Lew Zealand
Note: This is a work in progress and will be updated with suggestions from forumpersons and there will be following posts about more specific aspects of the game.
Farmer Bobbi worked too hard at her previous jobs and realized that while a more pastoral existence in Pelican Town implies an increased appreciation in the chillax of Nature, communications with other Farmers revealed a great many of them forget that to become one with Nature, they must find a balance with it.
Also she's become used to being farmlazy and instead of managing so many blahblahbah details to combat this, it's easier to make excuses for it and then feel better about herself if she convinces others of its value.
Overarching playstyle themes, focusing early game:
Edit: The new Farmer doesn't have everything they want but they don't need everything they want. The new Farmer already has everything they need from the first day in the game. For example, you can play never leaving the Farm (a fun strategy that some choose to do!) and grow many things from your initial Parsnips, Mixed Seeds, Tree Seeds and various bits dug up from Artifact Spots. So all the rest is just adding to an already special experience.
1. Do the fun thing and put off the grind/money thing. With an ugly 10M g eyesore in the game, you by definition will always be short of g unless you enjoy Farm aesthetics. Accept this lifestyle.
2. Mostly plant crops that take a long time to grow (Y1 Cauli, Melon, Pumpkin, Y2 Rhubarb, Starfruit, Red Cabbage). You get more g for less work, that's the game hinting at ya! Plant near a water source.
3. Plant half of what you can tolerate, especially early on when hand watering. Leave room for expansion (if you want) for when you get Quality Sprinklers.
4. Consider playing the game by E, especially early on. If you're out of Energy then the day's over and you accomplished a lot. Head on pillow.
5. Take 2-3 days each week to cruise around and give Gifts or just talk to Villagers if you like this game mechanic (I do). Do nothing else off the Farm except maybe Forage and dig Artifact Spots if they're on your way.
6. Pick a day or 2 each week to Mine, no than 5 floors a day (OK unless you're really lucky) to open up the next Elevator stop. Give up and grab the ladder if it's not going well, there's always tomorrow.
7. Pick a day each week to Fish and pick a different location each time: River, Mountain Pond, Ocean. You'll end up with most Fish pretty quickly and your Energy goes down fast enough that you'll retire early for the afternoon. Yeah Ok or night if you fall asleep after elevensies...
8. Keep/don't sell 1 or 2 of everything you Farm/Forage/Mine for the Community Center and Museum donations. When you hover over any inventory, the Community Center icon will pulse if it can be donated. You get many good things from these in return.
Note that I've only mentioned 5-6 days each week as the other 1-2 are flexible for:
• Any/All of the new v1.6 Events. Your Farm will wait, enjoy the new things guilt-free!
• Harvesting and replanting (the crops in #2 above are all 12-13 day harvests, 9 with Delux Speed-Gro)
• Rainy days to Fish up something special
• Craft or Catch or Forage for a Birthday Gift or Help Wanted request
• Random thing you like to do like Forage on the Beach or chop Trees in Cindersap
• Reorganizing your Chests which I need to do by the time ~4 of them are just randomly full of stuff
More to come but my Coffee's wearing off and I think I left the Spicy Eel in my other outfit...
Farmer Bobbi worked too hard at her previous jobs and realized that while a more pastoral existence in Pelican Town implies an increased appreciation in the chillax of Nature, communications with other Farmers revealed a great many of them forget that to become one with Nature, they must find a balance with it.
Also she's become used to being farmlazy and instead of managing so many blahblahbah details to combat this, it's easier to make excuses for it and then feel better about herself if she convinces others of its value.
Overarching playstyle themes, focusing early game:
Edit: The new Farmer doesn't have everything they want but they don't need everything they want. The new Farmer already has everything they need from the first day in the game. For example, you can play never leaving the Farm (a fun strategy that some choose to do!) and grow many things from your initial Parsnips, Mixed Seeds, Tree Seeds and various bits dug up from Artifact Spots. So all the rest is just adding to an already special experience.
1. Do the fun thing and put off the grind/money thing. With an ugly 10M g eyesore in the game, you by definition will always be short of g unless you enjoy Farm aesthetics. Accept this lifestyle.
2. Mostly plant crops that take a long time to grow (Y1 Cauli, Melon, Pumpkin, Y2 Rhubarb, Starfruit, Red Cabbage). You get more g for less work, that's the game hinting at ya! Plant near a water source.
3. Plant half of what you can tolerate, especially early on when hand watering. Leave room for expansion (if you want) for when you get Quality Sprinklers.
4. Consider playing the game by E, especially early on. If you're out of Energy then the day's over and you accomplished a lot. Head on pillow.
5. Take 2-3 days each week to cruise around and give Gifts or just talk to Villagers if you like this game mechanic (I do). Do nothing else off the Farm except maybe Forage and dig Artifact Spots if they're on your way.
6. Pick a day or 2 each week to Mine, no than 5 floors a day (OK unless you're really lucky) to open up the next Elevator stop. Give up and grab the ladder if it's not going well, there's always tomorrow.
7. Pick a day each week to Fish and pick a different location each time: River, Mountain Pond, Ocean. You'll end up with most Fish pretty quickly and your Energy goes down fast enough that you'll retire early for the afternoon. Yeah Ok or night if you fall asleep after elevensies...
8. Keep/don't sell 1 or 2 of everything you Farm/Forage/Mine for the Community Center and Museum donations. When you hover over any inventory, the Community Center icon will pulse if it can be donated. You get many good things from these in return.
Note that I've only mentioned 5-6 days each week as the other 1-2 are flexible for:
• Any/All of the new v1.6 Events. Your Farm will wait, enjoy the new things guilt-free!
• Harvesting and replanting (the crops in #2 above are all 12-13 day harvests, 9 with Delux Speed-Gro)
• Rainy days to Fish up something special
• Craft or Catch or Forage for a Birthday Gift or Help Wanted request
• Random thing you like to do like Forage on the Beach or chop Trees in Cindersap
• Reorganizing your Chests which I need to do by the time ~4 of them are just randomly full of stuff
More to come but my Coffee's wearing off and I think I left the Spicy Eel in my other outfit...
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