Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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- Language: Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- Platform: PC
- Version: 1.5.6 (latest version on Steam)

Gus' Dialog during Spirit's Eve
English: It's a lot of fun to cook with pumpkin. Such an interesting fruit.
Current: 南瓜可以搭配出很多种煮法。真是一种有趣的蔬菜。
Better: 南瓜可以搭配出很多种煮法。真是一种有趣的果实。(to match with the word "fruit")

Elliott's Two Hearts Event
1.when Elliott is asking what kind of novels the player likes, there are 3 options: "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-Fi". The option "Mystery" should be translated as "悬疑" instead of current "悬念"

2.Elliott's response to "mystery"
English: Mystery, huh? It's definitely an exciting genre. I'll remember that.
Current: 很神奇吧?这种类型的确是很让人兴奋呢。真是终身难忘啊。
Correct: 悬疑,是吗?这种类型的确很让人兴奋。我会记住的。

3.Elliott's response to "romance"
English:Ah, one of the classic genres. I'll remember that.

4.Elliott's response to "sci-fi"
English: I would've never guessed! I suppose even those of the 'earthiest' profession sometimes have their heads in the stars. I'll remember that.
Current:真是想不到啊!就算是是那些“粗俗的”职业也有出人头地的一天。我会铭记在心的。(The translations are so terrible that it even distorted Elliott's character)

Elliott's Eight Hearts Event
English:it's like an elephant's been lifted off my shoulders.
Current:就像便秘了整个月突然畅通无阻的感觉。(the translation is too vulgar!!)
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Windows (Steam)
v1.5.6 Hotfix #3

"Red Plate" is translated as "Red table" (Vörös tábla)
The translations for fruit tree saplings are inconsistent. All except banana & mango are translated as "[fruit] tree sapling", but banana & mango are just "[fruit] sapling"

Cherry Sapling --> Cseresznyefa csemete
Apricot Sapling --> Sárgabarackfa csemete
Orange Sapling --> Narancsfa csemete
Peach Sapling --> Őszibarackfa csemete
Pomegranate Sapling --> Gránátalmafa csemete
Apple Sapling --> Almafa csemete

Mango Sapling --> Mangó csemete
Banana Sapling --> Banán csemete

Thank you!


- Language: Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- Platform: PC
- Version: 1.5.6 (latest version on Steam)

Penny's dialog when she meets Pam at movie theater
1. English: Watching a movie with mom sure brings me back!
Current: 和妈妈一起看电影肯定能让我恢复!(outrageously wrong)
Correct: 和妈妈一起看电影真是勾起了我的回忆!

2. English: Pam and Penny are watching intently!
Current: 帕姆和佩妮正全神贯注地看着!
Correct: 潘姆和潘妮正在全神贯注地看电影!

3. English: It's great to be able to do things as a family again!
Current: 能再次一家人一起做事真是太好了!
Better: 能够再次一家人一起行动真是太好了


- Language: Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- Platform: PC
- Version: 1.5.6 (latest version on Steam)

The category: Animal Product(动物制品)
屏幕截图 2023-07-06 164925.png屏幕截图 2023-07-06 165014.png

I suggest renaming this category as “动物产品”. Because the word “制品” indicates that these products are made of/from animals, which is not true and too brutal for the main idea of this game. “产品” simply means they are produced by animals.
- Platform: PC
- Language: Spanish
- Version: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

There is a misspelling in the scarecrow letter when you get all the 8 rare scarecrows in Spanish.
It shows "aecpte" instead of "acepte". Not a big mistake but I thought it should be fixed.

carta espantapajaros.png


- Language: Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- Platform: PC
- Version: 1.5.6 (latest version on Steam)

Stable's description
English: Allows you to keep and ride a horse. Horse included.
Current: 让你饲养马匹。包括马匹。
Correct: 让你饲养马匹。附赠一匹马。

English: Sorry, I've already got plans to see a movie today, but maybe you can join us there?
Current: 抱歉,我今天已经计划要好演电影了,不过你也可以跟我们一起去,如何?
Correct: 抱歉,我今天已经和别人约好去看电影了,不过你也可以跟我们一起去,如何?

Dark Shrine of Night Terrors' Question
English: Make an offering of one Strange Bun?
Current: 是否确定献祭一个奇怪小包子?
Correct: 是否确定献祭一个奇怪的小面包?
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