PC [BUG] 1.5.4 Quest 'The Pirate's Wife' remains broken when broken before 1.5.1


Game version: 1.5.4
Game type: co-op
Amount of players: 2 active for this bug, three total (all players joined pre 1.5).

Problem description
Using two or more memento's (pre 1.5.1) resulted in only one locket and only 1 completed 'The Pirate's Wife' quest. Since 1.5 players which got the memento but had another player turn all of them in at once can not complete the 'The Pirate's Wife' quest.

Steps taken / steps to reproduce (in previous versions: 1.5)
  1. player A gets memento.
  2. player B gets memento.
  3. Player A holds 2 mementos when talking to Kent.
Steps taken / steps to reproduce (in current version: 1.5.4):
  • Player B can not find the 'lost' memento in mayor's lost & found box.
  • Player B spoke to Kent, quest line did not continue.
  • Player B could not restart the quest by talking to Birdie.
  • both memento's are still gone.
  • player A completed the quest and got the rewards.
  • player B can not complete the quest and therefore not turn in the locket as there's no memento to give to Kent anymore.
  • the quest remains active and cannot be restarted.
Now that we are on 1.5.4 player B still has an unfinished quest, but no way to finish it. The patch does not deliver the 'lost' memento to the lost & found box in Mayor Lewis' house, which is what would be expected given the introduction of the lost & found box.
"Added lost & found box in Mayor Lewis' house. This can be used to retrieve items donated to failed special orders, lost quest items and tools, items from offline players, hats from children that have been turned into doves, and items left behind in the Stardew Valley Fair grange display."
Fix suggestions:
  1. Taken into account all memento's in chests/inventories, deliver a memento for each player with an active 'The Pirate's Wife' quest for who there's no memento.
Other solutions would break the logic/storyline too much I think. Some examples:
  1. Having Kent return / mail one of the mementos back to the player who still needs the item. The conversation/letter would be illogical since the cutscene would still need to be held to progress with the quest line.
  2. Delivering any of the subsequent quest items (rose, salt, locket, etc) to the player by any NPC in this story line as it'd be unclear why they received it. The story line would become too complex.
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