
Me and my girlfriend started a farm where I host and have been playing on it for a while, but the past 2 days she's been frequently disconnecting without either of us having any internet or bandwidth issues whatsoever. It's become a bit of a problem because it's starting to happen so often she cant make it through cutscenes without getting booted. We constantly test it (I've had horrible, intermittent internet issues in the past so I'm paranoid and speedtest whenever I suspect an issue); so it absolutely is not an internet problem. I'm not sure if there are ports I'm supposed to be forwarding or something, I couldn't find that information anywhere; or if this is a more recent issue because it's been happening over the last 2 days even though we've been playing after work for over a week without issue.

I only have one anti-virus. If there's any settings or files I can mess with, or a link; google isn't producing super informative or pertinent results; and while I own the Steam version we're not using that. so I have no idea where else to look. We're both playing off the Window's Store/Xbox app with gamepass.

If there's any other information I can provide to help please let me know


As a bump and also to add to the list of things I've tried, it seems almost random how she disconnects frequently and when she does not, but she started disconnecting a little bit less when I forwarded ports 24642, both TCP and UDP. We had issues with Dark Souls 3 in the past with disconnects, and port-forwarding actually fixed that. So it's something to try for anyone else who is experiencing this issue.
Speed tests don't tell you much. All they tell you is "when a session is established, what's my speed". You could still absolutely be having an inconsistent connection or dropped packets. The thing to look at is your router, the port forwarding is a great start. I'd also look at the QoS settings, the traffic could be getting deprioritized and squeezed out thanks to higher priority content being detected as in play. You may also want to try (depending on how easy this is for you) swapping out the Router for another one and seeing if that has an impact. Finally, if possible, both of you should reinstall your network adapter drivers, and then test with others. If a 3rd party joins in multiplayer with you, do they also get booted? If she joins a 3rd party, does she still get booted?

Just because she's getting booted doesn't necessarily mean the issue is on her side, after all if you're the host you won't get booted if and when you drop connection, she will. Let us know how it goes!