Switch Gem Birds (solution found)


I played at Stardew on Nintendo Switch, in a 2 players game and we don't know why we can't have the gift after completing the four gems in the jungle on the ginger island. I saw the fours birds on rain days but nothing happen after i put the gem on the "altar". Is this a know bug or not ? I'm doing something wrong ? Pls help me.


Are you sure you have put them in the right order?

When you can still move them, they probably aren't in the right position.


Are you sure you have put them in the right order?

When you can still move them, they probably aren't in the right position.
I'm 100% they are in the right order. I saw all the birds again summoning rain with a totem today. I'm so desperate that I even wonder if I haven't already done the quest. but i'm sure not. Do the gems disappear after the quest?


I finally found the answer. While on board I had not done the quest because the parrot in the cabin in the forest always gave me the clue. Once I determined that I had never done the quest I kept looking. the answer is very simple, i was actually playing player 2 and my girlfriend was player 1. And apparently only player 1 can do the quest, because she placed the gems in the same direction as me and this time it worked. I don't know if it's known to the community that only player 1 can do certain interactions but I hope I can help people with this. (this also goes for the perfection statue after donating a diamond to grandfather's grave).