Switch Game crash's in co op

I'm playing the game split screen on the switch with my partner and love the game!
But hate the bugs and crashes, it seams to crash every hour ruining the fun then you get to the end of the day for the game to crash just before it can save, we've joked that we're playing groundhog Day at this point! Has anyone got any advice to keep the crashes to a minimum? I don't think it's going to be fixed any time soon as I've seen this issue has been going on for a very long time. Such a shame.


this is by far the most frustrating bug we’ve come across, too. you lose so much progress and motivation to play :(


I am also experiencing this! My partner has lost all motivation to play because of the crashes and I’m just itching to get back to the farm! I wonder why it isn’t being addressed :(
I think it might have been patched in todays update, but we have been closing the app every two nights and relaunching and it and we haven’t had any crashes since. Best of luck everyone!