
  1. PlayStation Pam wont even go near the bus stop

    I did the bundle, year 3 currently on sun21 fall. It's been about a month since she last went to the stop. I tried gifting her beer to get her to go as that worked for someone else but did not work.
  2. Solved Issue with "The Good Stuff" quest [Android]

    Okay so I did "The Good stuff* quest for Pam, grew the potatoes, put them in the kegs, delivered them to Pam and I think I got the gold, it was a while ago. But I check my TV every day and I don't have the new channel. I am playing on mobile on android so I am still in version 1.5. does anyone...
  3. KiddiBam

    Windows Pam's house gone

    I bought a new house for Pam, watched the scene, and the next day I see this: just the roof, no house.
  4. iOS Bug report!!!

    Hello! I've been playing for over 70 hours! Since you guys didn't seem to collect bug report reviews from Apple Date, I'll post the bug report directly on this board. Right now, I'm tired of writing in English and posting the English text output by Google Translate, so sorry for the odd texts...
  5. Shane and Pam loved gift. Beer abstinence.

    After a certain point, Shane and Pam try and avoid beer. It should ceese to be a loved gift then. Maybe disliked/hated?
  6. Xbox Pam goes missing

    Which language are you playing the game in: English How often does the bug occur: Every time Steps: How can you find the bug: Unlock Ginger Island. 1. Go to Ginger Island and spend a few days there 2. Return to Valley on the day of holiday. 3. Attend the holiday celebration as normal. 4. Go to...
  7. Windows [BUG] Pam disappeared does anyone know how to fix on PC?

    Like the title says, Pam went missing. I've googled the problem, but I mostly just find other people with the same issue, no solutions. Im 55+hours into this farm, trying to reach perfection for the first time, and I really dont want to start all over again.
  8. Laissez_Faire_Farming

    Altar of Yoba

    My comment is that the temple needs to be a little bit lively. It would be nice to add a Yoba priest or pastor because nobody is preaching the words of Yoba. It would be more interesting that were some scriptures like the Bible and hymns. I only see Kent, Jodi, Evelyn, and George attending a...
  9. affafy

    Solved Pam not working on Sundays?

    I don't know why but Pam doesn't come to the bus stop on Sundays. I checked the wiki and couldn't find anything anything related to her not being on the bus stop on Sundays. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  10. PlayStation [BUG] Robin building Pam’s house

    I wanted to see if Robin had anything to say while she was building Pam’s house and this is what she said. I mean it’s not really “my house”
  11. PC [HELP][BUG] Pam is *CONSTANTLY* going to the island multiple days in a row

    Dunno if this is a bug but I'm about to commit Pam-icide (somehow...) 1.5.4 single player game, PC via Steam on Windows, a couple mods running (easier Junimo Kart and Prairie King, extra board requests) I'm in Winter, community center is fixed and Ginger Island unlocked. Pam is at Ginger...
  12. Solved Pam on vacation on Sandys birthday

    Just a minor thing... But it would be great if Pam wouldn't spend her day on the beach resort on Sandys birthday. So the player could go to the desert to give a gift to Sandy. Also Emily wouldn't sit in a driverless bus all day long😉
  13. PC [Bug] Game crashes day after vault bundle unlocks

    I started a vanilla game on the beach farm a week ago, and got to year 2 Spring when I was able to complete the vault bundle that unlocks the bus. The day after (I think the 19th), I am able to do work on the farm as normal until about 10am when the game crashes, upon investigating a little bit...
  14. ManiacalSpark

    Writing Duality: A Stardew Valley Story

    Duality A Stardew Valley Story The beer can silently slipped from her limp fingers and fell to the small pile of cans beneath it with a sharp metallic clang as the can joined it's brethren on the filthy, soiled carpet surrounding the couch. With a snore that resembled the snorting of a pig...
  15. Solved [BUG] Incorrect Quest Title

    I just received a story quest in the mail from Pam and I noticed that the title is incorrect.
  16. Cakewalker <3

    Android [SPOILER] Pam 9 Heart Event wont trigger

    Pam's 9 heart event will not trigger. I have had the community upgrade for 8~ years, (ig time) I've had pam at 10 hearts for almost 14~ years, and I still haven't triggered it, if enterted the house and it never triggers, I didn't even know about this heart event until I checked up my progress...