quality of life

  1. Danieru Dazukii

    Be able to eat while sitting

    Hey, I would like to suggest something and it is to be able to eat while sitting, I think this could be a good quality of life feature. Hope that this could be a thing in the near future of stardew valley.
  2. StalledPencil

    PC Quality of Life Bugs

    - When using a rain totem, it rains in the winter instead of snowing - Doors remained locked during festivals with a key to the town - Clipping out of bounds is still possible through loading screens using swords because every swing makes you take a step forward, letting you bypass loading areas...
  3. Ladder Change for Dungeons

    I'd like the ladders that you're supposed to right-click to descend in the dungeon to require you to click directly on them to work. At least twice now I've accidentally descended without meaning to by right-clicking to perform a special attack when standing near a ladder and my pointer was no...
  4. MrZeffy

    "Grab Cursor" Option Toggle

    Personally while playing in windowed mode, I've found it unnaturally easy to move my cursor outside of the game window; Part of that stems from the experience that - most games "Grab" the cursor within the bounds of the game window unless you tab out, or enter a settings menu (or something of...
  5. Hani

    Option to prevent mouse cursor position from affecting the direction of 'x' and 'c' inputs

    Hey, sometimes I like to play one handed with only the keyboard "controller style" and if the mouse cursor is far from the player it works fine, but if the mouse cursor is near the player it will affect how they keyboard inputs will work. For instance if I'm south of a berry bush and click on x...