
  1. lollalafonda

    Switch Can’t place wallpaper on switch corners

    can’t place any wallpapers on the “columns” between rooms on the farmhouse i have unmodded, switch, forest farm, fully upgraded farmhouse single player
  2. Switch Lag on the farm when raining

    When walking around on a nearly untouched standard farm i.e lots of trees still present, on rainy days the frame rate drops and the player lags when walking. Switch in-game language English single-player Handheld switch (not docked)
  3. classicdoritos

    Switch Game Crashes and Freezing Drops in Mines

    I’ve encountered two issues while playing in split-screen co-op mode: The game crashes unexpectedly. This has happened two or three times already In some cases, drops (such as stones or items) in the mines freeze. You can still search for the ladder, and when you move to another floor...
  4. Switch Statue Disappeared??

    I reloaded my save (that I played just last night) today, after the little patch I think?, and unfortunately my Statue of the Dwarf King that was in front of my house is just gone?? I don't understand why or what happened, but I'm out 20 iridium bars, and would like it back. I'm on...
  5. Jazzmary

    Switch My Spouse is Stuck In the Fence! (Bug)

    Hey! So after the new recent switch update, for some reason every time my spouse goes to town he gets stuck in this fence! Doesn’t get out until the next day… just wanted to let people know.
  6. Switch Newest 1.6 update crashing desert mines after level chests

    I am playing split screen co-op with one other player on switch. Every time we get a level chest (the red chest) to open the game crashes after we take the ladder. We have been trying to get to level 200 which has been impossible with this bug.
  7. Switch Mines Timestop Glitch

    Switch Co-Op Splitscreen (V. While in the mines, occasionally a floor would experience a 'timestop' where rocks when broken would freeze on their breaking animation frame. Additionally killed enemies would only lose hitbox and their sprite would freeze in place. Staircase can still be...
  8. Switch Game Crashes Co-Op Splitscreen

    While playing on the switch co-op splitscreen (V. we are experiencing random crashes. New save, first crash was during the egg festival and the other was later than spring with one player mining and the other wandering. No discernable trigger for the crashes.
  9. Switch Fishing lag

    When playing on co-op on switch on 1.6 the game will periodically lag/freeze. It’s especially notable when fishing and will freeze the green bar for a moment. Has caused us to lose several fish. We are both playing switch hand held. Happens on both of our lites as well as my nitro deck using...
  10. Switch 1.6.9 game crash on split screen

    I know there seems to be alot of issues around the mines, we were able to replicate 3 times by the 2nd player using bombs in the mine, however I was able to use them ok. In the meantime we have been restarting the game after every 2 days or so, and this seems to reduce the amount of crashes (as...
  11. Switch Game crashing

    On switch, [current version (19.0.1) game version (] the game seemed to crash randomly when playing online. I'm playing with one other person (same switch and game versions) so far I've found the cherry bombs cause a crash once dropped. If player 1 uses the bomb player two crashes and...
  12. UnexpectedTaxes

    Switch Glitches in the mines along with other problems (v1.6.9, build 36)

    I play exclusively local co-op on the switch and I've been having some issues since the update. Some floors in the mines for my screen freeze the tile movement of the monsters but not the animation. I am able to move around like normal but i break a rock or kill an enemy the items freeze in the...
  13. Switch Help! Switch CoOp Lag Crashing Blurry

    My switch co op all of a sudden started going unfocused and blurry and glitches out. it makes it unplayable.
  14. Switch Bomb bug

    My sister and i often play together and we have hilariously found that using bombs will kick the other player. I have never made a bug report before so sorry if i do this wrong, but i do miss being a bomb maniac. We both play on the switch, so i don't know how to pull up an error code. It just...
  15. Switch Racoon Shop

    I've completed a couple of the racoon tasks but the shop doesn't expand even though I get a prompt saying it has.
  16. Switch Frog Trinket

    Playing with frog trinket on dungeon floors- there is a glitch where if the frog eats the last monster then no ladder appears.
  17. JumanjiFarm

    Switch Jungle Farm and Town

    I just unlocked the house on Ginger Island, and now my entire town and farm is jungle textured with weeds and random trees EVERYWHERE. The desert is completely normal but even villagers' houses are green and there are just jungle objects EVERYWHERE. I mean everywhere.
  18. biglassy

    Switch Splitscreen Crash N. Switch

    Me and GF have played SV for nearly 100hrs this year. We play on the Switch in local host, split screen. Since the 1.6 update, our new save keeps crashing occasionally. It is very frustrating and we have given up on playing, losing that days progress every time. We played for about 6hrs...
  19. scatteredbadass

    Switch lag in winter season

    Hi there!! I’m loving the update so far however I just got to winter and whenever it snows on my farm my game will lag about every 3/5 seconds unless I leave my farm or it’s not snowing. I play on my switch and I usually use my pro controller. I’ve noticed the lag in other seasons, however it’s...
  20. osdeibi

    Switch Visual lag after 12 days Autumn

    Every 2 seconds after the 12 day of autumn visual lag happens every 2 seconds. I'm playing the version on Nintendo Switch this also happens on my wife switch, after the 12 day of autumn get the same visual lag every 2 seconds only on the farm area, outside the farm everything is good...