Add commas to the cost in expensive items


One thing that I have noticed since I started playing Stardew valley is the lack of commas in numbers. Commas in numbers would be a small thing that would not change the game much. However, it would be a great quality of life addition. Currently, when shopping in Stardew Valley it can be difficult to quickly see the exact amount of gold an item is worth at a glance. This is not an issue for any number less than 9,000g. However, once items get more expensive the issue appears. A notable and extreme example of this is the Gold Clock. With a price of 10,000,000g, I often have to look at the number and count the zeros to find the exact value. At a glance, the number 10000000 just looks like the number one followed by several zeros. Without commas, finding the exact value at a glance (without already knowing it) is challenging. Talking to several of my friends that also play Stardew Valley. I have confirmed that this problem is not exclusive to me and that the addition of commas would be apreshiated. I have also been made aware that the problem is greater on a TV. As the screen is further away is can be more difficult to make out minor details. The addition of commas would help console players greatly.

Here is a screen shot of the price to demonstrate this issue in game.
Screenshot 2021-01-16 171440.png

