new player

  1. tr0pical

    Playing for the first time.

    So i started playing Stardew Valley today, i go thru the intro, i wake up in bed the next day and i recieved some parsnip seeds. I go outside and wanted to clean up the yard a little before planting the seeds. When i go outside, i see this box to the left of the house, and i'm like oh cool, a...
  2. annie.bells

    Android penny walking on water

    First of all, I apologize because I don't speak English so I used a translator. I was playing quietly looking for a "secret path" that I saw on tiktok, which is behind a tree by the library, I saw it on tiktok and wanted to see if it was true, the thing is that I didn't remember where exactly...
  3. Star-farmer

    New Player!

    i’m a pretty new player to Stardew Valley and was looking if anyone had any tips to get rich! Or just any tips early game in general, it would help a bunch because I absolutely have no idea what I’m doing.
  4. SylviaStarmer

    Hello Fellow Farmers!

    Hello! My name is Sylvia I’m in EST! I am new to star dew but hooked hard! I think I may be up for writing fanfiction for my loves but not sure yet! I’m a writer, reader, and gamer! I look forward to what I learn and can do I play on PC as well as Switch (I’m better on switch!)
  5. yummi

    Help a new player?

    Hello♡ I'm new into stardew Valley (started 2 days ago) there's A LOT I can do so can y'all give me some tips or basic things I could start with? And which bachelor would be the best to marry? I like Alex, couldn't find much things about him tbh ☆

    I just bought the game on my iPhone 15 pro and as the iPhone 15 pro has the little camera bar off the top of the phone, the inventory is mostly inaccessible. In addition as the phone has curved edges, parts of the display are also being cut off. I have the most updated version if that is of any...
  7. SoftViceMaster

    New To The Game, Need Some Tips!

    Hello! <3 I am new to the game, but I have read a bit on it before jumping in and I'm just looking for how to do the most in my first year. Any tips or tricks would be a big help! Info: I have the base farm layout, and play (solely) Single Player on PS4.
  8. oofurry

    New player, need help...

    Hi everyone!!! I am kinda new to this game. I haven't played a whole lot of RPGs, so I am not very...skilled. :hmph: I'm curious if anyone has some tips for beginners who want a thriving town!! I don't know where to begin. I know there are quests to fulfill to you best attain new...
  9. Mod Events not loading

    When ever the events trigger I get an error message, the event fails to load, and it returns to the game. I have tried reinstalling, and removing what I could for possible mod conflicts, but I am honestly at a loss, and any advice would be helpful! Here is the log -...
  10. EternalPigeon

    PC Multiplayer on PC?

    I want to play co-op with other folks on PC (I do have a Switch and have considered getting Stardew on it as well, but for the meantime I only have it for PC). I'm still new to the Stardew community so this would be a more chill game, definitely no hardcore expectations. Under 18 is okay but...
  11. Issue Help Needed; game freezes

    I have a bunch of mods installed and I am still learning. Game was working find until just recently. Went to desert and when i try to return home my game freezes. I return on the bus and i get to the bus stop but that is it. Tried walking home from the desert but then i hit a black loading...
  12. PC Multi-curious

    Hello, I (23yo/ US) guess I'll start with the question: how do you find good people to play with on multiplayer? Is there anything I should look out for besides the obvious? My friends don't play PC, so I'm kinda on my own in virtual spaces, and would like to play with other people. Thing is...
  13. Switch Looking to join or start

    New to game never played online
  14. MissDandy

    Hi Everyone!

    I've been on the forum for almost a week now but I didn't see this section until now. I've been playing Stardew Valley since early 2020, but I'm so happy that I'm finally here on the forum because I finally have people to obsess over Stardew Valley with! When the pandemic hit I was so lonely and...