Altar of Yoba

You need to recharge the scepter? Have a recharge available from Krobus, where you got the scepter in the first place. Don't make Yoba explicitly real within the SDV world. I'd rather the price just be increased if you think it's too much for the cost. I'd rather the functionality stay the same.
As for charging the scepter, I don't care about the way. I just think it would be more balanced if sometimes you have to charge and it takes some extra effort.
Personally, I don't see a strong religious connection, whether the charging is done through the altar or through Krobus or whatever.
Krobus, for example, could be both religious (perhaps secret priest :happy: funny & cool) and have magical abilities to charge the scepter. SDV is a world full of magic anyway - who knows which part "explains" itself how! ;-)

I think it would be best not to explain too much explicitly, but leave a lot to the player's interpretation as well.
Some may see things as occult, others as magical, and the next again as religious. Maybe everything is connected to everything, maybe not. SDV remains even though fantastic (also in the sense of fantasy-like) - and that's absolutely great.