I'm sorry if I was very strict before and the misunderstanding, English is not my first! I now understand you didn't do this on purpose (there have been people like that unfortunately) and I know why the misunderstanding happened. Basically
Alleyballey28 doesn't have right to have the open permissions on nexus bc she doesn't "own" everything in the mod she published but it's a misunderstanding I'm sure (she basically copy pasted my code before she knew better, but that's okay now). I have now informed her about this permission case. So I think it's unreasonable to blame yourself for this. It would have probably happened to me too if this was the case.
Also I'm totally fine now that I know the situation if you post an update on Nexus on Pigeons Plus. It's great that you are updating and taking care of old mods, I don't want to discourage otherwise any of you and hope you all have a good time modding!