Farmer Bobbi's suggestions for med/meh easygoing Stardew Valley play


I'm sure you're familiar with my farming method, so I always forget that wood is a resource that people run short on, lol. Seems like you've got a good eye on a lot of the common and uncommon recommendations as well. I'm curious though, what do you have in mind for some of your targeted accomplishments section?
Yes! I’m always short on wood. It’s expensive at Robins year one cause you have no money. By the time you get some money, then it is so freaking expensive. 50g per piece or something crazy. Stone is available year round in mines.


Local Legend
Yes! I’m always short on wood. It’s expensive at Robins year one cause you have no money. By the time you get some money, then it is so freaking expensive. 50g per piece or something crazy. Stone is available year round in mines.
What you could do (what I do), is I set aside a portion of my farm exclusively for the forest to grow and I maintain it by cutting down older trees and making room for new saplings/seedlings. It takes some work sometimes, but honestly it's not really a priority as the trees will still be there, so you can ignore it for a few days at a time while you use your E on other things. Instead of clearing out all the trees and rocks and weeds and everything in Spring of Year 1, instead what I do (and I don't know the right way to phrase this in Farmer Bobbi's perspective) is I create a sustainably harvested source of logs. You can even seed your own trees if you feel the need to.


What you could do (what I do), is I set aside a portion of my farm exclusively for the forest to grow and I maintain it by cutting down older trees and making room for new saplings/seedlings. It takes some work sometimes, but honestly it's not really a priority as the trees will still be there, so you can ignore it for a few days at a time while you use your E on other things. Instead of clearing out all the trees and rocks and weeds and everything in Spring of Year 1, instead what I do (and I don't know the right way to phrase this in Farmer Bobbi's perspective) is I create a sustainably harvested source of logs. You can even seed your own trees if you feel the need to.
Thanks that’s a great idea! I’m always eating the seeds for energy, so this might not work. I heard that in 1.6 when you leave the stumps only they no longer give off seeds like they used too. I used to save stumps to eat seeds from for months, without having the bulk of the tree to get in my way of seeing other things. Now you can’t get ongoing free food source from stumps anymore. I’m going to starve my first year. lol.

Lew Zealand

Post 2 Targetted Accomplishment list is up but incomplete, also edited a thing in Post 1 Playstyle Themes, I'll clearly label Edits.

Edit: Loads of edits happening on this, haven't even addressed the coop/barn yet. I kinda forgot about those......
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Oh yea! I'm curious as to your thoughts on how different farm types facilitate (or hinder) a "lazy" playthrough. It feels like a lot of the perks they have shine through better when one breaks away from the Ancient Fruit Winery $$$$$ Always Processing Artisan Goods grindset.

Personally I love Meadowlands for making me not have to grind to buy a coop, lol. Spending all day fishing on Beach or Riverlands doesn't sound half bad...

Lew Zealand

Oh yea! I'm curious as to your thoughts on how different farm types facilitate (or hinder) a "lazy" playthrough. It feels like a lot of the perks they have shine through better when one breaks away from the Ancient Fruit Winery $$$$$ Always Processing Artisan Goods grindset.

Personally I love Meadowlands for making me not have to grind to buy a coop, lol. Spending all day fishing on Beach or Riverlands doesn't sound half bad...
I haven't played some of the maps so I'll probably not put any opinions about them anywhere in the first 4 posts. Not played: Meadowlands (!) Riverland, Wilderness.

Forest is clearly easiest for my playstyle as Fruit Cave + Forage spawns (includes Mushrooms) + daily Hardwood eases a lot of grinding or even decisionmaking. You might think I'd get the Axe upgrade first for the Hardwood but it encourages the Pick first as I can get Hardwood quickly once I get the later Axe upgrade, even without opening the Secret Woods which requires a second Axe upgrade. That's like 4 game decisions I don't need to make.

Standard is great for Farm design and easy yearlong Grass feeding for 1 Coop + 1 Barn full of animals. Or a giant forest. I usually have all 3, lol! The giant forest is a lazy dream as it re-seeds itself for continuous Wood and usually forces a Giant Mushroom by Fall Y2. I *love* the giant forest and I'm hoping the new Grass type (Cacnea, Flapple??) reduces the size of Grass patch I need to feed the animals outdoors as Forest doesn't have the space partition for that everywhere.

I tried Hilltop. I tried. No. I manually edited my save 3 times (2 screwups) to switch my farm back to Standard before getting it right. It was such a task that I wrote a Farmer Bobbi story about it here in the Fan section. The teensy Quarry is almost useless and a net negative when taking the rest of the map into consideration

4 Corners is a lil' too functional looking for me. Even if I had 3 guests, I'd rather we collab on the Standard and mix n mash our Farms. However I did make a test Ostrich Racetrack on one and it turned out very well so with enough creativity it can be a fun framework to work within.

Beach I quite like because it strongly nudges you to play more casual when it comes to Farming as there's not as much Sprinkler space. The Item spawns are pretty good early game and I like the space for creativity. BUT! This does make me quite LOL but that "small" sprinkler space (~200 tiles) is still more than I generally want to Farm in a game, even mid-late game with Sprinklers.

Right now my Year 3 Forest farm has 191 Quality Sprinklered spaces which is its final evolution (Magikarp - Gyarados - 3x8 QSprinklers). And I usually only go for about 120-140 spaces. I'm not kidding about doing less Farming but maybe there are some people who do less than this? I do like it to look at least a little like a farm for immersion so I settle on Rhubarb, Starfroot, Pumpkin patches for the 3 growing seasons.
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Local Legend
Something to mention, many journal quests are not on a timer. So you don't need to delete the quests, just remember that you can finish them when YOU want to. Jodi wanted a largemouth bass and I was still using the training rod. She waited more than an in-game year for my farmer to finally catch one for her. No penalty! She didn't even notice, much less mention the wait. And anything that IS on a timer has zero consequences if you don't finish it in time. You can always do it again later.

Lew Zealand

Something to mention, many journal quests are not on a timer. So you don't need to delete the quests, just remember that you can finish them when YOU want to. Jodi wanted a largemouth bass and I was still using the training rod. She waited more than an in-game year for my farmer to finally catch one for her. No penalty! She didn't even notice, much less mention the wait. And anything that IS on a timer has zero consequences if you don't finish it in time. You can always do it again later.
These are all great to remember, especially the Help Wanted Board requests as they also time out with no penalty.

It's the nature of having a To-Do list itself, sometimes a long one, that may make people feel more pressure to get them done or even to avoid them if the list is too large. I feel both of those things when playing sometimes but if someone can get used to that list there and not get too bugged by it, just ignoring it a little more like you're suggesting can be great. And If I do that for a season or three I often find I've accumulated the things to finish many of them, which makes the overall experience much nicer and relaxed.


These are all great to remember, especially the Help Wanted Board requests as they also time out with no penalty.

It's the nature of having a To-Do list itself, sometimes a long one, that may make people feel more pressure to get them done or even to avoid them if the list is too large. I feel both of those things when playing sometimes but if someone can get used to that list there and not get too bugged by it, just ignoring it a little more like you're suggesting can be great. And If I do that for a season or three I often find I've accumulated the things to finish many of them, which makes the overall experience much nicer and relaxed.
Yes. Constant more things to do. I like new content but just watching and reading about 1.6 makes my head spin. All the new thing to obtain, to find, to achieve, to do. I have to wait until it comes to mobile I’m just not capable of keyboard or controllers anymore. Maybe it will seem more possible then but now it’s like looking at a new summit of things to do. I have been just walking around and talking to people that’s been fun. But I can’t do the actual farm work, mining, chopping, fishing, etc right now cause of my fibromyalgia hands. There are mods to make things easier for disabled people but I’m too dumb to figure out how to install them I’ve tried every guide and video I could find. So now I wait. At least I can enjoy the pretties while my farm is in ruins and I sold my two meadow chicks so they wouldn’t starve. lol.


Local Legend
It was hard to retrain myself not to worry about the quest list, but I find it easy to ignore as long as it isn't pulsing. So I open up each quest once to make it stop, then never open them again until I feel like doing them. I have got bunnies to pet, you know? I don't have time to give Lewis his shorts back.

I also deliberately never try for year one community center completion. For one thing, doing the bulletin board before you meet Kent means you don't get a free two heart buff to his friendship when you finish those bundles. Second, and most importantly, red cabbage is easily bought from Pierre in summer of year two. Lastly, getting a pig in time to get a truffle before the end of the first fall is crazy. I'd rather play at a leisurely pace and finish everything at some nebulous point in year two. And you know what, from there it is not that long until Grandpa's evaluation, which is the EASY way to get iridium to repair Willy's boat. Planning for year three Ginger Island is so much less stressful.

Another thought: wait until you have a slime charmer ring before going into the skull caverns. Only slimes try to debuff you there, so with that ring, you can focus on defense and skip out on immunity.

My personal tactic for lazy fishing is to get three crab pots from the crab pot bundle and buy fish for a fish pond or two. Then I relied mostly on those to build up my fishing skill until I hit level 5 and didn't need the training rod - though I could also have waited until level 10 and bought the iridium rod to take advantage of the trap or cork bobbers. Obviously, this is not necessary if you like to fish - but it is a completely legitimate way to make the fishing mini game much, much easier.

Lew Zealand

I tested a strategery that I'd heard of when transitioning to the next season where you can maintain your Farm's tilled soil, including the Fertilizer you're applied. My current Farmspot is 191 spots (a lot for me) with 24 Quality Sprinklers and on Day 1 of each season I need to:

Clear debris
Hoe each spot (currently Golden Hoe but started with Copper 😱 )
Water each spot (currently Golden Can but see above 😱 )
Quality Speed-Gro each spot (now with Bonefreakingfragments, grrr! :mad: )
Plant all them Seeds

Sooooo... what about not doing some or all of that? Fiber Seeds! They grow year round so don't die at season transitions, which means your Tilled spots don't change/decay with the start of next season. Fall 28 I planted Fiber Seeds and yup, it works! I let them grow and harvested and then grew Winter Seeds and Powermelon Seeds for the following 3 weeks and planned to do the same into Spring.

Heh, but...

I dunno I must have miscalculated something or maybe I was due as things had been going suspiciously smoothly recently but I seemed the last batch of Fiber was going to be harvestable on Spring 3 or similar. Except I need to plant Rhubarb Spring 1 to get 3 crops in. Not a big deal, just scythe them down, right?

Nope, the only tool that works is Axe or Pickaxe which is done on each tile individually, no area of effect like the Hoe or Watering Can. And if you hit the same tile again accidentally you un-hoe it. That will not be happening. But there's a better way, and it's Bombs.


1. pick up all your Sprinklers
2. determine the Bomb's area of effect (note the right spots for them and restart the day)
3. pick the Fiber plant and place Bomb(s)


5. Pick those stragglers in the corners
6. Replace your Sprinklers
7. Plant like any other day, you're done in an hour or two.

This was dead easy, I totally recommend it. I didn't lose much from destroying the Fiber as I have enough Clay to spare and the time savings was wayyy worth the mild annoyance.

This was the best Spring 1 ever!

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Local Legend
Something to mention, many journal quests are not on a timer. So you don't need to delete the quests, just remember that you can finish them when YOU want to. Jodi wanted a largemouth bass and I was still using the training rod. She waited more than an in-game year for my farmer to finally catch one for her. No penalty! She didn't even notice, much less mention the wait. And anything that IS on a timer has zero consequences if you don't finish it in time. You can always do it again later.
As Lew said, it's the fact that it's there. Experienced SDV players (or gamers) might not have a problem with them and ignore them relatively easy, but other players may feel pressured into doing them just because they're there.

But there's a better way, and it's Bombs.
This is such a Lew solution, lmfao


I tested a strategery that I'd heard of when transitioning to the next season where you can maintain your Farm's tilled soil, including the Fertilizer you're applied. My current Farmspot is 191 spots (a lot for me) with 24 Quality Sprinklers and on Day 1 of each season I need to:

Clear debris
Hoe each spot (currently Golden Hoe but started with Copper 😱 )
Water each spot (currently Golden Can but see above 😱 )
Quality Speed-Gro each spot (now with Bonefreakingfragments, grrr! :mad: )
Plant all them Seeds

Sooooo... what about not doing some or all of that? Fiber Seeds! They grow year round so don't die at season transitions, which means your Tilled spots don't change/decay with the start of next season. Fall 28 I planted Fiber Seeds and yup, it works! I let them grow and harvested and then grew Winter Seeds and Powermelon Seeds for the following 3 weeks and planned to do the same into Spring.

Heh, but...

I dunno I must have miscalculated something or maybe I was due as things had been going suspiciously smoothly recently but I seemed the last batch of Fiber was going to be harvestable on Spring 3 or similar. Except I need to plant Rhubarb Spring 1 to get 3 crops in. Not a big deal, just scythe them down, right?

Nope, the only tool that works is Axe or Pickaxe which is done on each tile individually, no area of effect like the Hoe or Watering Can. And if you hit the same tile again accidentally you un-hoe it. That will not be happening. But there's a better way, and it's Bombs.

View attachment 22477

1. pick up all your Sprinklers
2. determine the Bomb's area of effect (note the right spots for them and restart the day)
3. pick the Fiber plant and place Bomb(s)

View attachment 22478

5. Pick those stragglers in the corners
6. Replace your Sprinklers
7. Plant like any other day, you're done in an hour or two.

This was dead easy, I totally recommend it. I didn't lose much from destroying the Fiber as I have enough Clay to spare and the time savings was wayyy worth the mild annoyance.

This was the best Spring 1 ever!

View attachment 22479
Sooooooo pretty! 🤩 That’s more blue grass than my meadows farm has. My animals prefer the green grass🙄