Switch Drought. Possible bug?


I’m also having this problem. I’m on day of 11 of summer and have only had one day of rain on spring 3. I’m on switch 1.6.9 with the meadowlands farm.


Started new game on switch 1.6 on four corners farm with remixed bundles
No rain in spring other than guranteed day on 3rd.
The two guranteed stormy days in summer and one day of green rain (i actually think there was one more stormy day in summer)
No rain in fall
Kinda considering restarting at this point


My friend and I are playing on xbox, on the meadowlands farm, and we also had this issue! We had 2 days of rain in summer (one of which was the green rain) and NO rain at all in fall of year 1. Really messed up our community center progression. :/
Fortunately we found walleye in the travelling cart and got the rest of what we needed in spring.


Playing on Switch and having the same issue. I had maybe 5 days of rain in Spring, 4 in Summer, and just went all of Fall without rain once.
Using the 4 corners farm.


Same thing here, Playing on xbox, forest farm, I'm on summer 2nd, year two and no rain except the scripted or totem ones.


Same issue, didn’t consider it might be a bug. Got rain spring day 3 and green rain but now I’m in winter with no more rainy days but luckily I can make rain totems now.

Also playing meadowlands!


I started a new medowlands farm on the switch I'm currently on day 18 of summer year one and have only had one non-scripted rainy day so far.

I selected the remixed bundles and first year completeable community center.

The one day of rain I had was a storm the day before the green rain event and may have been forced to give me an opportunity to get a battery for one of the bundles.

Otherwise no real issues aside from a bit of minor lag/stutter.
SAME. God it's fall 17th and the only rain I got was thunderstorms in summer. I thought that I just got unlucky in spring. It's annoying because I can't get the CC fish I need.


I had some rain in the spring and summer, but I’m on Fall 25 with no sign of autumn rain at all (which is killing my ability for the fish bundle). Additionally, the tv says my luck is low (black bat) every morning for at least the last 10 days.

Also on Meadowlands farm with the OG Community Center bundles.


I'm also experiencing very little rain, maybe 5 days the whole year not including scripted days? Makes catching the community center fish really difficult. 1.6.9 update, on switch Meadowlands farm.


People have seen all rain except the scripted times. Which makes it occur to me that makes marriage a monumental pain in the ass


I experienced the same, only rain in spring was the 3. fix rainy day. On summer only storms, no simple rain. On fall, no rain. Goodbye walleye.