mod help

  1. meganeko

    Issues with Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2

    Hello! I have the Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2 mod installed on my 200 hour farm, but the author has abandoned the mod and for 1.6, my chests and everything else is inaccessible, is there any way I can move these around now to get them back into the house? Please help!
  2. my custom character appears in the game but events are not triggered what should I do?

    I want to bring the anime character L Lawlieti to my valley, my character appears in-game, can be spoken to, but I can't trigger heart events. doesn't seem to be much of a problem.
  3. Question More Grass mod in expanded locations?

    Hi y'all, this is my first play through of SDV on Windows, previously I had played it using someone else's copy on PS4, but mods are new to me in general. I hope no one has asked this already elsewhere, but I searched and couldn't find an answer. I have the More Grass mod and Lumisteria's More...
  4. Question How can I translate a mod?

    Hi I'm new to this site <3 I hope to find a healthy and friendly community on it, as it has been very helpful when I have questions to answer or to find mod updates. :sun: Leaving that aside I have a curiosity regarding how I can get to translate mods to another language of course with the...
  5. Lana >-<

    Where can I find NPC house sprites?

    I've started a mod and now I'm doing the character's houses, but I wanted to use in-game sprites. I found some of them but didn't find any of the house sprites. Where can I find it??
  6. LLMikka

    Issue I can't make my mod of changing portraits work.

    I'm new to stardew valley modding. I really wanted to try somehting new so i started studying and stuff and saw that changing portraits was a nice start to try, so i saw tutorials, followed them step by step, but when i try to test my mod it just won't work for some reason and i already tried...
  7. Issue New-ish to modding: Stardew Valley Expanded could not be added to the game "because it's an empty Vortex folder"??

    I've previously downloaded mods for stardew valley but I deleted and uninstalled them all. Today, I decided that I wanted to play modded stardew again so I downloaded vortex and a bunch of mods (and the mods they require to work) but I keep receiving an error code for every aspect of Stardew...
  8. Game Save going straight back to game loading screen

    I've been trying to access my saved game in SDV but every time I try to open it the concerned ape loading screen comes back and reloads the game. I've included all the mods I use plus a screenshot of the error shown. there's an additional error at the top about a different save called Barnables...
  9. sierjona

    Can I put mods on my game using my ipad?

    I’ve been playing stardew valley for a while now and just recently, I thought maybe mods will make my life easier. I also wanna make the map more aesthetic like those maps on tiktok but I seriously don’t know if I could actually add some mods cause I’m using an ipad. :(
  10. GH Peach Body Type Mod (Male)

    -So, I had already had the female body type but I don't usually like using the female (many things to do with Alex), aside from that it works great. So, naturally, I'd want to see if the creator had a male body type for it that was similar just obviously a male (Download found here...
  11. Need help I don't understand When the mouse points, a message box will be displayed.

    I'm trying to create a mod but I still don't understand the principles. Please help explain the work. Thank you. :awe:
  12. SMAPI Help! :(

    Hey friends, not an expert modder by any means so was wondering if someone could tell me whats goin on here! I installed the newest version of SMAPI from vortex through their instller, added SMAPI to non steam games, but when I launch I get this error. Any idea why? Thanks!
  13. teethdonor

    Issue Mods don't work

    I'm using a 2020 MacBook Pro running on MacOS Ventura 13.3.1. I've been trying to use some mods, specifically TimeSpeed, which should work considering everything (SMAPI and Stardew Valley base game) is the latest version. Whenever I start up Stardew with SMAPI installed, it says "running with 3...
  14. Coding Help Map modification won't appear ingame

    Hi! I'm currently building an original NPC for my game. She lives in a side room in the wizard tower. I've created her room using tiled, but am struggling to add it to the actual game. When I enter the wizard tower, the layout change is normal. I am unsure how to remedy this issue and would...
  15. Issue Please Help!! Game keeps crashing when sleeping after going into Mr. Qi's version of the regular mines

    For some reason my game keeps crashing after I spend a day in the mins and I don't know why. It always happens when I go to sleep to end the day (both in bed and pass out). I play modded Stardew Valley on Windows, version 1.5.6. All of my mods and smapi are up to date. Link to the logs of the...
  16. Issue Please help! My game suddenly won’t load!

    Hello! As the title says, my modded game won’t load. Instead, after I click my world it starts over to the Home Screen where ConcernedApe’s icon comes in. I copied what the error log told me, but I don’t know how to read it/don’t know what’s wrong. If you can help, please do, I would hate to...
  17. Json crashed ? Trying to find the issue.

    hello, i downloaded some new mods today and for some reasons Json broke down on 'Characters/Farmer/shirts' and "TileSheets/fruitTrees'. The SMAPI log parser couldnt help. I will upload the whole log as a pdf with the issue marked red. but here again thats what i'm facing. Please help, thank you...
  18. LeKh0aa

    Question How to display/add custom recipes?

    I'm new in making Stardew Valley Mod, specifically "Food Mod". So I have a question, how do I display the recipe that I'm just added? (Pic 1) Do I have to add something else like mod support? Thanks.
  19. help with ridgeside village expansion

    The thing is that every time I enter ridge when it rains the screen stays black and the smapi console is full of errors, I use version and smapi the mod version is 1.1.1, all mods are installed correctly, my platform is android
  20. Question Automate Artisan Valley

    Good morning, does anyone know how I can configure the Artisan valley mod machines to work with the Automate mod?