You've been mistaken for negative views at the indonesia stardew valley community, here we all do appreciate everyones hard work which some may have put their farm design as example on one of our channel called "desain farm" people here like everyone whom playing the game as the way it is are welcome but also theres rules, i've seen many many people sometimes talking about a piracy but yet its a one way to ban people to actually does good than bad for the community. Or maybe you are one of the person who got ban from talking piracy? hahahahah[Original message removed]
adding bahasa indonesia language means we care for others who cant speak english very well, what do you mean by it? "no one even cares" maybe you got some envy in your feeling. we do care for each other as i said before since people here doesnt speak internasional language very well, a mod from Wisnu isnt official and not everyone can actually enjoy such mods, or maybe you are the one who always feel the most awesome player for the rest of us? hahahah cmon man be a smart people and do something good for the people.
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