PC [BUG] English language typos/mistakes + Lonely Stone bug


Following this post, here are the possible mistakes I have found in the original English strings while doing my French Quebec translation mod. A few of them are mostly interrogations rather than mistakes:

File: Characters\Dialogue\Demetrius.yaml
String ID: summer_Mon
String: #$e#%Demetrius is deep in thought.#$e#Sorry, I'm really busy.#$e#There's so many plants to study right now.
Explanation: Is the first #$e# necessary?

File: Characters\Dialogue\Elliott.yaml
String ID: event_boat2
String: Oh! I'm so sorry.$8%fork
Explanation: Shouldn't the $8%fork be swapped to give %fork$8?

File: Characters\Dialogue\Lewis.yaml
String ID: joja_Begin
String: So, the old Community Center is gone... I guess times change, and good things come and go... Yet I can't help but feel a sense of loss.$s#$e#I just hope this doesn't mar my record as Mayor.$s
Explanation: Missing k for the word "mark"

File: Characters\Dialogue\Linus.yaml
String ID: Sun
String: #$1 linusVandal#Someone was throwing rocks at my tent last night... I just had to wait it out.$s$k#$e#I don't like to stay in one place for too long. There's just too much to experience in the world.
Explanation: Shouldn't the $s$k be swapped to give $k$s?

File: Characters\Dialogue\Maru.yaml
String ID: Thu10
String: Oh, @! Is there anything you want to talk to me about?#l
Explanation: Should be $l rather than #l

File: Characters\Dialogue\Shane.yaml
String ID: breakUp
String: *gulp* Oh... Yeah, okay... I guess should've seen this coming.$s#$b#I'll... uh... guess I'll see you at the Saloon.
Explanation: Missing "I" in order to give: "I guess I should've..."

File: Data\ClothingInformation.yaml
String ID: 1004
String: Skull Shirt/Skull Shirt/A shirt was a menacing skull printed on it./4/-1/50/255 255 255/false/Shirt
Explanation: - A shirt with a menacing skull printed on it.

File: Data\ExtraDialogue.yaml
String ID: Mines_PlayerKilled_Spouse_PlayerFemale
String: You were gone so long I started to get worried about you! I almost had a heart attack when I saw your limp body...$a
Explanation: Shouldn't it be $s rather than $a?

File: Data\ObjectInformation.yaml
String ID: 808
String: Void Ghost Pendant/4500/-300/Basic/Void Ghost Pendant/It's symoblic to the shadow people. As a gift, it signifies the desire to move in together as friends.
Explanation: It's symbolic to the shadow people...

File: Data\Events\Mountain.yaml
String ID: 5183338/e 3917666/O Maru/w sunny/t 2200 2500
String: [...]Money? Oh...$s#$b$Well I guess that would be practical...$8[...]
Explanation: Should be #$b# rather than #$b$

File: Data\Festivals\winter25.yaml
String ID: Alex
String: Oh, hello.$s
Explanation: Why $s?

File: Strings\StringsFromCSFiles.yaml
String ID: NPC.cs.4438
String: ...$a#$e$I had a bad dream, that's all.$s
Explanation: Should be #$e# rather than #$e$

File: Strings\StringsFromCSFiles.yaml
String ID: NPC.cs.4446
String: I just feel like sleeping today. Don't worry about it.$a
Explanation: Shouldn't it be $s rather than $a?

File: Strings\StringsFromCSFiles.yaml
String ID: DesertTrader3
String: Your coin has no value where I come from... Do you have anything else to trade?
Explanation: Shouldn't it be plural as in "Your coins have no value..."?

Finally, there's a bug regarding the "Lonely Stone" on the map screen. For all the languages but English, there's no rock breaking sound occurring when you click on the "Lonely Stone" on the map screen. This is because the game checks if the clicking spot on the map is literally labelled "Lonely Stone", and since only the English language has it named this way, it doesn't work for all the other non-English languages. To fix this, it would need to check for "Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:MapPage.cs.11122" instead.
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Staff member
Looks of good catches! These two are correct through,
File: Characters\Dialogue\Lewis.yaml
String ID: joja_Begin
String: So, the old Community Center is gone... I guess times change, and good things come and go... Yet I can't help but feel a sense of loss.$s#$e#I just hope this doesn't mar my record as Mayor.$s
Explanation: Missing k for the word "mark"
"mar" is the right word in that context: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mar
File: Strings\StringsFromCSFiles.yaml
String ID: DesertTrader3
String: Your coin has no value where I come from... Do you have anything else to trade?
Explanation: Shouldn't it be plural as in "Your coins have no value..."?
And the singular "coin" can be used to refer to a currency rather than some specific coins someone has one them. See definition #5: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/coin


Oh, really? About "mar", it's probably the first time I see this word. The more you know.

About "coin", yeah, I knew the sentence was correct and I was unsure if it was a mistake or not, thus why I asked here and mentioned that those would be possible mistakes as well as interrogations.

Glad to see that they aren't bugs after all. Let me strike-through them then.