
  1. Switch Advanced crafting and fridge inventory not working.

    My workbench and my fridge will not tell me how many of each ingredient I have. The fridge just shows red zeros for all items whether they are in the fridge or not. Also my work bench will not tell me how many items I can craft with the supplies on hand.
  2. Switch Divorce bug

    Stardew valley - Attempted to file for a divorce four times without doing anything else in that day and it caused a crash at save all 4 times.
  3. 5H4TT3R MY 5KU11

    Switch Alex (after marrying) gets stuck in the fence at the bus stop on his way to visit his grandparents.

    I play on Switch, single player, in English, version 1.6 (tryna provide all the information I can, idk) and every single time (expect for the first few times for some reason) Alex goes to visit his grandparents, he gets stuck inside the fence at the bus stop on his way there. It just bugs me...
  4. Switch Any prevision for bugs fix?

    There's a lot of bugs for coop version in this new version, and it's getting very frustrating to go to the mines, or skull cave, etc, and then the game crashes and we have to reestart it all again. Not for ALL the problems, but is there any date prevision for the new update with these major bugs...
  5. Switch Taking Screenshot sometimes causes crash

    Pretty much what the title says. On switch, taking a screenshot (using the button in the options menu) sometimes causes the game to crash. Usually when I've been playing for a while.
  6. scatteredbadass

    Switch Weird color bleed when I move

    Not sure if this is just an issue with my switch or the game but I haven’t noticed it before today. When I move down or up on certain screens I can see what looks like ink/color bleeds moving in the direction I go in. It’s kind of hard to capture without video but it just looks like colors are...
  7. PlayStation Local Split screen in GINGER ISLAND

    It seems that other than the common issues mentioned in other posts, I also couldn’t gather ore in the dig site, and I couldn’t get any golden walnuts from mining or combating in the volcano dungeon. Anyone has same problems?
  8. Switch Can’t divorce

    I play on Nintendo Switch (single player - non moded) and since the 1.6 update, I cannot divorce my spouse without my game crashing when I go to end the day…. I tried looking into my settings from my switch, but everything seems to be in order. To my understanding, the problem is really in the...
  9. Switch Game crashing when opening furniture catalogue

    It seems to happen randomly, but sometimes when I open a catalogue(specifically the Junimo one in this case) the game will give me an error message and boot me out. If I go back in and try again it works fine, but then later the same thing will happen again Playing single player on switch...
  10. evergreen oak

    Switch Community Center related bug from reddit

    Saw this posted over on the Stardew Valley Console subreddit. I don't have an account there but I want to make sure these issues are brought up and acknowledged by developers here; "I'm in Summer year 2. I just got my red cabbage and the only other thing I need is a sturgeon. I tried to...
  11. Switch Furniture outside trapped in tea bushes

    On the switch, I believe I had the tea bushes down first and then decorated with side tables and prismatic shards. I now can’t destroy, pick up, or do anything with those tables or bushes. Bombs, axe, pickaxe etc nothing works.
  12. Kthnksdie

    Switch Found another minor bug

    I too am experiencing a drought in my game, Meadowlands, spring 17 year 2, no rain other than the 2 scheduled ones year one. BUT I found one I haven't seen others talk about... You can no longer see how many Qi coins you have while playing slots in the Casino. I just backed out of the game...
  13. Switch SWITCH BUGS since Update

    :mad: There are so many bugs in the game since the update!!!! In some cases you cannot complete your tasks, such as placing bombs in the mine to collect ores! And there is no bug fix for the switch!!! that's annoying!
  14. 64bob

    Switch Winter festival stuck fishing

    I was fishing in the fishing competition in the winter festival and left les then a minute through and went straight to the next day and when I tried to place or use anything the fishing thing appeared and it was the one you get for the fishing game it still happened when I went to ginger island...
  15. Switch 1.6 - No Fish Smoker

    I am playing on the switch with the latest update (1.6). I am year in 2, lvl 10 fishing, no fish smoker recipe available at the Fish Shop and it's not already in my Recipes
  16. Switch Farm Computer reporting incorrect data

    I've noticed that the Farm Computer appears to be reporting incorrect data. I currently have a Farm Computer placed inside my main house, as well as various machines. It reports the output of some machines as double what the real figure should be. Eg, if I have 36 Crystalariums, it always...
  17. Switch Raccoon’s wife shop doesn’t update at all and only trade seeds

    I’ve completed all of the raccoon quests , yet the wife’s shop isn’t updated at all
  18. Switch Calico egg rating count not working properly in multiplayer

    [Nintendo Switch] When playing multiplayer and doing the skull cavern dive at the desert festival, the Egg Rating would not go up properly. This specifically happens when skipping past floors with shafts. Interacting with statues works fine, and landing on an exact floor with a multiple of 5...
  19. Anyone knows if it is possible to make console saves migratable to the next generation console?

    This may be way too early to start this conversation but with more news about Switch 2, I thought about the potential that when Switch is phased out and its online platform is sunset , that it may not be possible to update the game or move the current saves to the next console in line anymore...
  20. Switch (v1.6.9.37) Missing special item - Sloth Skeleton R

    This happened on version I was moving my Sloth Skeleton parts to a new place in the farmhouse, then the Sloth Skeleton R went missing from my inventory and is nowhere to be found. If it helps debugging, I had the catalgue and the furniture catalogue on my inventory as well. Tried...