Curious on who's the most popular...

Favourite bachelors/bachelorettes?

  • Abigail

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • Alex

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Elliott

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Emily

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Haley

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • Harvey

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Leah

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Maru

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • Penny

    Votes: 11 17.2%
  • Sam

    Votes: 11 17.2%
  • Sebastian

    Votes: 21 32.8%
  • Shane

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Yes...

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • I don't know 🤯

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters


Blunt, straightforward and with a carefully measured dose of (artificial) repulsiveness, just enough to make you earn her, look beyond her outwards appearances, work to know the real her...

I honestly cannot choose any other! Even with only her straightforward demeanor on the table and nothing else, she still would be my first (and only) choice!
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If you're an introvert or play one in SDV, It's hard to get better than Maru, who can't wait to get away from any festival (at least through 1.56). She gives 'splodey gifts too! Her cut scenes aren't much, but she more than makes up for it on the day to day. She's also the only one I've encountered who sometimes notices the sprinklers and autofeeders and compliments the level of automation instead of watering irrigated crops and feeding sated animals.


As much as I picked ‘Yes’, my own first was Haley (although I had Emily’s 10 first, got the Pendant, crashed into Haley’s 10, and guess where that pendant went!)

I asked King Speed who he would take an interest in, after giving him a brief rundown of each bachelorette. He gave me a 🤨 kind of look, as he believes that speed is the only truth in the world (Ah well, you win some, you lose some. 😂), but I think, given his spooky thing for the future (this dude can read what traffic’s gonna do, on the C1 Loop, while we’re still on Route 4. It sure keeps me on my toes!), I would imagine that, with how she takes off, in her Heart Events, Motoya would see stable movements in Leah’s future, and marry her.

I absolutely see him getting on well with Sebastian, and his bike, though. I wonder if Seb would ever race that thing? Reminds me of the ‘Chopper of America Bike Club’ in the world of the Midnight Club…

Uh… Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, if the answer isn’t “yes”, then it’s Penny, despite Haley being my first. If you think I’m wrong, please, enlighten me. I asked, and got nowhere.
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I like them all. Some more, some less, but everyone has an interesting personality.

The bachelors I wed so far were Emily, Sebastian, and Maru. Amongst them, Maru was the nicest partner for my liking. She seemed really interested in me, helped me with useful improvements, she's such a nice down-to-earth person.
But when it comes to love, I would choose Leah and Elliott, they are the ones I feel tuned-in the most. So my next spouse will be Elliott.

Actually, come to think of it, it's Jodi I like the least. At the end of the cutscene with the dinner in their house, when my char says to herself something like "I almost feel part of the family now", my real Me cries out "Ugh, no, I don't want to be part of their family"!
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Magically Clueless

Staff member
i am always live laugh love sebastian. i used to write big essays as to why he's my favorite and maybe i will do that for these forums one day... but for now, his character arc is interesting, his events are lovely, he is incredibly sweet, and i really appreciate him as an adult character, living with his parents but trying to make ends meet on his own, who has yet to find love, which is something way more common than anyone wants to admit. i love how he opens up as a bashful character and he is definitely one of the most thankful marriage candidates when he does "make it"
I always end up romancing Sam. Even when I try to romance other bachelors.

Alex is boring. Elliot is too wishy-washy. Harvey has no respect for boundaries. Sebastian is okay but I'm not jumping through all kinds of hoops just for you to notice me, dude. And Shane is a straight up asshole to you and I have no appreciation for that and am supremely turned off by that kind of needless hostility.

I feel like there are much better lady options
Elliot and Leah, hands down.

Perhaps I have a subconscious bias for red heads.

I also really like Shane. Harvey has always been very forgettable to me and the other lads seem too young for this ol' gal--Sebastian COULD be an exception because he smokes and rides a motorcycle. Shane is kind of toxic, but his arc is fantastic and how can you hate a man who loves chickens that much?

Haley is definitely my second choice for the ladies. Emily comes in a strong third place though. As mentioned above, the other girls seem too young, and funnily enough Maru is the most forgettable bachelorette to me--the first time I played I didn't even realize she was a character until later in the game.

So maybe I also have a subconscious bias against medical professionals lmao.

I used to dislike Haley, but since playing through a fresh save I see her in a whole new light. I used to be like, "WOW RUDE" when she said, "You'd be cuter with makeup... nevermind," upon meeting her, but now I see it as a closeted lesbian compliment and that makes interacting with her much more enjoyable and hilarious. I just had a flashback of my husband saying, "Is she kissing you?!" after I found her great grandmother's bracelet on the beach. 🤣 (Hilariously, in his very first save, Haley was his wife hahaha)


Elliott's hair is the obvious answer.
lol I think I’d like Elliot much better without the hair drama. He’s vey sweet, a little dramatic, but mostly sweet and a good husband and father. I’ve chosen him several times, But the hair obsession dialogue, even suggesting I’d shave it off in his sleep is a tad too much vanity/drama for me. It got old.


I just had a flashback of my husband saying, "Is she kissing you?!" after I found her great grandmother's bracelet on the beach. 🤣 (Hilariously, in his very first save, Haley was his wife hahaha)
That is so cool that your husband will play SDV with you! I wish mine would. He says it reminds him of the never ending around tho clock grind of his actual work…I get it. So I settle for Harvey. He’s the best hands down, the most like my irl husband. I say my husband is Harvey with a touch of Sebastian lol. Have you married your irl husband in the game? That’d be my dream come true. :heart: In the meantime it’s Harvey every time! :harvey: