1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Lew Zealand

I said I was gonna play JotPK but kinda forgot it was Summer 1 and I'd really planned to cut down my Farming footprint. To return the Farm back to a more natural state. Encourage the development and spreading of local native species. Not contribute to excess farm fertilizer runoff.

To save me time.

All reasons are relevant!

Anyway this is the li'l patch of Farm left:


I really should make things look nicer but then I really should finish all the other half-completed projects around the Valley too and prioritizing this would be like picking favorites. So I pick napping under a tree because you can never truly finish that, you just need to take a break from it once in a while.


Until something just INVADES your mental privacy and wakes you up from a peaceful slumber. Like this interloper:


Yes, I have 4 meteorites now and all in the same area of the Farm. If I was more creative I'd theme this spot which I did on my Beach Farm for a single meteorite, but the Forest aesthetic kinda clashes with the purple theme which worked better on the Beach Farm. We'll see if it joins the aforementioned half-completed project ranks or not.

Side note, I told Abigail a while ago she could snoop around the Farm whenever she wanted to for old times' sake and since then I've dug up Rusty Spoons and a Bone Flute around the place and the older meteorites look suspiciously nibbled. Probably just coincidence. That one of them has been licked like an ice cream cone surely is just a figment of my overactive imagination, right?
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Side note, I told Abigail a while ago she could snoop around the Farm whenever she wanted to for old times' sake and since then I've dug up Rusty Spoons and a Bone Flute around the place and the older meteorites look suspiciously nibbled. Probably just coincidence. That one of them has been licked like an ice cream cone surely is just a figment of my overactive imagination, right?
I'm now picturing Abigail taking a sneaky chomp of a meteorite, then promptly spitting it out and saying "That's not Amethyst! Ptoooey!" 😆

I now have an upgraded cabin (thanks to the Upgrade Empty Cabins mod), aaaand now I don't know what to do with it. I was going to collect some of my collections together but it doesn't feel like it fits. Maybe I'll just make random room designs. Except I've still got rooms in my actual farmhouse to finish re-doing, they've been on the back burner for ages - I keep forgetting about them because I play in windowed mode, they're always mostly off-screen.

Hmmm.... do the Cursed Mannequins work in cabins? I might set up a Haunted House and see if I can get the cursed carpet and wallpaper. 🤔
Year 3 of my Hades farm and I actually got the laurel wreath crown! It would've been perfect if it was dyable, but it's still the perfect final touch for farmer Zagreus.I love it. ^_^

I also built a labyrinth shed using garden pots and am working on a shed inspired by Chaos' realm in the Hades game (it's where I'll grow all my rare seeds).

I have now successfully hatched 12 ducks starting with the egg I bought from the travelling merchant. All but the last ducklng have animal crackers.

Still have not been back to the island. I will have to get around to that soon so I can replace my sturgeon pond with a stingray pond, build my mini forge, and get Leo some adult supervision.

Hmmm.... do the Cursed Mannequins work in cabins? I might set up a Haunted House and see if I can get the cursed carpet and wallpaper.
Cursed mannequins do work in cabins! I turned a cabin into a tailor's shop with an upstairs apartment on my Raccoon City farm, and the cursed mannequin has been found in three different rooms and multiple locations in those rooms. A haunted house with a couple of them would be awesome!


I love the garden pot labyrinth shed idea. :cool:

Cursed mannequins do work in cabins! I turned a cabin into a tailor's shop with an upstairs apartment on my Raccoon City farm, and the cursed mannequin has been found in three different rooms and multiple locations in those rooms. A haunted house with a couple of them would be awesome!
Awesome. I'm going to browse through the furniture and decorations to start creating a suitable residence for Mr & Mrs Nope. :toothy:


Local Legend
I love the garden pot labyrinth shed idea. :cool:

Awesome. I'm going to browse through the furniture and decorations to start creating a suitable residence for Mr & Mrs Nope. :toothy:
Honestly a machine labyrinth of anything in a shed sounds pretty awesome, spice up the basic layout, even if it isn't as optimal, at least it makes it easier on the eyes and hands not seeing and following the same exact route every time

It's why I like mixing in some vertical machine layouts or the spiral ones in some sheds, or place off farm where my brain doesn't just wander to infinity filling the same shed layout 50 times a week

Lew Zealand

Next season will be: Journey of the Prairie King 😱
OK doing this.

Got past 4th level to first Boss who quickly and easily wiped the floor with me. Important note: use a decent keyboard with full size keys. I started with my mini-lovey wired Apple keyboard, so small and quiet. BUT. Yes a big but. The half sized arrow keys are no good for JotPK and made shooting diagonally very difficult. Swap to a regular KB and 2nd try was onto the Boss.

Zathras say: Always use right tool.
On my Hades farm:
I remembered Trash Bear exists and completed all their quests. The first two items were both seaweed. The last item took me a few tries to realize it was vegetable medley. I had to grow a beet (plus ten for that Qi quest I always leave until I have time to kill) in a shed. Then it rained four days in a row after I made the dish. However, I finally got it done, so Dusty has a nice pen. ^_^

I got two serpent swarms in skull caverns and they're showing up on my farm pretty regularly now, so I'm a lot closer to that monster slayer goal!

I have over 2 million gold and nothing else I really want to buy so I'm going to build a stable. The horse will be named Charon.

My fairy has become infatuated with Willy.

Still have not made it back to the island.

On my Raccoon City farm:
I'm hoping to get another cursed mannequin (or more), so I keep going to the quarry mines. I made a spaghetti stained shirt to look like a blood-spattered shirt for the one I already have. I'm considering putting up another cabin and making an infected manor with them.

I'm halfway toward affording the golden clock so I can build my clocktower. ^_^
I wish you could choose between gold, wood, or stone for the clock -kind of like the pet bowls- but I'll make it work. I set up a bunch of fairy rose bee houses on the island and think I might use my extra sprinklers to grow some more starfruit there. That should speed along the clocktower build a little.

Already there lol. 😆 I wish we could get the default Attic wallpaper as an item, it's a great old/grotty wood texture (the mod doesn't add extensions beyond the cellar, I hope they might include them eventually if it's possible).
That is a cool wallpaper. I was hoping that one would either be dded to the standard catalogue or the Wizard Catalogue.

Lew Zealand

Yes, I have 4 meteorites now and all in the same area of the Farm.
Um, no.

Make that 5:


Clearly the Iridium contained inside them is magnetic or something as they really really REALLY seem to like this corner of my Farm.

Also the house is rather like a Where's Waldo book when I'm looking for Emily before 10pm to get the evening dialog and hug as recently she's been well hidden. Only to make herself obvious with a wave of her hand as she saunters to bed with an impish smile at 10pm, and giving me the silent treatment for my woeful inability to pick her out from all the clutter.

But no longer, I found her hiding place because most often I've seen her sneaking to bed from the bottom of the map:

Probably reading to the kids and then taking a siesta behind whatever kind of oversized stuft toys are most comfortable.

As for JotPK, I can regularly get to the first boss but aside from one apparently lucky run where I got him down to less than half, he continues to quickly and easily dispatch me. Sucks being a one-shot, now I know what it's like to be a redshirt or NPC.

A general recommendation I'm using which keeps me in a relatively good mood after failing again and again is to do JotPK near the end of the day after getting done what you want in the Valley, as I find it jarring to exit the game and return to Stardew. Leaving a little time to putter about and talk to the spouse usually gets me into a reasonable frame of mind again.
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Trixie has decided to court Elliot. With all the Crystalaria in the farmhouse (there were ninety eight at last count), pathing was going to be a nightmare for an NPC, so all but one of the diamond crystalaria are in a big shed near the teleportation station. The one remains in the farmhouse as a semaphore for when the others are ready. Crib and bed for second child have been restored. The GI cabin is being fashioned into a lounge for Trixie to hang out in when she needs to get away. I think the gold-darned clock is going to precede the bouquet. I want to stop worrying about GI Debris destroying apiaries. Single source Fairy Rose, dontcha know?

She's gathered up the last of the golden walnuts, and might want to do some Volcano Mine speed runs; she wants the pirate hat so she can get a dang drink at the pirate bar!

Don't know if I mentioned elsewhere, but she's thrown a bug killer enchantment on the lava katana so she can whack those nasties down if they get in her way. This is in addition to crusader on the infinity sword.

At this point, she can enter Skull cavern without food and spend the day there without dying. I credit the slime-charmer/vampire combo ring for that, as well as the perennial willingness of the serpents to give her spicy eel and bombs.


I traveled to the desert for the first time on my current farm and tried a few runs of Skull Caverns; I got decent loot for the most part but me and my buddy got absolutely murdered by the enemies, everything seems to hit like a truck and take a billion hits compared to the monsters in the mines.

Lew Zealand

A general recommendation I'm using which keeps me in a relatively good mood after failing again and again is to do JotPK near the end of the day after getting done what you want in the Valley, as I find it jarring to exit the game and return to Stardew. Leaving a little time to putter about and talk to the spouse usually gets me into a reasonable frame of mind again.
Li'l update after playing a few days into Summer Year 5 now and this strategy for JotPK seems to be working with my highly distracted, fidgety play style. Farm maintenance done by 10am, visit Sandy for the Shirt of the day, visit the Quarry Mine for Cursed Mannequin drop (yet ANOTHER Male version, collection is like 5:1 now), maybe cruise Ginger if it's raining to play a tune for Emily's other sister. But end the day in the Saloon in front of a video game. I'm now up to World 2-2 (Nintendo parlance) in the forest but damn those mushrooms are fast. I'm kinda at my limit right now but who knows, maybe I'll get better.

So on Summer 1, Emms hits me with this:
Y3S1 Cozy.png


Well I guess if you count our walk-in closet as storage space and therefore not livable square footage, then maybe. But:

I think it's because I'm in the middle of writing like 3 stories with Emily (another of which started right here with this screenshot but I'll post it elsewhere when it's ready) but I'm finding her to be the best spouse for some reason. I strongly suspect it's because I have an imagination now and wasn't quite there with previous ones yet.


Well, it's great you asked! I'm planning the final Farm layout and started taking Trees out and moving things. It's a big project which will probably take half a year but we'll see how it goes.

Maybe I'll just spend all my time in the Saloon instead.


Trixie saw the hungry challenge on Qi's board and figured "what the hay, I need to kill some pepper rexes anyhoo." So she chomped down on her museum candy, and headed down with some staircases and bombs, and high hopes of maybe an autopetter?

Alas, the treasure rooms were kinda meh, and she had no hope of reaching 100 with that late start. She did manage to hit two prehistoric levels, as well as a few stray dinos here and there. On the first prehistoric level she had a wibbling red health bar and stole away from the dinos.

Luck came through in the form of a serpent swarm which, with the vampire ring, got her solidly into the orange. She finished off the dinos on that floor and further down she went, building health by slaying mummies, ghosts, and slimes. At 1:30 and floor 73, she hit another prehistoric level, killed the last Dino she needed for the monster slayer goal, and grabbed the bug-out stick of gaeng awa' hame. She wanted the Dinos more than the Qi Gems in any case.