Switch Drought. Possible bug?

So glad to know I’m not alone; I was going crazy with this issue!

Playing Meadowlands farm on v 1.6.9 build 37 on Switch. I’m on Winter day 18 and haven’t had a single drop of rain since starting the game. 😩


I had assumed I was just unlucky for that save, but I've started another one and it's the same thing, rain is never happening except during summer (as a thunderstorm) or when scripted. I think it's the Meadowlands farm only, I still am getting rain on other saves.


Hmm... I've seen droughts before, and I don't think they where bugs, but this might be. I mean, if more people are having this problem, than it's fairly likely it's a bug.
I personally think it's just bad luck, but I don't really have any special credibility, so I don't really know.
I'm having the same issue. I've had a total of approximately 5-6 or so days of rain (green rain included) and I'm in Summer 13 year 3 with the new switch update. There are usually more rainy days than that. We'll see what happens in the upcoming patch.


This seems to be a very prolific bug. My daughter and I are both experiencing it. I am playing on meadowlands with a remixed mine, my daughter is plain vanilla regular farm. The only rain for us is on scripted days. That sounds like what you all are having as well. Scripted rain only. Big issue. Very punishing playthrough this way. It's a problem that needs to be patched.


I had assumed I was just unlucky for that save, but I've started another one and it's the same thing, rain is never happening except during summer (as a thunderstorm) or when scripted. I think it's the Meadowlands farm only, I still am getting rain on other saves.
It's an issue on new saves only, and it's on any farm at all. Only scripted rain.


Wanted to just add that I have also only experienced scripted rain events as well, starting winter year 1 now.
Playing Meadowlands farm on the Switch.
I was really hoping I wouldn't need to start over, but now I'm more worried that starting over won't even help lmao


Same here...:frown: First Switch 1.6 file I made was on Meadowlands. Reached winter Year 1 and got no rain/storms other than the 4 guaranteed ones. (Sandy told me it never rains where's from and I said out loud, "SAME..." ) I started another Meadowlands file and I'm nearly at the end of Spring 1, no rain yet this time either. Please fix this, Ape!


Had a very similar issue as well on Switch 1.6.9! Meadowlands Farm. Y1 completable community center, but with legacy bundles. No other seeds were selected/changed.

During Spring/Summer/Fall of Y1, I only had the scripted Spring 3 rain, and the Summer green rain. No rain or storms of any kind in Fall of Y1.

However I had the opposite problem during Spring/Summer/Fall of Y2. Easily 75% of days have either been rainy or stormy. During Fall of Y2, I had a total of 14 stormy days, and 9 rainy days. Of course it's nice to have had so many chances for batteries in Y2 since I didn't have the option during Y1, but it just feels like something is broken with the RNG and more weather balance would have really helped with early game in particular.


i am on year 1 winter day 10 on this new switch file. only rain on scheduled day in spring and the green rain in summer. i'm so sad without the rain! it adds so much to the experience!!!! and no rain also makes early game so much harder. i hope this gets fixed soon! (i'm doing riverlands farm this save)
Meadowlands farm, Switch, version 1.6.9

I’m having the same issue! I’ve done a few play throughs of SDV and have never had this happen. I’m in Summer day 10 year 2 and it’s rained two times. I had to use a rain totem in order to get the catfish for the bundles.

Big Al

Just commenting to add to the numbers to prove this is a bug and not just bad rng lol. I'm also having this issues on Switch, in a Meadowlands farm.


Six people I know all have the same issue. All on Switch. All various farms and some remixed / some not.

The only workaround we know is to use Legacy Randomization. You have to start a new save file, unfortunately. But it works.

Really hoping for a fix ASAP.


I'm on day 10 of summer year 2 and though last summer I did get a good bit of rain, since then I have had zero rain in fall, one day in spring, and none so far this summer. I'm also on switch, also with remixed CC bundles (standard mine though).

I've been paying attention bc I didn't get lightening rods until the second of fall, and then I have one fish that requires rain left to complete the CC and I'm dying waiting for rain. Finally decided to prioritize a deluxe barn + pig to get a truffle for a rain totum, but I just got the pic today so that's ten days to go. And also no batteries beyond the three from the bulletin board.
Rambles aside, I have started to worry this is a bug.
On switch 1.6.9 with the meadowlands farm, I haven't had any rain that wasn't a specific event or a thunderstorm, and I'm on Fall 22 of year 1. Seems like a bug, if it continues on into year 2 I think I'm going to have to start a new save.