
  1. PC [HELP] Lost my save

    I've recently started this new file for the 1.5 update and a few times my game crashed but I've never lost any files from it crashing, but when it crashed this time my save was gone. Before I went into %appdata% to check if the file was gone but it wasn't, I've also been checking steam on what...
  2. PC [HELP] " Failed to start process for stardew valley "

    does anyone know how to fix this

    suddenly, the game closed and the save was lost when restarting. all the save files are there. I tried all the recommendations on the site, but nothing helps. what should I do?
  4. Xbox [HELP] Lost Save Data

    Hello! I play Stardew Valley on the Xbox One and have more than 150 hours into a multiplayer save. I decided to sign into the game and it immediately said 'Connection Failed', thinking it was just a simple error, I decided to sign in again but my save data was completely gone! I have no idea...

    When I go through a black screen (like when I leave my home, go to the town, etc) the game closes. I've reinstalled it, deleted the "..._old" files but nothing works. I did some research and maybe it could be my computer. PLS HELP ME ALL I WANT TO DO IS PLAY WITH MY FRIEND :defeated::defeated: I...
  6. raynettejdc

    Android [HELP] Help me transfer my game

    I cannot seem to transfer my game to my new device. I previously had an Android and I currently have a OnePlus 5 I used OnePlus to switch everything over and it indeed placed the app on my new phone but when I open it, it says there are no saved games. So I sent all the data from my old phone to...
  7. BrazilianGuy

    Solved [HELP] About backup.

    Now I'm trying to buy a PC, already 80% done on my quest for a computer. But I don't know if I should buy stardew valley again to PC, since I brought to mobile. Do I need to buy other copy? If I do, how do I get my character and farm back on PC? Sorry for any misspelling.
  8. smor145

    Xbox [HELP] My Game Crashed and Now My World Has Disappeared

    I am a huge fan of the game StarDew Valley, and I have a world in which I have spent many hours playing, but about a day ago, I was playing Xbox multiplayer with a friend when the game crashed. Since this has happened in the past, I just let it reload. The only thing is that my save file was not...
  9. PC [BUG] Can't connect with my friend over steam.

    Hi everyone! I downloaded Stardew Valley recently and wanted to play with one of my friends. I do not have the option to join her game though, and when I hosted my own farm, she couldn't join either. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  10. PC [HELP] problems starting the game

    hi, so I have problems starting the app and thought someone here might be able to help me. Whenever I try to start the app, a tab opens with the title `Stardew Valley`. Sometimes it is added that it is not reacting. The tab stays white for a few seconds and then crashes. I already tried some of...
  11. PlayStation [HELP] Help!! Need to now how to re receive a rarecrow

    Craft master trophy couldn't pop for some reason even though i've crafted everything, yes everything except for the deluxecrow couldn't receive the recipe at the mail and i've come to the fact that it won't come until I have all rarecrows at the same time even though i've had them all before...
  12. Solved [HELP] Help me, Developer, I can't put any fruit into keg.

    I played on Iphone there're no cursor likes PC version, so i can't put any fruit into keg in red circle ,but i can put into keg in green circle How do i do. is that bug or what? thank you guys
  13. Mobile [HELP] game crashes immediately

    i’m playing on a iphone 7+ and it’s fully updated for the past couple days my app has been completely crashing when i try to open it. it used to just open to a black screen for a second then crash but now it opens to the secret police and chucklefish opening but still crashes immediately. the...
  14. Solved [BUG] Game crashes in CO-OP randomly

    I've tried using both my laptop and desktop, both are having this issue. When I join my friend's game, the game will crash randomly which is weird as I am having no issue at all for the past few days. *Update* I can't even exit my cabin right now as it will immediately crash
  15. Solved Help with my game

    Hello, i have the android version and want to know if i can play my game in an other device and how? Play with my farm in two different devices
  16. Lepidopterous

    Mobile [HELP] My background music is gone.

    II'm on android and no longer have background music. I have birds in the background even when it's raining and sound effects. I think this all happened when I was gifted a juke box. The juke box never worked it just messed up the rest of the game it seems. Is there an easy fix to this? Please...