to ban people to actually does good than bad for the community. Or maybe you are one of the person who got ban from talking piracy? hahahahah

adding bahasa indonesia language means we care for others who cant speak english very well, what do you mean by it? "no one even cares" maybe you got some envy in your feeling. we do care for each other as i said before since people here doesnt speak internasional language very well, a mod from Wisnu isnt official and not everyone can actually enjoy such mods, or maybe you are the one who always feel the most awesome player for the rest of us? hahahah cmon man be a smart people and do something good for the people.
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I fully agreed with this proposal. Currently, Indonesian players heavily rely on Indonesian translation mods, but unfortunately, not all mods are compatible with translations that alter nearly everything in the game. Personally, I've been hoping for an official translation from ConcernedApe to be released since back then. I know it's hard to translate everything, especially some of the jokes, which might not make sense in Indonesian. But we're Indonesian fellow more than happy to help with the translation in any way, right? ^^

Indonesia has a lot of players, which would be good for Stardew Valley. As mentioned previously, we're the fourth biggest country in the world, and many of us use the internet and social media a lot. I can totally see several content creators being willing to play and promote the game when the official Indonesian language has been released, as it is funny how most Indonesians get really excited and proud when a game includes Indonesian language or gives it any kind of recognition.

However, I understand that Stardew Valley has recently received the big 1.6 update, so I don't expect ConcernedApe to release another major update soon (I believe an official translation would be best suited for big updates like 1.5 and 1.6). Maybe in version 1.7? Additionally, I hope that Indonesian isn't the only language to receive official support. It would also be great if other languages, like Thai and Tagalog (more Asians Languages!), could be added too.

Al zaki

Halo semuanya,

Saya ingin mengusulkan penambahan dukungan bahasa Indonesia pada game Stardew Valley. Indonesia memiliki komunitas game yang besar dan antusias, dan saya yakin penambahan ini akan memperluas jangkauan dan daya tarik game ini bagi para pemain di Indonesia.

Ada beberapa alasan mengapa menambahkan dukungan bahasa Indonesia akan bermanfaat:

  1. Memperluas Basis Pemain : Indonesia memiliki populasi gamer yang signifikan yang akan sangat menghargai kemampuan memainkan Stardew Valley dalam bahasa asli mereka. Hal ini akan menarik pemain baru dan mempertahankan pemain yang sudah ada di komunitas game Indonesia.
  2. Lokalisasi Budaya : Menyediakan game dalam bahasa Indonesia memungkinkan lokalisasi budaya yang lebih baik, meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game bagi pemain Indonesia dengan menjadikan game lebih relevan dan imersif.
  3. Aksesibilitas dan Inklusivitas : Menambahkan dukungan bahasa Indonesia akan mendorong inklusivitas dengan menjadikan game ini dapat diakses oleh khalayak yang lebih luas, termasuk mereka yang mungkin tidak fasih berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa lain yang didukung.
  4. Keterlibatan Komunitas : Dengan mendengarkan dan menanggapi kebutuhan komunitas game Indonesia, para pengembang dapat membina hubungan yang lebih kuat dengan para pemain dan menunjukkan komitmen mereka untuk memberikan pengalaman bermain game yang beragam dan inklusif.
Saya yakin ini akan menjadi langkah positif bagi pengembang dan komunitas kami.

Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda, dan saya menantikan tanggapan dan dukungan dari semua anggota forum ini.

Salam hangat, =Yuzuki=


Hello everyone,

I would like to propose the addition of Indonesian language support to the game Stardew Valley. Indonesia has a large and enthusiastic gaming community, and I believe this addition will broaden the game's reach and appeal to players in Indonesia.

There are several reasons why adding Indonesian language support would be beneficial:

Expanding Player Base: Indonesia has a significant population of gamers who would greatly appreciate being able to play Stardew Valley in their native language. This would attract new players and retain existing ones within the Indonesian gaming community.
Cultural Localization: Providing the game in Indonesian allows for better cultural localization, enhancing the gaming experience for Indonesian players by making the game more relatable and immersive.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Adding Indonesian language support promotes inclusivity by making the game accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not be fluent in English or other supported languages.
Community Engagement: By listening to and responding to the needs of the Indonesian gaming community, the developers can foster a stronger relationship with players and demonstrate their commitment to providing a diverse and inclusive gaming experience.
I am confident this will be a positive step for both our developers and community.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing feedback and support from all members of this forum.


No dev, don't have an Indonesian version.

I analyzed that 75% of Stardew Valley players in Indonesia use pirated SV.

I am very sad because they don't appreciate you as a developer, so please don't ever grant this request Dev.


dear, if u join on our SDV indonesia discord, u will see that our rules prevent anyone talking about piracy or getting banned. and why did you post 2 comment with different account?.

im fully disagree with your comment, our community is supporting the Dev.

i suggest you join our discord and see with your eyes rather than just talk without any proof.

and heres the proof that our community is there. warm regards, Owner of SDV indonesia community. =Yuzuki=



I copy your comment, but i dont like sv have Indonesia version
and u make indonesia looks bad in the eyes of international people. as indonesian like you, you already know that our country is the biggest internet user and biggest gaming community. and indonesia is a consumer country, by adding Bahasa indonesia to the game, it gives a lot of benefit for the developer itself, you should know that indonesia is a big country with a lot of community.


[original post removed]
Piracy comes from oneself, one person cannot be compared with one community, if one uses piracy, then we should not judge that one community is a pirate, be wise in your comments and wish you good health, the Indonesian Stardew Valley community is a community that helps each other and don't badmouth each other
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[original post removed]
the facebook group doesnt not affiliated with the official community, meanwhile our discord does approved by the community itself, u should join us and see, dont just blinded by the community that doesnt support the dev, we do support the dev.

get in touch with me
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I also saw an Indonesian YouTuber sharing a Pirated version of the Stardew Valley game app and they thanked that YouTuber
there are plenty youtuber sharing the same things like pirated minecraft. are you sure there are just pirated stardew valley only? you should look the official community because they officially support the developer.


You are talking facts my friend, even dreadout 2 made in Indonesia sells better outside the country itself, I read the reason is because there is still a lot of piracy in Indonesia, the rate was up to 60% when dreadout 2 was launched.
It's unfortunate to hear about piracy issues, but withholding language support punishes genuine players who support the game. By providing an Indonesian version, you're not only reaching out to potential paying customers but also fostering a sense of inclusivity. Let's focus on cultivating a positive community and encouraging legitimate support for the developers.


Wow, an estimated 70% or even more than 50%...
While piracy is undoubtedly a concern, it shouldn't hinder efforts to cater to legitimate players who support the game. Providing an Indonesian version could actually help combat piracy by offering a legal and convenient option for players in Indonesia. Plus, it's an opportunity to engage with and empower the gaming community in Indonesia, potentially leading to a reduction in piracy over time.


I've even heard that the owner of the famous pirated game site for android, apk****.io is managed by an Indonesian. I heard it from the gaming community on the next site
Speculating on the nationality of the owner of a pirated game site doesn't address the core issue. Instead, let's focus on promoting ethical gaming practices and supporting developers who work hard to create enjoyable experiences for us. It's essential to respect intellectual property rights and contribute to the gaming community in positive ways.


Bahasa Indonesia akan membantu banyak player untuk memainkan game ini termasuk saya yang kebingungan bahasa inggris pasti akan mengundang banyak player baru


No dev, don't have an Indonesian version.

I analyzed that 75% of Stardew Valley players in Indonesia use pirated SV.

I am very sad because they don't appreciate you as a developer, so please don't ever grant this request Dev.

Thanks Dev
I once replied to one of his comments "Why don't you buy the original version" Then he replied in his country's language "Kalo ada yang gratis, ngapain bayar 😜" Emoticons that made me furious, finally I reported the comment to youtube 😤
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