
  1. Switch Switch Fishing Bug

    Hey there! Longtime stardew player here and this has me stumped. So, I just started playing Stardew on switch for the first time since the 1.6 update. I’ve been playing on my phone for a while, but decided I wanted to do it on the big screen. The only problem I’m having is trying to fish. While...
  2. Windows Crap Pot Duplication Glitch

    In multiplayer mode, it is possible to duplicate the Crap Pot with the help of a second player! To do this, 2 players have to collect a crab trap placed in the water at the same time. (Right-click) This ensures that the game thinks that both players are picking up the same crab cage and both...
  3. Mac Empty Chest

    hi, pls help i’ve had my world for 4 in game years & i’ve never had any problems. today i woke up & checked one of my chests to see it’s completely empty. is this a bug or a glitch ? is my stuff just really gone ?! it was completely full & full of all of my fishing stuff + rare fish & more.
  4. TssTk

    Windows Mussel does not show up in fish collections

    Mussel does not show up in fish collections, ive tried everything, thecrabpot, picking up from beach, mining it on the beach from the island, selling it on different places, all of that did not count, im out of pocket already bruh.
  5. Can you add two fishing tackles on a fishing rod?

    I play on Xbox and was curious is it even possible to add two fishing tackles on a rod? I know on stardew valley wiki it says that but I feel like you can’t? Also I heard that you can add bait to a hook before adding it on the rod is that true? I’ve tried it and it doesn’t seem it is. Same as...
  6. Sulti

    Master fishing rod didn't increase my fishing skill by 1

    I got enchanted fishing rod with master, but my fishing skill still seems 10, not 11. Does anyone knows why it happens? What did I do wrong? Pleease help me:)
  7. Switch Problems catching the Mutant Carp

    Hello ~ I'm currently on my way to archieve Perfection and for that I'm catching all the legendary fish. But for some reason I'm not able to get the Mutant Carp. It just doesn't bite. I know there's only a 10% chance for it to bite but even with iridium rod(+ master enchantment), curiosity...
  8. Switch Fishing Glitch

    Hello, I just recently download Stardew Valley on my switch lite and I was able to fish once and after that it’s never worked. I can cast the line, and i’ll see an exclamation mark and that’s it. I deleted the game and redownloaded it and it still didn’t go away. Any advice? Thanks!!
  9. Mystical Junimo

    Solved Leveling Up Skills

    It says on my skills tab that I am fishing level 10 but it never said that I leveled up over the night. I am able to catch the legend fish though and that requires fishing level 10. When I go to my skills tab to see what I chose for fishing level 10 it shows nothing. I am in 1.5
  10. Switch [HELP] Fishing Rod w/ Bait

    I have looked up videos and tried to put together how to make it work. I have tried with different fishing rods, using ones I found or bought. I suck at fishing so I have stayed with the training rod because its easier to use. I want to level up my fishing and get the Community Center Finish but...
  11. PC [BUG] Iridium Fishing Rod bug

    I just bought the Iridium fishing rod and when I fished with it, it was fine for 2 throws then it threw It backwards and I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything at all. The only thing that still worked was that time went by thank god so my character passed out eventually. but the whole rod is...
  12. PC Fishing Glitch Stardew Valley Fair

    The game glitches and the character loses the walk animation. Then when you begin to fish the game will lock up and you won’t be able to move