
  1. PS4 disc version save file

    Hi, everyone. Just wanted to know if anyone else has the same issue as me: bought the SV disc version on PS4 and put nearly 200 hrs into it, then bought the digital version so I could take the disc out and play something else as well, but the save files are not compatible between disc and...
  2. Solved [RESOLVED] Romanceable Rasmodius + Wizard Complete Portraits Compatible with Romanceable Rasmodius +Wizard Romanceable Sprite By Chaekal-Rizum

    I had followed the instructions listed on the Nexus for how to save these files. I downloaded Romanceable Ras Then Wizard Complete Portraits then Wizard Romanceable Sprite I set the config.json for sprites and portraits to "custom" I replaced the vanillawizard.png in the [CP] Romanceable...
  3. Issue PyTK Mod crashed on entry

    I've downloaded the unofficial PyTK mod which I think is for 1.5.5...but I am getting a crashed error. [PyTK] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details: HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method virtual System.Boolean...
  4. Senti_Circus

    PC [HELP] Stardew keeps crashing before I can play it

    So I open Stardew Valley, go to my save file, click on my save file and it goes to the usual black screen before I see my character sleeping, but it c
  5. Senti_Circus

    Issue My game keeps crashing before I can play it

    So I open Stardew Valley, go to my save file, click on my save file and it goes to the usual black screen before I see my character sleeping, but it crashes during that black screen and takes me back to my desktop. How do I fix this?
  6. PlayStation [HELP] Can’t join multiplayer

    Hi, my friends and I have been trying to start a co-op together however we keep getting error when joining whoever is host. It’s only happening to me and another friend who have a ps5. We’ve tried having someone else host, but after one of us joins the other, the other can’t. Basically we can...
  7. Switch Plz Help..Problems Upgrading my Watering Can

    Hello..Im new here Im on a switch and have a problem with trying to upgrade my watering can. I didnt have my watering can to give to Clint the blacksmith and I also didnt have the 5 copper bars either but he still took my 2000 and he didnt say anything and I dont know what to do.His shop...
  8. Switch [BUG] Experiencing frame drops/lag in certain areas

    Wife and I picked up stardew valley on our switch’s and have experienced terrible frame drop and lag. 2 replicatable instances and 1 we can’t replicate. We have a plot of blueberries (18x12) that when watered causes significant frame drops and lag. Unwatered does not cause the issue. We also...
  9. Journi

    Mobile [HELP] Freezing on saving..

    So I've been spending about an hour and my game keeps freezing and closing out when I try to save it, so no progress is being made, and I'm trying to get from the introduction to the actual first day with no luck. Is there anyway to fix this? I really want to play, and it's just not letting me...