Beach Farm New Raccoon Farm (WIP)

This is New Raccoon Farm, currently in Spring of Year 3. It's my first beach farm and it's (loosely) themed off Raccoon City from the Resident Evil games. The book based off RE2 mentioned some farmland and meadows that Leon drove past before he reached the city and the second and third games show the RCPD (Raccoon City Police Department), Arklay Forest, a diner, Kendo's gun shop, a power plant and a clock tower. I decided to try to recreate those Stardew-style (no mods) and also added a town square, church, tailor's shop, museum, workshop, and artisanal shop too fill in the city part a bit. I'm planning to add a slime hutch to be the monster infested Spencer Manor and a Golden Clock with some gold pillars to fill in for the clock tower.

The main farmhouse is supposed to be the NRPD (New Racoon Police Department), with mess hall, employee break room, bunk room, bullpen, gym, library, decontamination bathroom, and a shooting range in the cellar. There was also going to be a lab, but new recruit Alex refused to sleep in a single/twin bed with Farmer/Officer Leon and Officer Kevin so I ended up turning that into his bedroom. Then there's the pasture to the (viewer's) left, the meadows to the right, the farmland and fishery, Arklay Forrest, and the city proper. I initially used some tables that came with the farmhouse and cabins for the mess hall, but I think the longer dining tables might work a bit better. Maybe I should change to the matching chairs though.

I also decorated the bus stop a bit and plan to extend the roads & street lights into town and up to the community center and Robin's carpenter's shop. I've also done my usual in hiding torches behind all the shrubbery, but i didn't bother to any of screenshot that since it's pretty much the same thing I previously posted with Farmer Jughead on another save. It all still has some work to left, but I think it's really shaping up and I'm happy with it so far.


Here's my mushroom and hops cave. All but six of the planter boxes have deluxe retaining soil and eventually I'll get around to adding it to the last ones.

I just upgraded the shed that I'm using as the artisanal workshop, so I'm still filling it out. And my workshop just needs a few more machines but is mostly finished.

I forgot to get a screenshot of the New Raccoon Museum, so I'll have to add that later.


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It's really hard recreating things from another video game world, specifically one such as Resident Evil, in a creative outlet like Sims, Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley but I think you've done a great job! It's always going to be hard to be like hey look this is Racoon City as you have no specific resources to design the specific vibe needed and make it accurately represent it; with that being said, I can see some really nice references and creativity sharing your love for Resident Evil and Stardew Valley and it works nicely to give the farm a secondary theme.
It's really hard recreating things from another video game world, specifically one such as Resident Evil, in a creative outlet like Sims, Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley but I think you've done a great job! It's always going to be hard to be like hey look this is Racoon City as you have no specific resources to design the specific vibe needed and make it accurately represent it; with that being said, I can see some really nice references and creativity sharing your love for Resident Evil and Stardew Valley and it works nicely to give the farm a secondary theme.
Thanks so much! Yeah, it was a bit harder than I expected to give it a Raccoon vibe, but it's been fun. I'm usually kind of done by year 3 but I still have a lot want to do with this farm so I think themed farms is the way to go for me. I'm glad you picked up on some references. ^_^
I got the rarecrow from the Flower Dance to act as a server at the diner and made a couple small adjustment's to Kendo's weapon shop. Spencer Manor (the slime hutch) was built right before the 1st of Summer. I decorated it and hatched my first slime. ^_^ :slime:

Also, I remembered to take a screenshot of the inside of the New Raccoon Museum. It's still a WIP, but coming along well. Finally, I made some more kegs (not shown) and a couple more crystalariums.

Currently on the agenda is to build a Junimo Hut in the Arklay Forest once my starfruit are ready; make some progress on the island (I've mostly ignored it); improve the town's roads to make it easier for poor Evelyn to get to the Community Center and connect the mountain businesses to the town; and catch the rest of the legendary fish. I also might repaint the artisan shed 'cause I'm just not sure about it. And I might give the tailor's shop the third expansion so my friend can use the top floors as an apartment when she wants to play while also giving me a bigger showroom for the shop. I do like the bricklike look of the second upgrade though, so I'm not sure. Anyone have any thoughts on that?



Local Legend
I actually really like the way you worked from down —> up. It’s something that most people don’t do as it’s usually ‘not optimal’ but I think it’s quite nice, gives the opportunity to have more of a decorative area around the farmhouse and keep all of your productive and maybe less aesthetically pleasing infrastructure lower on the farm.


I got the rarecrow from the Flower Dance to act as a server at the diner and made a couple small adjustment's to Kendo's weapon shop. Spencer Manor (the slime hutch) was built right before the 1st of Summer. I decorated it and hatched my first slime. ^_^ :slime:

Also, I remembered to take a screenshot of the inside of the New Raccoon Museum. It's still a WIP, but coming along well. Finally, I made some more kegs (not shown) and a couple more crystalariums.

Currently on the agenda is to build a Junimo Hut in the Arklay Forest once my starfruit are ready; make some progress on the island (I've mostly ignored it); improve the town's roads to make it easier for poor Evelyn to get to the Community Center and connect the mountain businesses to the town; and catch the rest of the legendary fish. I also might repaint the artisan shed 'cause I'm just not sure about it. And I might give the tailor's shop the third expansion so my friend can use the top floors as an apartment when she wants to play while also giving me a bigger showroom for the shop. I do like the bricklike look of the second upgrade though, so I'm not sure. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
I’m about dumb as a rock today (or maybe most days 😆) but I don’t get the Racoon reference. However the farm, home and sheds are gorgeous. Great job! You’ve got a lot of talent and have inspired me to approach the beach farm from a new angle.
Raccoon City is the name of the fictional city that the games Resident Evil 0-3 take place in.
That you very much! I'm glad Raccoon Farm could offer some inspiration even if you aren't familiar with its own inspiration. ^_^
I built the Junimo hut, a farm computer, and made some more streetlights. I also learned that the Legend fish comes out in Spring, not Summer. So I'll have to wait until Spring comes around again to catch it. I've caught all the rest of the legendary fish. In going with the Raccoon City theme, I decided the fish tank in the employee break-room should have the Mutant Carp, Crimsonhead, Angler, and a Spookfish.

My green slime in Spencer Manor now has a purple slime friend.

I made progress with the town pathing but forgot to grab a screenshot. I did get images of the decorating I've done in Eliot's cabin, the sewers, and the Dwarf's cavern though.

I decided on how to set up the mess hall and readjusted the bathroom so the baths actually have privacy from one another now. The dog seems to like it. ^_^ (And Alex acknowledged the washing machine!)

I also added six more planters to my mushroom & hops cave...right after I added deluxe retaining soil to the previous 'last' six. So now I need six more again. Oh well, it's still progress.



I built the Junimo hut, a farm computer, and made some more streetlights. I also learned that the Legend fish comes out in Spring, not Summer. So I'll have to wait until Spring comes around again to catch it. I've caught all the rest of the legendary fish. In going with the Raccoon City theme, I decided the fish tank in the employee break-room should have the Mutant Carp, Crimsonhead, Angler, and a Spookfish.

My green slime in Spencer Manor now has a purple slime friend.

I made progress with the town pathing but forgot to grab a screenshot. I did get images of the decorating I've done in Eliot's cabin, the sewers, and the Dwarf's cavern though.

I decided on how to set up the mess hall and readjusted the bathroom so the baths actually have privacy from one another now. The dog seems to like it. ^_^ (And Alex acknowledged the washing machine!)

I also added six more planters to my mushroom & hops cave...right after I added deluxe retaining soil to the previous 'last' six. So now I need six more again. Oh well, it's still progress.
I just love your decorating! I love how you gave Krobus, Dwarf and Elliot better pads. And the bathroom design fits Alex as well, he’s also appearance obsessed. That quote from him is hilarious! Though first thing in the morning after a long night of back breaking farm work I would have had a thing or two to say first 😆
I now have six female slimes in Spencer Manor (2 green; 2 purple; 1 tiger; 1 red) with one particularly aggressive purple slime who really wants to kill Leon. On a related note, I'm also getting close to earning the slime charmer ring!

Since it's Winter in-game, I decorated the NRPD for the holidays. The New Raccoon Museum is coming along well and I only have three more artifacts and one mineral left to finish the Pelican Town Museum. My lava eel pond keeps giving me magma geodes all of a sudden, so I made some more geode crushers for the machine workshop and have started filling out the artisanal workshop a bit more. I also gave Krobus a tv so he can know when a nice rainy day is coming up.

Trash Bear's final request is a bowl of Tom Kha soup. Unfortunately, I was only at two hearts with Sandy when they first requested it. I'm at six hearts with her now so I should be finishing up with that pretty soon. I already have all the ingredients.

I remembered that the scorpion carp exists and went and caught it (while trying to befriend Sandy for the soup recipe) so I only have three fish left to catch for Master Angler: Legend; octopus; stingray.

I also remembered that Ginger Island exists! Seriously, I fixed up Willy's boat in Year One. It's now Year Three and I think I only went there twice before? So now I've completed The Pirate's Wife quest; unlocked the bone quarry and freed Professor Snail; donated five fossils to the island museum; unlocked the island farm; gotten two rainbird stones; started befriending Leo; hidden torches everywhere.

Other than that, I've mostly done some small decorating/redecorating and monster slaying. The farm is looking good though!


I hatched a blue female slime, so I have all the egg drop colors now, I believe. No males though, so they won't be breeding any more colors. The new blue slime has joined her purple sister in her efforts to kill Leon.

I lucked out and caught an octopus on the second evening of the night market, so I only have two fish left to go! And I added a blob fish to the break-room tank.

The Ice Pip went easy with it's first quest (10 iron ore) so that's done as well.

I still have to get another flower to Sandy to unlock the soup recipe, but I remembered to bring the iridium bars to buy the desert totem recipe!

I've gotten a few hearts with Leo and I have half the golden walnuts needed for the island resort.

I think I need one or two more streetlights for New Raccoon and I might double the size of the hand watering garden beds since it hardly takes any energy with the iridium water can and I'd like to get the golden clock at some point.


I made it into Spring of Year 4 (currently completed day 2)! I've never played any saves this long before and I still have more I want to do. ^_^

Near the end of Winter, I caught the stingray, so I only have Legend left for Master Angler. I also only have one item left (elvish jewelry) to complete the Pelican Town museum collection. I got recipes from Sandy, Leo, and the dwarf at level five of the volcano mines. I think I have all of them now. I've only cooked some villagers' favorites for birthdays and a couple escargots to catch the glacierfish and octopus, so I need to get working on that, but I finally finished trash bear's requests.

The NRPD got a little bit of redecorating. I got a tea set for the winter star feast. Alex put a random chair in the bathroom (it matched the chairs in the library, so I moved it there) and I added a butterfly hutch to his room since he loves Summer. I also added a seasonal decor storage chest to the cellar/shooting range but I didn't grab a screenshot of it. As a side note: there should be a Fall and/or Spirit's Eve banner to go with all the other seasonal wall banners. Outside, I put up some statues around the farm, added some more crop beds, and put up another light so I think it looks good at night now.

Another blue slime hatched in Spencer Manor. It's another female. Apparently, I have the Jurassic Park of slime hutches. All females, no natural breeding. Just eggs hatched by machine.

I've almost completed the pathways connecting the community center, carpenter's shop, and spa to the town. When that's done, I'll work on some paths to connect the library, blacksmith's shop, and theater.


I caught the last Legendary Fish, which was also the last fish needed for Master Angler. I have six more recipes to go but I forgot to keep a couple fish needed for two and also forgot to save some milk for the last four. I'll be checking the traveling merchant and visiting Sandy on Saturdays until I have those completed. Too bad Shane doesn't start selling animal products after his eight-heart event.

I got two male slimes now; a blue and a purple. ^_^ I should start seeing some other shades coming in soon.

I only have half the gold needed for the golden clock, so that's going to be a long time yet, and I think I might go ahead and build the island obelisk and maybe even the desert one (since it seems Pam keeps taking half days).

I'm still putting up pathing around town and still forgetting to screenshot any of it.


I got the slime charmer ring and the slimes have been breeding. They now bounce all around Farmer Leon when he's in their area in the hutch. I think I'm going to move the slime chest outside the hutch so I can equip it before entering and let them have full run of the place. :slime:

Screenshot from 2024-03-21 15-36-16.png

I also made some adjustments due to the new update. The slime hutch shrunk, so I moved it and changed the flooring around it. I'm going to put the clock tower next to it whenever I can afford it.
Screenshot from 2024-03-20 12-57-23.png

Leon_New Racoon _1.6.1.png

I bought one of the new furniture catalogues; the Wizard Catalogue. I used some of the furniture in it, as well as some new additions to the standard furniture catalogue, to redecorate the NRPD, Kendo's Weapon Shop, the diner, and the Church of Yoba.

The traveling merchant now sells spouse portraits, it seems, so I added one to farmer Leon's workshop, as well as some new machines.

Here's the main part of the town with the pathing I've been putting up. I still have to connect the East side of the river. The path continues up to Robin's shop and then up to the spa, but I didn't screenshot that.

And it seems I have one more fish to catch again.
I learned that there are new house renovation options and bought three of them. The NRPD finally has a crime lab! It also has a holding cell and a reception area, since I was able to move the bunk room and the break room. ^_^ The new lighting system is really cool, too. I also finished redecorating the library.

Spoiler warning: In addition to the new renovations, several rooms (predominately the library and lab) contain furniture form the Wizard Catalogue.


I also upgraded the tailor's shop and changed to a different cabin design. (It was also accidentally left pink when testing the paint option. I thought it was orange-ish, but I'm partially colorblind and it's worse on screens. I'll fix that later. I'm thinking of changing the church to a different cabin as well. Here it is on the first day of Winter, Year 4.

Leon_Rew Raccoon_6.1.3.png

I also caught the final fish and I finished my pathing project to make the whole town more accessible for George and Evelyn, but I forgot to screenshot it. I'll post that next time. Maybe.
Spring of Year 5! Never had a farm last into Winter of Year 3 before, but I am still enjoying this one. ^_^

The tailor's shop is finally decorated! I got some inspiration from @atraceofgrace's walk-in closet (shown here). The cursed mannequin wasted no time in moving about so I think I might buy another regular mannequin for that outfit and then dress the cursed one up as infected-like as possible, to go with the Resident Evil theme).


I was also inspired by the awesome @Ferris Bueller's use of a drum block as a stove burner in this Kaiyu-Shiki. So I added one to the New Raccoon Diner. I think I'm going to redesign that back area to feel more like a prep area now.
Screenshot from 2024-06-29 11-58-38.png

I also got a couple slime's in the observation cell in the NRPD crime lab. They bred two baby slimes in just three days! I moved the sword case to the crime lab, just in case they break containment. ^_^

Screenshot from 2024-06-29 16-53-42.png

I finished the Pelican Town Museum!

I saw Sebastian walking on some of the pathing I'd put down. I don't know if that was fixed in 1.6.8 or if villagers will walk on pathing when given no other option. Some of the pathing near the community center was damaged by weeds, so I might hold off on decorating that area. Once again, I forgot to take a screenshot of the town's completed pathways.
Screenshot from 2024-06-29 16-34-45.png

Screenshot from 2024-06-27 17-45-08.png

I put some torches on my sprinklers to light up my main field and added a few trees. I'm deciding whether to build another cabin to make a smoke & dehydrated rations shop, update the workshop to fit them in there, or update Kendo's weapons shop to include 'survival food'. Any thoughts on that are welcome. Still slowly making my way toward the clock tower (gold clock)!