Happy pics

Lew Zealand

I do like how Maru still keeps some things to herself the entire game, like how she's able to simultaneously take an X-ray of you while levitating on the spot. I can only conclude that the gadget on the floor is some kind of amplification device which focuses the X-rays on the floor below Maru, thus inducing a temporary localized antigravity field which only works on cute bespectacled young ladies wearing overalls. It's possible the whole thing hinges on having bowlegs, but that remains unconfirmed by Science.

This probably explains how MarILDA is able to levitate all the way to space with barely more thrust than an electric tea kettle.

Lew Zealand

Can Abi levitate at all? I know she has bowlegs when she's playing her flute by the lake.
It's clear in Abby's animation that she contains all the building blocks for potential levitation as during her playing she achieves slightly greater than a zero altitude low Earth orbit:

But reeeeeeealy only very slightly.

Also the other resident bowlegs Leah is well known to achieve an even greater levitation score through no effort of her own when reaching foxlike for unreachable fruit. Which she then reaches. Clearly due to levitation, though being attached to a certain Farmer during this time has been put forward as an alternate explanation. Sheer tosh, clearly. Just a coincidence.

However there are viscous rumors floating about concerning Penny having magically been transported into a Tree while in the presence of Sam. However the only eyewitness has also been known to eat bugs, so this possible sighting of straightlegs levitation must be dismissed until further proof is obtained.
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Lew Zealand


This is not the nascent hypersonic expansion of a thermonuclear explosion captured by the world's most advanced hi-speed camera. Nor is it the inside of a tangerine crayon after it falls on the HVAC vent on a cold Winter's night. Nor is it a microphotograph of my retina as I stare into the sun, thinking, "I mean, come on. It's not really that bright." Nor is it a citrus fruit that ate too many Pop Rocks and Coke and then jumped up and down. Nor is it a half-formed basketball before they mush down the grippy bits.

What else isn't it?