
  1. IntoxicHeart

    Switch Stardew closes out whenever I take a screenshot of my farm

    Non-modded Stardew Valley game on my Switch;; I used to not have this issue, but now currently I do. Outside, on non-rainy days (and outside of winter season), I cannot take a screenshot (from the in-game screenshot menu, since I don’t know how to do a screenshot otherwise on my Switch) of my...
  2. Switch [HELP] I can't seem to catch a fish on switch

    So I usually play on pc and I never had problems but when I started to play on my switch I noticed that I can't seem to catch any fish. I've played stardew on switch before so I still remember how to fish but now every time I get the exclamation point indicating I caught something I'd press Y...
  3. SentientPen

    Switch Looking to play a lot!

    Hey all really been playing a lot of SV lately and would love to push a file into late game, do everything+make tons of gold. I’m available most of the time. Can do voice chat via discord some nights. M26 so definitely be at least 18+, otherwise anyone is welcome!
  4. Switch Better Switch Screenshots

    My wife and I have been playing the game on our Switch's. We love it. Lots of hours. We're making our farms look nice, but unfortunately the Switch's screenshot button isn't very high-res. However, if I open the console on the Switch and type "/mapscreenshot image01 25" it yields a better...
  5. Switch [BUG] Player 2's fishing minigame unplayable (fishing bob erratic, uncontrollable)

    Hi, my partner has started playing Stardew Valley with me, local co-op on the Switch. I'm player 1, she's player 2. Whether she uses a bluetooth Xbox controller, or the joycons, the fishing minigame is nearly unplayable. Pressing/holding the action button is supposed to give control of the...
  6. Switch [HELP] Problem with Switch Local Co-op

    Whenever my girlfriend and I try to connect to each other's game, the person joining gets kicked back to the title screen. - We each have a copy of the game on our own Switches - We checked to make sure our Switches are on the same version (14.1.2) - We checked the bottom left of the "?" menu on...
  7. Switch 18+ looking for nice people to play co op with

    Hi, i am just looking for a nice group of people to play co op, iv never played co-op before but have a farm that over 10 year. I'm definitely not an expert just looking to play chill.
  8. Switch [BUG] Game keeps crashing somewhat randomly

    Hi, My Switch copy of the game keeps crashing at somewhat random intervals. It doesn't seem to be triggered by any action in particular - once I was putting things in a chest, another time it was after I bought something - and it isn't restricted to particular days. I get the error "the game has...
  9. Switch [HELP] Transfer Split Screen co-op to online multiplayer

    My friend and I were playing split screen whilst at his house and made it to summer day 8 on split screen We don't want to have to restart for when we play from our on switch on online co-op is there a way to transfer the world?
  10. Solved Stardew valley multiplayer cross-platform

    I was wondering if it is possible for me to play cross platform with my friend. She has Nintendo Switch and I have Xbox.
  11. Switch [HELP] Game crashing when I sleep

    I'm about 140 hours into a save on the Switch. Every time I try to sleep the game crashes with error "The software closed because an error occurred". I went through posts on here and Reddit for the same issue over the past few years and tried the following: Having only tools Having no items...
  12. GhostPie

    Switch [BUG] Slingshot ammo doesn't add like fishing rod

    On the Nintendo Switch, 1) I go to my inventory and I see I have 23 stones 2) I select all 23 stones by pressing the "A" button 3) I move the stones over to the slot that has my slingshot -- my slingshot has 10 stones of ammo When I try to drop the ammo onto my slingshot by pressing the "Y"...
  13. Hysterias_Laugh

    Switch AKDT - Let's start a new farm (18+ preferable, not required)

    I have my discord and switch account attached to my profile. I'm just looking for other people who like Stardew. I'm trying hard not to sweat too much, so preferably semi-experienced players. Voice Chat is preferable, but not required. Dang I sound really sweaty even in this message. I find...
  14. Switch Switch new farm new player

    Hi I’m newish and want to start a game on switch need help and friends.
  15. Switch [HELP] I cant put my bed down

    Help!!! I got in 40 hours of game play ! Picked up my bed and the game wouldn't allow me to put it down. So I started over . I'm back in about that amount of time and it did it again. I even bought another bed but it won't let me put that down either. Helpp!
  16. Switch New long term farm

    Looking for people who are down to have a long term farm. Voice chat isnt required but would be cool.
  17. Tukis J

    Switch Bugs on switch (trophy) (mutant bug lair)

    There is one bug on the mutant bug layer, when I put a path, rocks still spawn on top of them even if the path is there, also when IThe m put furniture like a junimo plush, fiber spawns on top of it, even rocks do this it is weird. The most important thing that I want to be fixed is my stardew...
  18. Switch [BUG] Can't use machines

    I just started having a bug on my switch where i can't se any machine like seed makers, furnaces, recyclers ect.. Ive been in spring of my second year when this just started happening. Ive tried reinstalling the game. No results. I gave a more detailed explanation on this reddit thread...
  19. BunnyBoo

    Switch Lets start a farm

    Looking to start a farm with friends or join a farm. 21+ preferable and possibly use discord.
  20. SurprisedPikachuBob3

    Switch Chill farm to make friends

    Hi I am 14 year old kid in Australia looking to make a farm to chill and hang with some people. My time zone is AEST so try to keep playing times to that time zone. Ideally love for other high school kids. Must have discord (No need for voice, maybe if we become friends). Also will not be able...