
  1. Windows Black screen after going to sleep and the game crashes

    Hello, I seem to have corrupted my Stardew Valley save file. Everytime I go to sleep, i get a black screen for some seconds and then my game crashes. I did have mods installed but after this issue i uninstalled all of them including SMAPI and the same issue persists. (I believe the issue might...
  2. ari_oreo

    Issue Mod Updater Crashing on Entry?

    Hey so I'm trying to use the mod updater mod from Platonymous on the nexus (link) but every time I start up my game, SMAPI tells me that the mod has crashed on entry with a ton of info that I can't really read Here's my log SMAPI log I have roughly 19 mods i need to update but this problem...
  3. nemetonyx

    Issue SV freezes when entering Ginger Island

    Hello, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum or anything, I registered just a few minutes ago. I have a problem whenever I get on the boat to Ginger Island after fixing it, I get to the island dock but then the game immediately freezes. Idk anything about mods, I just install them through...
  4. camilapacheco

    Windows First time installing mods and an error showed.

    I was up to install my firsts mods on the game, with the nexus and smapi. I putted one by one and tested in between. It was all ok in this part. But, after a wile, when I openned the game again, the smapi black screen show me some errors in the save games. This is what shows: [game] Exception...
  5. Issue ‘give_flowersB’ was not present

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. So, I’m playing stardew valley write mods and everything else I’d working. But when I try and give a marriageable character a bouquet I get stuck in a dialogue box and have to exit out of the game. It’s happening everytime I try...
  6. Question Mods for Console?

    Hello! Given the fact that the 1.6 update is largely mod focused I have to wonder if CA might be able to one day work with the developers of some of the more popular mods to make their additions to the game available to console players? Of course it's not possible to outright *mod* a console...
  7. Smapi was involved

    I downloaded smapi and got mods to come with, first time booting up stardew valley and this has popped up. if any way can help i would apricate. Any questions please free feel to ask questions.
  8. Issue smapi will not open when i start the game on mac

    i have deleted and reinstalled smapi and every other single mod i have one by one and when i launch the game, it still will not open. i have stardew on my other mac which is my laptop and it opens perfectly fine. i have even tried deleting steam, nothing works. what else can i do about this?
  9. Do mods work offline? (Windows)

    Hi! I am new to Stardew valley mods so I’m sorry if this is basic information but do SV mods require Internet to run? Specifically, I have Stardew Valley Expanded downloaded on my laptop if that detail is needed. Thanks <3
  10. Question Bathroom after 2nd Houseupgrade change kitchen modded textures

    Is there anyway to fix this? Or is there any bathroom mod compatible to interior mods? I want a bathroom but don't want to sacrifices cute kitchen :(
  11. Game crashes when trying to load save, start a new game or go into co-op menu

    So I modded my game a couple days ago and played it two days ago just fine. ( the smapi log) However, I wanted to play vanilla co-op with my friends so I removed the mods folder and added it back and all of a sudden whenever I try to load a...
  12. LunaBlitz

    Coop/Barn shortcut

    Is there a mod out there that has an inside door shortcut between coops or barns? I just want to put two coops side by side (or barns) and walk from one to the other without having to go back outside. Not a big game changer it's what I'd do in real life. I've searched around a bit but haven't...
  13. Issues modding

    i'm new to the modding commulity and i'm having a lot of trouble getting any of my mods to work at all. i already downloaded smapi and have all my mods in the specific mod folder. i also checked to see if the mods i've downloaded need any other downloads i need to get before they can run. i also...
  14. toastedpoorpie

    Issue Stardew expanded red text

    So, on SMAPI it shows this error- Stardew Valley Expanded 1.14.18 because it requires mods which aren't installed (FlashShifter.JA.SVE, FlashShifter.SAAT.SVE, FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedALL, FlashShifter.SVE-FTM). Some people have fixed this exact problem here, however, I have tried...
  15. Issue Game stops loading when moving from one map to another

    Here is the SMAPI log: I tried disabling all the mods, I tried matching all mods with the host of the co-op farm. Still having this issue. I get stuck when moving maps - it says "Loading" in the bottom left and never loads. SMAPI shows an...
  16. esskaysee

    Issue Stardew Valley Expanded won't recognise my files?

    Hi there, I'm relatively new to modding but I've looked extensively at SDVE requirements and I've downloaded them all, but SMAPI keeps telling me I don't have certain files - I can see them installed and in my mods folders so I'm lost as to why it wont recognise them? I've checked for updates on...
  17. Mysterionz

    Question (PC) What mods do you use the most in SDV?

    If you’re not up to speed, I started playing SDV again. I went ahead and I downloaded several quality of life mods for the game, I.e showing the sell price of items or making the fishing mini game easier. What mods are your favorite? I have a pretty tanky computer so it can handle just about...
  18. Can't launch game with SAAT and maybe other errors (Mac player)

    Hi! After a long break from the game I decided to redownload my mods and finish the expanded playthrough but when trying to launch the game I get a few errors, but I've managed to figure out that the SAAT mod is the bad guy because when I remove it, the game launches but SVE won't work, and...
  19. i need mod HELP

    Does anyone know what some of these mods are called? those of the white wood *not trees*
  20. Festival Mods?

    Hi there! Does anyone know if there’s any mods out there that add festivals such as the chicken festival in harvest moon back to nature and things like that? I’m an old time harvest moon fan and I love Stardew as well, but I’m looking to add some harvest moonish flair to my game. Thanks in advance!