Favorite Spouse?

Which Spouse Is Your Fav?

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Miss Berry

I’ve only married two so far, Leah and Haley, and I’ve loved my married life with both of them! With 12 options tho, and me wanting to know the married story of each, how would y’all suggest I marry them in order? Krobus, though not a marriageable option, also included!

And would you suggest marrying them all in one server, or make a server for each?

Also would love to hear any heartfelt or funny spouse stories!

Lew Zealand

"Oh hi hon, just doing a bit of light dusting."
"I watered your crops and fed the animals."
"This farm work isn't easy!"
"Whooo, it's hot out here!"

Haley, spoken in succession in one morning interaction.

Outside, in the Winter.

We have Auto-Feeders and Sprinklers. Uh, and it's Winter: No crops.

Aaaand it's snowing.

100% perfection, I don't care what any other 'tracker' says. This game is complete now and it's gonna be tough for any other spouse to top this. 4th time is the charm and I'm glad that other Forum people here in their own special way convinced me to marry Haley.


I've married Leah (my first and still one of my favourites), Elliott, Harvey, Abigail, and Emily (in different saves) and was fond of all of them. But the one I keep coming back to is Maru. I like how goodnatured, stable, sensible, and affectionate she is. Plus she gives me bombs. Harvey is a real sweetheart though and probably the most grateful spouse of them all. Elliott is really sweet too (although weirdly paranoid about his hair). I like Krobus a lot and would probably go for him more except that you can't have kids with him, and I need kids to wear my hats.
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Miss Berry

"Oh hi hon, just doing a bit of light dusting."
"I watered your crops and fed the animals."
"This farm work isn't easy!"
"Whooo, it's hot out here!"

Haley, spoken in succession in one morning interaction.

Outside, in the Winter.

We have Auto-Feeders and Sprinklers. Uh, and it's Winter: No crops.

Aaaand it's snowing.

100% perfection, I don't care what any other 'tracker' says. This game is complete now and it's gonna be tough for any other spouse to top this. 4th time is the charm and I'm glad that other Forum people here in their own special way convinced me to marry Haley.
So happy there are other Haley lovers here. She is so doting and caring. I feel loved every time I talk to her 😭 But then when you first start a save she’ll say something like…


Miss Berry

I've married Leah (my first and still one of my favourites), Elliott, Harvey, Abigail, and Emily (in different saves) and was fond of all of them. But the one I keep coming back to is Maru. I like how goodnatured, stable, sensible, and affectionate she is. Plus she gives me bombs. Harvey is a real sweetheart though and probably the most grateful spouse of them all. Elliott is really sweet too (although weirdly paranoid about his hair). I like Krobus a lot and would probably go for him more except that you can't have kids with him, and I need kids to wear my hats.
My first spouse as Leah too!!!! High five! ✋

and I’ve heard that if you have kids and then divorce the spouse, you can have Krobus move in and he’ll help you with the children! Honestly, sounds like the best roommate ever. More like a platonic partner and family member

Edit: wait my children can wear hats? THEY CAN WEAR HATS


Hmm…I’ve been wondering about Sebby or Harvey. Just started a new save and I might pursue one of those two, especially Harvey! Man just seems so sweet
Harvey is very sweet and it is very interesting he has other interests outside medicine. His event in the balloon is one of the most beautiful of the candidates. And, as someone who is afraid of heights too myself, relatable.
Sebby has a very sad personal life, not because his family is malicious or anything, but it is more he is displaced. He is very loving and I do like him in general.


Elliott reminds me of my RL hubby in some ways, but with some extra perks (e.g. my RLH can't woo me with words for crap and he knows it) so I inadvertently end up gravitating towards him as a SDV spouse when I start a new game.

Lenora Rose

So far I've only had farmers marry Leah, Seb, Abigail, and a modded NPC called Jasper. Leah is my favourite of those, though I liked all the others.

Haven't had kids in game, though. I tend not to end up hanging out at home in game, and somehow while I'm gallivanting on Ginger Island, leaving them with their other parent just seems negligent of both spouse and smalls. (I have kids IRL.)


Why not both? Anyway, sea urchins are so small you can hardly see the hats.
Well, mostly because you can't bump into sea urchins who are blocking your path. I like obstacles to stay where I put them, not wander around and barricade me out of my bedroom at 1:50 AM.

Also, I guess I play a little zoomed in compared to most people, so the little hats are cute and not too small to see.

Lew Zealand

Why not both? Anyway, sea urchins are so small you can hardly see the hats.
Well, mostly because you can't bump into sea urchins who are blocking your path. I like obstacles to stay where I put them, not wander around and barricade me out of my bedroom at 1:50 AM.
Ah! And here's why a very shrewd ConcernedApe added in the Stardew Final Boss of Hat Display. The Rarecrow that doesn't move <crowd cheers>, can be using as decoration or furniture anywhere on the map <crowd ooohs>, has a smooth dome of sufficient size and pleasing roundness to display Hats at full size <crowd aaaaahhhs!>, and...

in a very key feature to many a hat -lover and -wearer the world 'round,

can be displayed outside, nestled deep within the native habitat of all Hats around the world, shading and shielding the sun's baleful brilliance from the wearer's delicate photon processing machinery. And have a look at those Rarecrows, they need enHattening more than you do!