1.6 Update Fishing bug(?), Mining suggestions/requests, and misc


Hey all, enjoying 1.6 to the core and been playing the game nonstop since the update dropped it is so good, thanks again ConcernedApe for everything !

I had a few observations and request/suggestions that i wanted to share with the community :

1) Fishing : the challenge bait fish quality seems to be capped on gold (even with perfect catch+quality bobber+level cap above 10), is that intended ? It would be nice if there was/is a way to catch triple Iridium fish !

2) Mining : I love all the masteries except mining because all other star powers are completely new mechanics or items but mining is just a drop buff and not exciting to unlock. The buff totem and upgraded furnace are decent QoL but again not very "exciting" in terms of gameplay. Mining in general also is the only profession where the main tool is completely outclassed in its category by another item (the bombs for clearing) and sees no use lategame

suggestion : it would be awesome if we got an advanced iridium pickaxe that caused an explosion or a chain reaction on nodes. That would bridge the viability gap between the pickaxe and bombs and make pickaxe more viable lategame. I would really like pickaxe + weapons to be able to challenge stairs+bomb combo lategame as i feel they are a more enjoyable way to play the game !

3) Aiming direction, item swap, right-left click usage : i am combining all the minor gripes into one category.

Firstly the aim direction is only affected by movement and not the direction of mouse cursor and that has always been a bit disorienting for me. But very randomly during fishing the character seems to turn to face the mouse direction (or some other reason) and cast the fishing line in the wrong direction. Attack/casting direction based on mouse would make aiming very intuitive imo

Secondly, item swapping locked during usage of item also seems to break the flow of gameplay for me. For eg. I can't break a node and swap to weapon until the entire pickaxe animation has played out, any hotkey pressed before has no effect. Animation cancelling or queuing the item swap should fix this issue, for eg. while using pickaxe if i press the weapon hotkey it should switch to weapon automatically once the pickaxe animation is over (vs the current state where the hotkey is ignored)

Finally, right-left click ambiguities : in many situations left-right click usage seems to swap randomly because of overlap of commands. For eg after mounting horse many right click actions change to left click since right click would dismount. Not sure about this one entirely or how to fix this or if it is even an issue or just me doing something wrong !

Okay now back to playing this amazing masterpiece !