
  1. Switch Leo hearts not working

    I am unable to gain hearts with Leo. I have given him multiple loved gifts but I still have 0 hearts with him. What can I do to fix this?
  2. Lydia3.3

    Is there a certain amount of days for 1 heart?

    I’m just wondering how many days, roughly, it takes to up one heart with a villager? If you’re giving two gifts a week, and talking every day, roughly how many in-game days?
  3. Solved Cow friendship bug [Xbox]

    On my xbox farm, i noticed a infinate cow friendship bug. when i attempted to milk my brown cow on a forest farm, i did not milk the cow but still got the friendship. i am unsure if this is repeatable and if so i would assume this has been documented already due to the pretty simple conditions...
  4. Windows Spouse friendship/heart bug

    I married Sam and Leah then divorced them. Now I married Elliott while having 10 hearts with Harvey. The problem is my friendship with Elliott is stuck at 10 hearts, too. I have reinstalled the game but my relationship with Elliott is not progressing. I have reinstalled the game but it didn't...
  5. Willy should occasionally send gifts in the mail.

    To my knowledge, Willy is the only adult non-bachelor/bachelorette that doesn't send gifts in the mail after being befriended. To align his behavior with the rest of the villagers, I think he should occasionally send a random tackle (lead bobber, spinner, and trap bobbers are prime candidates...
  6. More NPC Roommates as friends instead of marriage

    Hello. I appreciate that the game allows you to romance eligible npcs at your own pace. Sometimes I don't want to to focus on romance but I still would love my favorite characters to come live with me as platonic roommates. Krobus is basically our only choice right now (that's not bad), I just...
  7. yvvt0379

    When Leo's friendship is lower than 6 hearts, he shouldn't become one of the gift receivers of Winter Star Feast.

    When the friendship between me and Leo is lower than 6 hearts, he shouldn't become one of the villagers I send gifts to. Because he still lives in the Ginger Island and haven't moved into Stardew Valley, so I couldn't find him in the Pelican Town.
  8. Yvi

    My kitty loves me <3

    Just made an account because my favorite part of the game just happened - I got that magical little pop up that disappears too fast to screenshot that told me my kitty loves me! It's little but it's delightful <3
  9. Cooki3

    PlayStation Looking for someone to play stardew valley with.

    Hey, I'm an adult lady from Australia and I'm looking for someone to play stardewvally with me, I'm available most days except Fridays (American Thursdays) during the day. I can be quiet in the chat most of time but can still communicate fine, Also I have a mic, like most people I just...
  10. Itskaz

    Farmer Birthdays

    It would be cute for the player character to have an in game birthday, and on that day 3-5 npcs with the highest relationship stats could send gifts in the mail (If there’s more than 5 npcs that are in a max-stat friendship, and the farmer isn’t in a relationship with them, the npcs that send...
  11. Xbox [BUG] Game crashes on friendhip bulletin board

    Everytime I open the friendship bulletin board recently as soon as I close it my whole game crashes, I've spent over 50 hours on this save and I don't want to lose it but its frustrating 🙃
  12. C7834D3M0N

    Switch [HELP] Issues with Qi's perfection tracker in multiplayer

    We've been trying to complete the perfection list on a multiplayer game by splitting who does selling/recipies ect. The other person initially had more friends in game than I did but was closer to the farm and forage ship so has been focusing on that while ive been running around giving gifts to...
  13. imnvs

    POLL: Which NPCs do you think you should be able to make friends with?

    You can vote for as many NPCs as you would like, one or all or anything in between. So, who are you going to check the box for that you think should be able to love you, and who will you leave the box unchecked for because you think they shouldn't be counted against you when you're going for...
  14. The more you are friends with a NPC that have a shop, the lower are their prices

    Like you would have a pretty rare item in your wallet, maybe call it the Discount Card, that would make you have a discount at each heart you get with Willy, Marnie, Pierre, Sandy, Robin, the Dwarf, Clint, Gus, and Krobus in their respective shops, the friendlier is the NPC (I don't include the...
  15. lazyroll

    Cell Phone - NPC Location

    We should have a purchasable/craftable inventory item like a cell phone that would reveal an NPC location for that day after calling them (should have x amount of hearts with an NPC in order to receive their number). This feature would make it easier to find specific NPC's for HELP Wanted quests...
  16. Villager Emotional Support

    Just a quick idea - when NPCs say something sad or self-conscious, (at a certain friendship level) you automatically give them a hug after. Who doesn't want to hug Jodi after she says she had a dream about not having a family and feeling upset and asking if she's a bad person for it? Thanks!
  17. xenal

    Confusing large penality in Maru 2heart dialogue

    Spoilers I guess
  18. Losermac

    Additions to marriage and children.

    I wanted to post a suggestion that I think would be a massive addition to the game to make some parts more fulfilling and interesting. Marriage and children is such a unique and beautiful concept in a game such as Stardew Valley. It makes the game super interesting and exciting, everything...