PC [BUG] Multiplayer invitation code isn't appearing.


EDIT: Before I open the game I Changed my Steam Status from online to invisible and back to online again and then finally worked.

I was trying to play with my friend and when I enter the save that we always play, the invitation code doesn't appear and neither the option to invite a friend via steam. The same thing happened in his game. I really want to know if this problem is happening with someone else. OBS: Our internet connections
is good and our games are updated.
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Heard of many people having this problem in the past few days. What worked for me was changing my status from invisible to online on steam.


Me too! Started yesterday and at first it was just me, today the option appeared but disappeared again, then my fiance's having the same issue too. :cry: Tried all sorts of suggested "solutions" still the same. Sigh..


My friend is having this issue as well, and I have had disappearing "invite code" button on Join in Co-op PC/Steam.
Mine works after re-opening the game, his however just blatantly refuses to work. We tried several troubleshooting suggestions, ended up seeing it work for him once, and it will not reappear again.
Hope this bug gets fixed soon!


Me too! Started yesterday and at first it was just me, today the option appeared but disappeared again, then my fiance's having the same issue too. :cry: Tried all sorts of suggested "solutions" still the same. Sigh..
the option appeared again for sometime around midnight, but now it's gone again. ???


Staff member
There seems to be issue with Steam Chat that is causing this. People have mentioned some random solutions that worked for them such as the one Raolok suggested above where you change steam status from online to invisible and back to online again before opening the game. Another suggestion someone mentioned was opening a different multiplayer game, closing it and then opening stardew valley.


My friend, brother, partner and myself are all experiencing this issue and nothing has helped. We've verified our game files, restarted Steam, restarted computers, as well as tried the few tips here. I really hope this gets sorted/dealt with soon because it is quite frustrating.


Around 13 hours ago Co-op still works, but waking up today, it doesn't work AGAIN. Is there any announcement from devs about any future patch? Hope they fix it soon. My Holiday is almost over :(


It's still not working for me and my friends. There's no room code and he can't invite us in Steam.
Invisble/Online, Starting another Multiplayer game etc didn't work. I hope they fix it soon :(