
  1. PC [HELP] Enter Invite Code not showing "MAC"

    Hello, I've been looking to be able to play Stardew Valley with my girlfriend but, unfortunately, am not able to. I am running the game from Steam, I have tried reopening it around 20 times, I have changed my Steam Name 3 times and created a new account to try and see if it worked, tried on...
  2. Switch [BUG] Switch Local Co-op Unable to join

    I've seen previous threads on this now but there's no resolution that I can find on any of them nor any noticing from developers on this issue. It seems that if you start a Local Connection game and then ever play the same farm online characters that joined via local connection can never rejoin...
  3. Solved Stucked in a day. Help Please.

    Hi Guys! I have a problem with smapi. For about 1 week I have been stuck on the same day, when I go to sleep smapi it reports an error message, I think it is an infinite cycle. The mods I use are the Stardew Expanded Mod (with relative mods) and the Stardew Acquarium Mod (with relative Mods). I...
  4. Nisha33xx

    Switch Looking for gamer friends

    Looking for friends to play switch stardew valley with, hmu
  5. Colonel_C45

    iOS [HELP] Multiplayer

    Howdy. First time speaking on a forum so forgive me for any wrong formats. I was wondering if there was any form of Multiplayer for IOS users, I hadn’t been able to find an option like my cousin and some friends had told me. If there is no multiplayer is there a possibility for future...
  6. Mystical Junimo

    Stables In Multiplayer

    How do stables in multiplayer work? If player 1 builds the stable will that horse be player 1's? Can there only be 1 stable?
  7. PC [BUG] Clipped out of House (Multiplayer, not the host)

    In a multiplayer game I wasn't hosting on, I tried to enter the host house while my horse was at the door, and I found myself in a black void with my horse? The host could hear my actions while they were in the house, but the only way I could get out was to pass out. Not entirely sure what...
  8. PC Beginning streamer looking for partner

    Hey everybody. I'm Robin, I'm from the Netherlands and I'm a beginning streamer. I'm looking for a partner or a group to play with. Ofcourse I will be streaming and it's up to you if you will do the same. I'm still a nobody on Twitch, with mostly only one or two people watching, but I just...
  9. PC Multiplayer Bug?

    Hi, so for the past few days I have not been able to play stardew with my friends. I am the host of the server and there is no invite button or code to enter to join anymore. I have seen numerous reports on steam discussions, on the official forums and on reddit. I'm just wondering if the Devs...
  10. Looking for someone that will create new coop farm. I want to try it.

    Hi everyone, I really want to try coop farm. But I'm not really confident to host for now. Please invite me. :)
  11. PC [HELP] CO-OP unable to join a co-op game

    My gf and I have been playing stardew together. She is on a Macbook, I am playing on a PC. We've had no issues playing together until this latest update. She cannot join my game and does not even have the option to enter a invite code on her co-op screen. Does anyone know any way to fix this?
  12. PC [BUG] Invite and invite code button not showing

    My friend can't connect to any games and when she tries to host the invite and invite code buttons are not showing. She tried this on a mac and a windows computer but it was the same for both. We made sure to run the game through Steam as well. I also don't think it is the router as we tried it...
  13. PC [HELP] Multiplayer Connection Errors

    Hi, I have been trying to play multiplayer with some friends, and I have been able to play with them multiple times already, but whenever I try and access the server now it always gives me the "Connection Failed" error. I have restarted my computer, uninstalled and reinstalled the game...
  14. PC Looking for some people to play and stream with :)

    Hey, I am kinda new to this game, and I started streaming a week ago, so I am looking for some friends to play this game in multiplayer and stream, since I never played it before. Central Europe is my time zone, and I like streaming around 21h(9PM) or a bit later! ;) I play it on Steam so only...
  15. Eh.

    Can you please try to make mobile multiplayer without be in the same wi-fi connection?
  16. lylacsky

    PC Looking for people to play with (maybe modded?)

    Hi! I've been wanting to play a (maybe??? hopefully modded) multiplayer farm but sadly none of my friends actually play stardew... Soo, I'm looking for some people that are maybe in a similar situation? If y'all had discord/skype/hangouts so we could communicate and cooperate better that'd be...
  17. ArKaid

    Switch Hello. I just started playing

    I've had the game for years, but just decided to dive in. I watched an ex play for a bit so i'm fairly familiar. I'm interested in multiplayer, but i'm not sure how it works. Any help is appreciated.
  18. PC [HELP] Problem playing Co-op

    Hello, when I try to play with my GF the only option it appears to her is "LAN", however when I try to connect to her she can´t invite me and also she can´t see the invite code, we have tried multiple things such as downloading Microsoft visual and also looking at her firewall, we are playing on...
  19. PlayStation [HELP] Error (NP-32206-3)

    PS4 New to Stardew Valley and loving the game. However my wife and I cannot connect on multiplayer with our PS4's.. Help???
  20. Lemons_11

    PC Hiya! Welcoming players on to a four corners farm!

    I've recently started playing Stardew during Lockdown and have already invested 45 hours of my life into the game. Super interested to play multiplayer and seeing as none of my real life friends are interested, I've come to the forum looking for people. Let me know if your interested. I'm open...