
  1. Odin

    Best book you read in 2024?

    I'm curious what everyone's favorite book from the past year was! It doesn't need to be one that was published in 2024, any book you read in the last year counts. Personally, my favorite book from the past year was actually a sci-fi comic called On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden. It's a really...
  2. iridium quality

    Favorite Marriage Candidate?

    Hi everyone! I know that quite a few threads have been created about the marriage candidates in SDV, but no recent ones that asked everyone's opinions on all the bachelors and bachelorettes. Who was the first person you fell for? Who was the first person you married? Who was the second? Have...
  3. iridium quality

    What's your favorite part of the game?

    Hi everyone! So I wanted to ask the community a question: What is your favorite part of the game? No, I don't mean mechanics such as fishing or mining. I also am not talking about NPCs or quests or even house upgrades. I'm talking about time! I like to classify my saves (timewise) in three...
  4. Jack Of Shades

    Community Question: Favorite Crop?

    Hello! Jack Of Shades, sage and owner of Trium farms here, asking the all important questions to the community! So here it is: What's your favorite crop? Why is it your favorite crop? Does it bring you happy memories from your past? Or does it fill your pockets with money to better your...
  5. Magically Clueless

    Favorite Bachelor/ette!

    Yes, it's time to gather some STATISTICS :gunther: If you could only pick one of the marriage(or roomie) candidates, who is it and why? What reason are they your favorite? Please vote with the poll! I'd love to see your answers too and your own essays. I'll be typing my own down in the thread...
  6. Golden


    Favorite Soundtracks?